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Banned from BattlEye #0431f1

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I haven't played DayZ in a long time and plan to get back into it, only to find out I can't join any servers because I'm apparently banned from BattlEye #0431f1.

I've never used any hacks or been banned before.

Has anyone else had this issue or the same ban number?

Edited by Akamari

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I've never used any hacks or been banned before.

Sure you haven't.

Atleast come up with a unique story! It's ethier "I haven't played in awhile and I came back and I was banned OMG HALP!" or "I randomly was banned while playing OMG HALP!" Sorry for being a dick, but I don't believe you. The only way you can be banned is by downloading scripts, getting a virus and your CD key stolen/Using scripts and getting banned/downloading some shady program off of youtube and also getting a virus. The latter being unlikely, since you have to be a pretty ignorant of the internets to download it.

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You'll need to contact Battleye as they issue the bans, not us.

You might want to remove those accounts you have on various hacking sites first, including the one about WarZ hacks.


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Hello there

Read all the appropriate stickies and check the info at the BE site.

There's 2 main reasons for a GB.

1. you or someone using your PC scripted

2. you or someone using your PC downloaded a key stealer disguised as another program (a DAYZ optimiser for example)

If it's a non legit ban BE will overturn it. But those are rare.



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