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I'm Disappointed...

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Right now, all I see when I check my server browser is: "200+ vehicles" "max vehicles" "1400+ vehicles" "500 vehicles, 5 helis" or "custom loadout" "special starting gear".

Have we forgotten what DayZ is about? What happened to that pride of finding a vehicle that you know is unique, repairing it, and saying "Well that's what I did right there. And no one else can say that."?

What happened to "It took me 15 hours to get this AS50, but it's so worth it."?

Now, there are just people mucking around making the server base pretty much as if you were playing regular ArmA 2, stepped into the airfield base, got anything you wanted, and went and captured towns. But with zombies there.

I'm disappointed with the server base right now. It isn't about vehicles, and it isn't about gear. It's about surviving and forging your own existence into the landscape. Gear and vehicles included. When you take that away it just isn't DayZ anymore.

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I completely agree with you.

Put DayZ.nu in your filter and join the community Dev server/s.

Running latest mission build.

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Major beans mate, everyone is nerfing our lovely adrenaline dumping game into a tier 1 weapon carrying, scared of the dark,couldnt be fucked to walk pack o pussies.

Please can the SA have PVE worth banding together against and not fall to the common denominator of no hardship.

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Thank you! This is a major frustration of mine and almost enough to make me not want to play at the moment, why do people play this game if they need someone to hold their hand, make the daylight never stop and spawn you in with NVGs? I think alot of people should re-evaluate why they play this game. Finally there is a fantastic, gritty, realistic survivial game and people won't play at night, or spawn in rainbow pony buses??? Is this a tactic to stop people from facing up to the elements of the game they aren't comfortable with, if so, maybe this is not the game for them. Making a game easier only makes me want to play less. I would rather be HACKED then spend my dayz sessions in 24/7 daylight, loot cycling, even though I dont need it, so I can go and fill up my 10 tents and 5 cars.

Edited by MarvelxGirl
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Yup agreed. This is what happens when server admins have too much control. Remember what happened to BF3?

At least in the SA it won't be possible so the games integrity will stay in tact.

Edited by Fraggle
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The thing is we are all having fun with added vehicles and weapons until SA comes out, I mean do you really want to spend hours and days building up your base collecting your gear to get some hacker destroy everything?

I am playing a private white listed server and now wasteland because I do not see the point what so ever putting hours on end in to a version of the game I will soon stop playing when SA is released.

If there was a solution to the hacking it would not be the case.. We all know why the game has been made easier by admins because its just as easy for hackers to destroy all you have built up.

Edited by zimsabre

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The thing is we are all having fun with added vehicles and weapons until SA comes out, I mean do you really want to spend hours and days building up your base collecting your gear to get some hacker destroy everything?

I am playing a private white listed server and now wasteland because I do not see the point what so ever putting hours on end in to a version of the game I will soon stop playing when SA is released.

Perfect Example! When was DayZ about building up bases and collecting gear... its about surviving. Seems like you are playing GTA in a DayZ Server. If you are playing on a WL PH, why are you afraid of hackers? The SA was announced a while back now too... why not just stop playing then.

Edited by MarvelxGirl
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The thing is we are all having fun with added vehicles and weapons until SA comes out, I mean do you really want to spend hours and days building up your base collecting your gear to get some hacker destroy everything?

I am playing a private white listed server and now wasteland because I do not see the point what so ever putting hours on end in to a version of the game I will soon stop playing when SA is released.

If there was a solution to the hacking it would not be the case.. We all know why the game has been made easier by admins because its just as easy for hackers to destroy all you have built up.

Thats the problem, its about the adventure, not the inventory list of the extra gear for the war your not going to fight.

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Perfect Example! When was DayZ about building up bases and collecting gear... its about surviving. Seems like you are playing GTA in a DayZ Server. If you are playing on a WL PH, why are you afraid of hackers?

You have completely missed my point! My god... Your telling me that after days on end of surviving with your friends you wouldn't have a tent? A car? And try hide them from other players?

What the hell is survival then? How to you rebuild society on a post apocalyptic zombie word?

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Thats the problem, its about the adventure, not the inventory list of the extra gear for the war your not going to fight.

And bandits join you around campfires to sing kumbaya.

Edited by zimsabre

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And bandits join you around campfires to sing kumbaya.

Or optionally form a perimeter with overwatch and rape said bandit, thats dayz isnt it?

Everyone here should try dayz 2017, you can download it at opendayz and it makes the game so much more hardcore, where stuff takes a while to get.

Yep its very nasty and visceral....good times:)

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The thing is we are all having fun with added vehicles and weapons until SA comes out, I mean do you really want to spend hours and days building up your base collecting your gear to get some hacker destroy everything?

I am playing a private white listed server and now wasteland because I do not see the point what so ever putting hours on end in to a version of the game I will soon stop playing when SA is released.

If there was a solution to the hacking it would not be the case.. We all know why the game has been made easier by admins because its just as easy for hackers to destroy all you have built up.

I believe your point was that 'whats the point of building up my bases and gear just to have a hacker destroy it'. Thats what it looks like to me. Well on PH, especially Whitelisted ones there is a very minimal risk of a hacker entering and destroying everyones stuff, thats why whitelisting is so popular. So you have your WL safe server, that has active admins and then decide.... even though hacking is not such an issue.... to make 24/7 Daylight, 500+ vehicles, spawn in with weapons and NVGs. Was this to compensate for hacking or to pander to the pathetic players that only want to take the parts of this game that appeals to them and not the rest. Survival is not hording, its taking what the game gives you and making the best of it, not changing the essence of the game to make it easier for people to have a lil fun before the SA comes out. Shouldn't you be preparing and training your DayZ skills for the SA rather then letting it go to waste?

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Wow guys listen I play a white listed basic server we have fun we adventure in to town in groups and survive the game I know what your all talking about as well as pass time by playing wasteland until What I really am looking forward to is released.. Please refrain from taking your frustrations out on me as I simply surmised as to why this could be by giving my reasoning.

Edited by zimsabre

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Wow guys listen I play a white listed basic server we have fun we adventure in to town in groups and survive the game I know what your all talking about as well as pass time by playing wasteland until What I really am looking forward to is released.. Please refrain from taking your frustrations out on me as I simply surmised as to why this could be by giving my reasoning.

Please dont get upset about us venting our frustration about your playstyle, on a topic about the frustration of your playstyle :)

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Wow guys listen I play a white listed basic server we have fun we adventure in to town in groups and survive the game I know what your all talking about as well as pass time by playing wasteland until What I really am looking forward to is released.. Please refrain from taking your frustrations out on me as I simply surmised as to why this could be by giving my reasoning.

This has in no way become personal and no-one is taking anything out on you. You gave your reasoning, I questioned it and showed flaws behind it and now you don't know where to go. I have fun in this game too, but it doesn't come from everything being handed to me on a silver platter.

Edited by MarvelxGirl
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Lol this is why I love dayz the variety of play styles and the players interpretation of how to survive a zombie apocalypse with the tools given to them.

Edited by zimsabre

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Lol this is why I love dayz the variety of play styles and the players interpretation of how to survive a zombie apocalypse with the tools given to them.

I love that too! I just don't like when the tools that are given to them are in excess or unnecessary, as the tools you are given will effect your gameplay.

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This has in no way become personal and no-one is taking anything out on you. You gave your reasoning, I questioned it and showed flaws behind it and now you don't know where to go. I have fun in this game too, but it doesn't come from everything being handed to me on a silver platter.

It's not that I have no where to go with my reasoning lol, all your saying is you too would have amassed what I would of but it would take you longer which is what I'd be doing but don't see the point as SA will be here soon.

Sorry I'm having fun arguing my current play style change the thread title!!

Edited by zimsabre

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Lol this is why I love dayz the variety of play styles and the players interpretation of how to survive a zombie apocalypse with the tools given to them.

Thats right, some peoples interpretation of survival is taking all the risk elements out and surviving.

While other peoples interpretation of survival on a zombie apocalypse game may be to fight for survival wih all the risk that comes........even hackers.......but its hard to see a line between hackers and

nerfers,both cant handle the game laid before them and change it to suit.

Edited by aVIOLATEDmonkey
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It's not that I have no where to go with my reasoning lol, all your saying is you too would have amassed what I would of but it would take you longer which is what I'd be doing but don't see the point as SA will be here soon.

Sorry I'm having fun arguing my current play style change the thread title!!

I never wanted to "amass" anything, never saw the point and I love the adrenalin rush of starting with nothing.

I would love to have fun arguing or debating with you too, but I am finding it harder and harder to even understand your posts...

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Problem with people these days is that nobody wants to really immerse themselves into games anymore. They want the best weapons and vehicles straight away with no work.The game is about the journey, take call of duty as an example, the game comes out and within a month people are hacked to the highest level, the fun in the game is working your way up through the ranks etc! (enough of call of duty, this is DAYZ! :P)

Where is the fun in spawning in with all the weapons you want, running 10 minutes down to coast to have at your use, at helicopter or jeep? The point of this game is to start with nothing and use the wasteland to survive, roaming the lands scavenging what you can and making the best of it. As many people say this game is meant to be realistic. Say a zombie apocalypse happened in real life, your not gonna get a drop down menu pop up in front of you offering you guns, no your gonna have to search the area finding what you can! I think people really need to take a step back from the computer and really think about what game itself and really immerse your self into the game as if it is real life...

..and trust me, it will be a whole lot more fun! :D

Edited by The Shadow
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Wow, this thread has really taken off. Anyway, i'll address some of your sayings w/o quotes because my phone doesn't like it and I'm riding passenger on the interstate.

The main thing is that I love private hives. Not only does it prevent people who get AS50s on an empty server from joining in, but it prevents ghosting as well. Also, PHs are usually more secure, faster, and more community oriented. I spent an hour joining over 30+ servers and they all had vehicles or custom loadouts that just made it stupid.

For my accomplishment in DayZ, all I want is a clean, organized camp with 1 vehicle and a collection of CZs, Winchesters, Enfields and double barrels. Then I go hunt bandits and be a medic. I haven't had a hacker pop up in a long time. A month or two, actually.

Even so, once I die, my camp, vehicles, and gear are left to the buzzards. I don't retrieve them under any circumstance, unless its NVGs because there's just no finding those. So hackers destroying my work isn't a big concern. I like how I operate and never have a proem with doing it because starting over is fun. I often kill myself because I don't like the way I got my gear or the game played out, just because.

I don't want everyone to play like this, but keep respectable distance. I mean, I spent 2 days up and down the coast and inside Chernarus trying to find a vehicle, and did not even find a bike.

Now you go in and see a working GAZ on a red carpet? Work for it. This game is about reward and consequence, as well as what I said in the OP.

So I'll be starting a thread soon about playing on some good private hives for some maps that I know are good, and I'll link it here when it's up. It'll be like a community thread, so we can all agree to play on these certain servers so they aren't so empty. We won't play together, just on the same servers, unless you want to. This way all the pro-hardcore players can have a fun little community to battle with. If anyone starts this thread I'm talking about I will stalk you ingame so hard you will never want to play again. This is my thread idea and please respect that I can't get it up yet but i will when I can.

See you all soon, on the real proving grounds.

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