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Cant connect to servers

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I have encountered a problem where by when i click to join a server it says File C:\Users\Myname\Documents\ArmA 2\ArmA20A.cfg, line 0: '.Most': 'v' encountered instead of '='. I have no idea what this means... however when i looked in my dayz commander in recent i suspect that someone has used my account since i have not been on for the passed month and it has a number of servers listed between that time (i hope someone hasnt hacked my account :L) anyway any help would be appreciated since i want to play dayz once again :D


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The error you are getting sometimes occurs if the game crashes. You can try deleting that cfg file and it should replace it with a new one when you launch the game, you might need to redo some of your binds/settings though.

As far as I know the server history that is displayed in DayZCommander is grabbed from your local settings.xml file, meaning if you are seeing servers in your history that you never joined, someone else is using your PC to do so. If they "hacked" your account and were using it somewhere other then on your own PC, it wouldn't show up in the history. Bear in mind DayZCommander adds servers to your history as soon as you double click on them so will show up in your history even if you never actually played there.

Edited by smasht_AU
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