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Strange sight in Tikhaya Bay

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I was playing on "US 3089 (v1.7.4.4/Beta 97448) [Veteran] [3DP:ON] [GMT-7] dayzmod.com - hosted by MOOOCOW | SurvivalServers.com" and I had a death by glitch inside a construction site in Tikhaya Bay (where the two bridges are outside of Kamenka) and had to run back to get all my gear.

Strange thing is, there isn't supposed to be a construction site there. I'm used to private hives adding in extra buildings and whatnot, but this was on a public server. It had loot and zombie spawns as well. I checked a couple other servers including dayzmod.com ones and they had no building in that location.

Here you can see the building behind the bridges after I lost the zeds following me:



Edited by Gews

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If it's a public hive, there shouldn't be a construction site there.. Probably hackers. I've had some experience with additional buildings on private hives though. Like a random church in middle of nowhere.

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