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Alexander (DayZ)

Simple solution to disconnect exploit

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just keep making the chicken shits bleed out, thats usually only when they leave anyway. The rest of the "fixes" are pretty tough to get working in arma.

We had a little punk run up on us last night, shoot one of our guys and when i chased his little bitch ass down after shooting him a few times he had d/c'd. This is a regular occurance on those lucky enough to even shoot at us.

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Don't have much more to add at this point, just thought I'd say I'm glad to see both survivors and bandits agreeing that this is an issue.

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A friend and I were getting supplies at the NWA and out of the corner of my eye, while in the gear screen, saw a bandit sneaking up. I X'd the gear screen quickly, turned, and iced him. He DC'd before he hit the ground. We were considering following him to a different server, but he'd just do the same thing there, too.

name was Fglock I think. It was definitely Something-glock.

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I can see this as a problem, and I have not personally DC'd in the middle of a firefight (although if I hear near by shots I may decide that it it time to turn in for the night :P).

However, my biggest concern is that a good number of the solutions I've seen kicked around have the potential to catch more than just the desired audience.

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Just curious' date=' how do other games deal with it? Such as MMOs in a pvp situation?


Sorry this is late I didn't see anyone respond to this on the first few pages. Most MMOs I have played (And I have played a lot) have a system in place where once combat is initiated whether you log off or not you character stay in the world until combat is resolved AKA You die for disconnecting, while and insta kill for combat DC might not be the best solution maybe it could be programmed so they drop to prone and stay there for a bit like the 3 minute knock-out timer or something.

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Simple fix would be to have a 10 second count down the minute you attempt to log off. How to implement that, I have no idea.

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This is right now #1 issue with the game. Possible solutions:

- Add 20/30 sec timer before being able to disconnect.

- If you are hit when you disconnect you keep bleeding offline.

- A system that detects if bullets are flying around you' date=' if true add additional timer on top of the normal one before being able to disconnect.


i was thinking like MMORPG do, if you are bleeding or somehow injuried, you cant disconnect untill you bandage yourself or have a minimum time disconnect, like 5minutes after you bandage yourself or 5minutes after you are injuried. You will exit the game but your player will still be there loged in. Idk if this is dificult to put on this game but this is absolutely something that we all would like to see

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Block logout while flagged for combat.

Disconnect during combat = penalty. MAYBE not death In case of power outages or whatever. But why not. As they ke to say in the other direction, it's a brutal game.

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Just curious' date=' how do other games deal with it? Such as MMOs in a pvp situation?


in most mmos it kills you, but thats because in those games you enter combat. in other games which do not have the ''combat activated'' system like WoW, they just ban you for 1 hour if you disconnect instead of aborting.

/ games like perp etc etc

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Is it possible to let you character stay inside the server for 30sec after you leave the game? This way people will look for a safer place to log out in normal situations and enough time to kill the person trying to alt f4.

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Due to the fact the sheer number of people playing, even video proof would mean someone could just easily change their name a log back on.

- If you change name do you still remain same stuff when you log back on? Or is it based on the name you used or by GUID?

- Do servers admins have access to logs to see who logged on and off when and their GUID?

Based on the answers above, video proof could be enough to ban someone. If in the forums here people also need to include their in-game name and GUID in their profiles it would also leave another trail to find the person as well.

ALT-F4'ing should be a bannable offense and should be disciplined at the highest level.

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Is it possible to let you character stay inside the server for 30sec after you leave the game? This way people will look for a safer place to log out in normal situations and enough time to kill the person trying to alt f4.



Been said a few times in a few different ways, but most people seem to focus on trying to punish players who disconnect. Why not simply prevent them from easily exploiting it in the first place?

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Personially I don't care much about this problem, because I have only seen one real bandit and the rest who call themselves bandit instead act like mass murders, which really does ruin the gameplay since the only option is get shot dead.

So it comes down to why should the victim be a victim if the bandits can't be bandits.

but note i don't alt+f4 out because hell dieing sets me back like what 2 minutes, because lets face it finding good gear is pretty damn easy if you not an idiot.

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everyone does it but only few have balls to admit it...

I am NOT a bandit ....

..... but my party was attacked at the NW Airfield' date=' I was left alone, wounded, Zeds and Bandits approaching - unconscious on the ground 2500 blood left, and bleeding out fast.

I ALT - F4 'd logged into some server with 5 people in the middle of the night - finished dying - disconnected after death, reconnected to the original server and taunted the douche bag in side chat about dying in another dimension aka server

I got a couple of chuckles from others in local .....

I do not consider ALT F4 an exploit, but using the game mechanics to your advantage [like traveling across a server where no zombies are spawning to choice loot locations the logging into a different server for loot then sneaking back out - the way this game is laid out, it is like traveling parallel universes on planet earth ']


..... but I do consider PK'ers / Bandits / Bean Killers PUSSIES for not being man enough to stick out a gun fight they start - short stroking their pathetic little e-penises telling themselves how clever and 'tough' they are .....

I wish this game would tell you who killed you ....... so you can track the little fuck down and return the favor - and post the names of the guilty on the forums, in a wanted dead willing to paypal $$ for 10 confirmed kills - and harass these pricks until they realize killing off the beach noobs for lolz isn't worth the hassle .........

- if this were real life with people be killing others for the last can of beans - sure of course, but would just moral people band together to eradicate these animals yep Most Def ...

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Gilion' pid='11961' dateline='1336459394']

Just curious' date=' how do other games deal with it? Such as MMOs in a pvp situation?


The main reason this isnt a problem in less hardcore MMOs as WOW is the penalty. Dying in wow makes it so you'll have to walk to your corpse and resurrect. You aint loosing any gear. Heck, your gear doesnt even get damaged as it does in PVE. In DayZ though, you might loose hours, even tens of hours, of work when dying. So I suspect that if the penalty for dying would be higher in other MMOs, they would find themself with people trying to find hacks out of the same problem.

Here is how Eve Online does it:

In Eve your ship has the capability to warp. It takes a bit for the ship to align so you have some time to take damage and possibly get destroyed, but if you are able to warp away then you can be safe from the battle.

Other ships have warp jammers that can stop your ship from being able to warp away. Not all players use this. You can sometimes do enough damage to a ship before they warp away without having to jam them in place.

When you log out the game initiates your ship into warp to a random far away location. When you log back in it warps back to your last known location. This happens no matter if you are in a battle or not. Since warping away is already an option it doesn't benefit you to log out. If you are warp jammed and log out then you are in the same situation, except your ship won't be firing back.

Eve Online does have major penalties for dying. You could have a ship that took you months to get destroyed in a second. You also have a chance of loosing skill points on your character.

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i dont think people should be able to log in/out within the limits of a town. would solve a whole of problems the game has.

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My opinion is that if anybody is within so many meters of any weapons fire' date=' they should be considered in PvP.


This is actually a pretty good idea. Detecting weapons fire in ARMA is trivial and is already used in DayZ to determine any possible zombie aggro. Simply adding a function which prevents anyone within a certain range of any weapons fire from DC'ing for a couple of minutes would be a simple but effective solution. Good thinking.

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I'm trying to form a little group of two friends specifically to track them from server to server with the purpose of wiping the smug little smile off their faces

Considering the fact that one can change his name as many times as one pleases....good luck with that

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I've only ever quit a game when I was blocked in by zombies and they just kept coming at me (this wasn't so much as all the zombies were there, they came at me in small pockets and as I shot them, the whole process quite slow, more zeds kept fucking respawning until i had no ammo and no way out).

I did think, "Should I really do this, is it really realistic" but then I did have a can of mountain dew in the pack and that sealed it for me...

Other than for stupid "game engine" situations which are rare, it would be nice but can Arma support this?

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i am not able to change my name at all. is there some line command to do it? i cant change it from the character screen.

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