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Suggested Build for Computer

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At the moment I dont have a computer that could run Dayz, but i plan on getting one for games in general. The highest cpu/gpu intenstive game will be Dayz. So what would be a suggested build for being able to run DayZ. I dont mind playing on Medium to Low Settings as there are other games i have that i can play. What would the build cost and where would i get the pieces from. (I live in Australia, so it will be different fro those around the world)

At the moment I have the mouse, keyboard and monitor which cuts out some items.

Hopefully the standalone game will require lower specfications. At the moment my budget is fairly high, but I would like to save as much as I can for other things.



(If you need any more details just let me know)

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I highly recommend Digital Storm. These guys are top notch.

If you want to save cash, you can go with a level 1 Marauder - I'm actually one paycheck away from a level 4 Marauder.

Level 1: $799


Level 2: $999


Level 3: $1259


Level 4: $1299




These guys kick ass. I love their stuff.

If you want a video of the Marauder here it is:

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OK thanks, at the moment my budget is low, I have my birthday and christmas money plus work money to add up. So I if work enough and save from other things it may pile up to about 600 or so. But I could wait a bit, but it is best to purchase the standalone game early for the best discount.

But thanks for that. I think the $799 looks great, just to be sure, are they based in Australia? And if so do you know what cities?

Thanks again.

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OK thanks, at the moment my budget is low, I have my birthday and christmas money plus work money to add up. So I if work enough and save from other things it may pile up to about 600 or so. But I could wait a bit, but it is best to purchase the standalone game early for the best discount.

But thanks for that. I think the $799 looks great, just to be sure, are they based in Australia? And if so do you know what cities?

Thanks again.

They are based in the United States, however; you can select the model you want and go all the way to checkout and then check your rates that way. :)

It seems they only ship to the U.S. and Canada. I was going to see if I could find out for you.

Well that stinks. :/

If you know someone you wouldn't mind shipping it to in one of those countries then having them ship it to you, you could do that (I did that for a friend who lived in the UK a few years ago).

Edited by Pyro_Marine

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Ok thanks, but that also depends on the shipping price. If it is costly then i dont think i would bother. I will still have a look just to keep my options open. THanks

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I just checked the shipping from US to AUS and it would look like it'll be $350-$450 which is pricey, SO - with that being said here is what I could recommend:

Check out the $799 Marauder. Look at all the hardware in it and make a list.

THEN - go to the computer parts company of your choice (NewEgg, Tiger Direct etc.) and just simply order those same parts and build it yourself. In the end you'll get the same setup and cheaper with the exception that you (or a friend if you know someone) will have to put it together. :)

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