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Infected can 'smell' low humanity...

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Another suggestion to introduce more consequence to banditry:

infected can smell/sense low humanity too, and are attracted to it... some possible results of this, which could scale with how low humanity is:

- increased aggro range?

- don't need LOS to a bandit, as they can smell them

- can't hide from infected?

- infected will prioritise attacking low humanity?


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The idea that either people or zeds can detect how good or bad another player is by smelling of them, looking at them, moving their cursor over them or any other hocus pocus mumbo jumbo is LUDICROUS.

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The idea that either people or zeds can detect how good or bad another player is by smelling of them' date=' looking at them, moving their cursor over them or any other hocus pocus mumbo jumbo is LUDICROUS.


Just like the concept of a zombie then.

I actually like this suggestion, its small enough to not have a deterent effect on people who want to be bandits but its large enough to stop people griefing out of boredom. There may well be technical limitations of course but I certainly would approve of such a system.

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All this will do is keep the bandits in the trees sniping at you survivors looting towns.

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This would be a subtle incentive to not play bandit. This could make up for the removed bandit skins. Why not give it a try. If it doesn't work, it could be removed again.

I don't really care if it is realistic or not. There is enough stuff in this game that isn't realistic. And rocket is right, it's not about realism, it's about authenticity.

Sure, bandits might stay outside towns and snipe those in them, but then again, that's what they are doing already anyways.

With this, you could still choose to play as bandit, but it would give you something to take into consideration also.

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So bandits have increased pheremone production? Bad foot fungus? No, wait, zombies can see auras. Can bandits wear crystals around their necks to counteract this?

It's not subtle. It puts one style of play at a distinct disadvantage in comparison to others in regard to basic requirements to survive. To say that one class would interact with zombies differently on a basic level as a reaction to how they play, instaead of them choosing to interact with zombies a certain way, is classic classism. The only thing that should distinguish play styles is the styles of play. Digest that chiasmus.

BTW ammo doesn't grow on trees...but it does tend to grow on survivors.

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Stop punishing one play style. It's a sandbox, not some "rebuild civilisation" MMORPG

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Sounds to me like you don't like the way some people play a game...

Making this game is all about co-op and carebears will derail this game. This game is about SURVIVAL, and enjoying the thrill of trying to figure out weather or not the guy in Stary's supermarket is friendly or not. Making this MOD, mind you, solely about sticking together will ruin the realism aspect. In a real world situation (take the tsunami in Japan for example: widespread looting, lack of power, drinkable water, food, etc.), people will try to survive on their own, as it is easier.

If you want a zombie co-op game go play Dead State.

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Heh, I'm exploring how you introduce consequences to killing, not making it about co-op or carebears....

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Making this game is all about co-op and carebears will derail this game.

While making this game all about griefing and PKing is fine? There needs to be some mechanism to make a blanket shoot on sight policy a bad idea. As it is there is nothing and co-operative play is very difficult outside of preformed groups. This game was never intended to be a deathmatch but it is slowly becoming one.

I fail to see how this mechanism, if properly implemented, would make this game a 'carebear' haven (a perjorative term if ever there was one) given that PvP is and always will be essentially unrestricted and utterly deadly. There needs to be something to make people weigh up the pros and cons of pulling the trigger.

Good PvP in an open world sandbox game requires fine balance and DayZ has some way to go yet.

It would also be a really good idea to actually think before you post, this forum has begun to devlop a really bad reputation (I have even seen it likened to Blizzard's) and it isn't hard to see why.

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What does low humanity smell like exactly? Does it smell anything like a whiny little bitch who posts a really stupid idea on the forums because he doesn't like those mean ol' bandits?!

Here are a few "suggestions" for you:

Don't run to Starry as soon as you find a Winchester in Cherno.

Dont go to the airfields alone or in the daylight.

Don't make stupid suggestions that don't make any sense because you dont know how to survive.

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Please at least attempt to make a valid response and not repeat the same tired old cliches. That post was worthy of a bot.

Given that Rocket has already stated that a revised humanity system is going to be implemented then I suggest that you open your mind a little.

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This game was never intended to be a deathmatch but it is slowly becoming one.

And the world was never intended to be filled with zombies and now it is (in the game). What's your point? Adapt to survive. humanity goes out the window in an apocalypse. People will kill each other, deal with it or go play the sims, kthxbye.

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And the world was never intended to be filled with zombies and now it is (in the game). What's your point? Adapt to survive. humanity goes out the window in an apocalypse. People will kill each other' date=' deal with it or go play the sims, kthxbye.


Well said.

If we add some disadvantage to being a bandit there needs to be an advantage. The same applies to having good humanity.

I'm sure rocket already has something in mind for all of this anyways.

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The idea that either people or zeds can detect how good or bad another player is by smelling of them' date=' looking at them, moving their cursor over them or any other hocus pocus mumbo jumbo is LUDICROUS.


The problem is this. Unlike real life, there is nothing to truly discourage people from randomly killing people in DayZ. In real life, the consequences are much more severe for doing so. Therefore, to artificially create consequences, you sometimes have to create unrealistic conditions in order to more accurately reflect realism on the meta scale of the game. "hocus pocus mumbo jumbo" is necessary to create a realistic game sometimes; this is simply the nature of video games.

Now, do I agree with this suggestion? No. But dismissing it because it is unrealistic is not a valid argument. The reason I am against it is because there are more realistic options available to discourage random killing (such as a "mental state" statistic that changes when you kill people... as it changes, you might hear noises where none exist, enter shock, eat/drink a lot more, etc). This would help to represent the very real psychological changes that would occur given the circumstances.

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The idea that either people or zeds can detect how good or bad another player is by smelling of them' date=' looking at them, moving their cursor over them or any other hocus pocus mumbo jumbo is LUDICROUS.


Just like the concept of a zombie then.

As I have stead before, if you're going to use the excuse "well Zombies aren't real either" that opens the door to add aliens, fairies, unicorns, jetpacks, trolls, vampires or any other ridiculous thing someone comes up with.

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What's your point? Adapt to survive. humanity goes out the window in an apocalypse. People will kill each other.

This is absolutely not true. Real life crisis', catastrophes, anarchies, civil wars etc. have shown time and time again that humans are pack animals and prefer to travel in groups. Being in groups greatly increases the chance of survival.

In real life you can judge a stranger by body language, expression, clothing etc. In this game you can't. OPs suggestions are ridiculous but I'm totally for some kind of visual representation of low humanity. Be it blood on clothes/face, different posture etc.

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This is absolutely not true. Real life crisis'' date=' catastrophes, anarchies, civil wars etc. have shown time and time again that humans are pack animals and prefer to travel in groups. Being in groups greatly increases the chance of survival.

In real life you can judge a stranger by body language, expression, clothing etc. In this game you can't. OPs suggestions are ridiculous but I'm totally for some kind of visual representation of low humanity. Be it blood on clothes/face, different posture etc.


There has been no real event/crisis anywhere in the world that would be considered apocalyptic. Horrible events have taken place, but nothing has ever been the end of the world as we know it. If most of the human race was killed off, and there was no more law and order, it would be anarchy and chaos. People wouldnt be so eager to band together with strangers in a situation like that. That would bring about a lot of violence between people because they are either afraid of others, or maybe some just cracked under the stress of it all and started killing anyone they saw, and some people would just be plain evil and kill for fun.

As for the second part of that... we can judge someone based on many things, but it doesnt mean we are going to judge them right. Thats a truly ignorant statement to make.

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In addition to my suggestion, you think twice before killing player/becoming a "bandit"

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Adding penalties to anything will just result in more whining. So my answer is no.

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If the infected could sense a difference between bandits and survivors, they'd prolly let bandits be.

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