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Whats 'your' worst thing about this patch

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imo its the zombies awareness, dont mind spawning with no weapon, but zombies will see me within 5 mins of spawning.

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That i've spent 10 hours trying to make the game that i just bought work, and to my "surprise" no success. I REALLY enjoy wandering a blank plain for hours on in with nothing on it.

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Except Rocket will most likely fix this, then the majority of you will change from, it's balanced and intended to, It needed a fix, Rocket knew what he was doing etc.

Damn Sheep, go back to your farm.

(Personally don't care about the new zombie tweaks, whenever something benefits or detriments me ingame I just adapt and move on.

That doesn't mean Sheep that change their opinion to whatever is current ingame don't annoy me.

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Zombies are fine as they are. A little patience is all it needs. Learn how the zeds operate. Remember, if they aren't looking at you they cant see you, but they can hear you...

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The crying.

Seriously ... stfu. =)

Couldn't agree more.

(Personally don't care about the new zombie tweaks' date=' whenever something benefits or detriments me ingame I just adapt and move on.

That doesn't mean Sheep that change their opinion to whatever is current ingame don't annoy me.


I agree on that point. The worst thing about new patch day is the new patch blues. Yes, it's different. Adapt. Acquire. Survive.

I don't think we should tear into these people as badly, but I wish the mods were around to lock all of these repeat threads. No need for 20 "What annoys you" threads..... One will suffice.

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imo its the zombies awareness' date=' dont mind spawning with no weapon, but zombies will see me within 5 mins of spawning.


you mean you get yourself discovered by zombies within 5 mins of spawning.

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imo its the zombies awareness' date=' dont mind spawning with no weapon, but zombies will see me within 5 mins of spawning.


you mean you get yourself discovered by zombies within 5 mins of spawning.

How about spawning in Kamenka and having 3 zombies on you immediately? How about zombies that still attack through walls?

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- Zombies attacking through wals

- Zombies walking through closed doors

- Zombies with great vision (this wouldn't be that bad, if they didn't have other super abilities, like super apeed and zig zag at blinding speeds in front of you, etc)

- Starting with no weapon (if a zombie sees you, and it will see you with it's new supervision, you're done)

I think the new LOS for zombies should only be implemented after some other aspects and bugs are fixed and balanced.

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Increased zombie awareness. I'm not a great player, and for people who aren't great players it's a little tough. I can avoid player-trouble, it's the zombies that give me trouble.

I suggest having more aware zombies the further north you go :) Purely a gameplay mechanic that one.

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The worst bug in the patch is the FPS / spawn rate issue. But Rocket has already promised a hot fix for this.

The worst thing about the patch overall is all the whiny, thoughtless , two dimensional bitching about it on the forum. It's quite frankly embarrassing.

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The crying.

Seriously ... stfu. =)


imo its the zombies awareness' date=' dont mind spawning with no weapon, but zombies will see me within 5 mins of spawning.


you mean you get yourself discovered by zombies within 5 mins of spawning.

yeah no, im stealthy, i have played stealth games all my life and i love playing stealthy, i dont want to be traveling miles prone thanks.

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The worst bug in the patch is the FPS / spawn rate issue. But Rocket has already promised a hot fix for this.

The worst thing about the patch overall is all the whiny' date=' thoughtless , two dimensional bitching about it on the forum. It's quite frankly embarrassing.


No the worst are people who simply think that the current Zombies are fine. If you have NVG and walk around late at night you'll easily see that they are literally blind as bats at night, and yet during the day they have beyond eagle eye vision and can spot you from a mile away. This is already on top of their super zigzag speed, along with their new found super ability to instantly break bones at the drop of a hat.

I'm pretty sure Rocket knows this isn't working as intended, otherwise he would have started trolling people now by just calling them bads. It's one thing to have a realistic and dire situation. It's another to just make the game completely unfair for a new player.

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