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Low Pop vs High Pop Servers

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Low Pop


-Less Hackers, Survive MUCH Longer

-HUGE FPS and performance increase

-Easier to get your friends on and play

- A bit less stressful really and more relaxing


-Cant really think of any....

High pop servers


- more players to play with


-Less Loot

-Huge FPS decrease

-A lot of players could be hackers

I think a lot of the hardcore players have found a nice small or private server to play on. What do you prefer?

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High pop Private hive.. "surviving" gets boring. Get a gun and head north.

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High population server.

Low population servers are much easier to get a footing on and get geared up, but the competition on higher population servers is much more fun.

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high pop. to me, going on low pop is cheating, because having player encounters are the point of the game, and zs aren't that much of a threat anyway atm. on high pop it is MUCH more intense and challenging, and it also makes you think "should i go into this city? and it is awesome looking over a town with binocs and see what the players in that area are doing. it is awesome, but yes, it is bound to piss you off alot more. but that is the point.

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It really depends what you are looking for. If you want to just scavenge and horde loot and/or kill some zeds with your friends, than yeah, low pop is the way to go. If you want intense PvP and get an adrenaline rush just passing by a city then you want high pop.

It's just if you want to get amazing gear and keep it, it's nearly impossible to do on high pop. But then the dilemma occurs of, if you're only playing on low pop, what's the point of all this amazing gear? Just gotta find a happy medium that works for you.

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Low pop in the week because im shattered on the week die to demanding job. High pop on the weekend when im more awake. Prefer high pop over all as its a bit boring on low pop.

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