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Looking for team/group +3 GMT

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Edited by iarepeasant

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im down :D dont have skype tho

get it then :)

if it ain't allowed in your country get hotspot shield, turn that on, and download skype, won't need to use hotspot everytime.

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get it then :)

if it ain't allowed in your country get hotspot shield, turn that on, and download skype, won't need to use hotspot everytime.

okay! :D

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My timezone is GMT+00 and I'm a experienced DayZ player. I'll add you on skype.

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hey if you dont mind me asking, would you guys be interested on playing on a private hive server? me and a bunch of my friends back on survival union are looking for some new guys to play with as well as active players who wont mind playing in teams

we have a ts 3 server as well as a forum at http://www.survivalunion.com/ w/ rules and etiquette. we also have random events occuring like the xmas giveaway where random tents are on the map and a general location is given for you to find it! as of right now i think the server does not have a lock so you can join away but making a forum name will keep you updated on everything we do especially if we decide to lock the server for a few.

i dont think timezone will exactly effect who you will see on the server, theres usually at least 4 other players on whenever im on as well as 5 other people on the dayz ts. If you decide to join i hope to see you guys soon for i may join your group :) if not GL surviving

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