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A funny thing happened today.

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So I joined a server today as I was making my way to Cherno. Some guy in the side chat was saying he is going to give everyone a Christmas present. He then said he was going to teleport everyone and give them loot. I thought it is most likely some kid hoping everyone will quit so he can have the NW airfield to him self or something.

But a minute later he teleported everyone to near Stary. He then said everyone go prone. Funny enough everyone went prone except the odd few who ran off. I was about to quit until he said everyone who does not want there Christmas present leave the game now. I noticed people with snipers and high powered weapons next to me so wile they where not looking. I took a peep in there backpacks DMR and plenty of ammo. So I pretty much just kept rolling around peeking in peoples backpacks and taking there guns.

I logged out and joined another server geared up to the teeth. At first I felt bad but thinking on these people all stayed in the server to get hacked weapons so they deserved to be robbed imo.

I hate hackers and script kiddies on DayZ but am sort of happy this happened.

Before I get flamed to be clear. I did not get any hacked weapons. In fact wile I was there the kid just kept going on and on and spawned noting. All I did was took advantage of people who didn't remember other players can access there backpacks if there to close.

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Meh, random hacked weapons are the black market of Dayz. As long as the weapon is a legitimate type, I don't care if other players pick up hacked weapons, as long as they're not hacking themselves.

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So I joined a server today as I was making my way to Cherno. Some guy in the side chat was saying he is going to give everyone a Christmas present. He then said he was going to teleport everyone and give them loot. I thought it is most likely some kid hoping everyone will quit so he can have the NW airfield to him self or something.

But a minute later he teleported everyone to near Stary. He then said everyone go prone. Funny enough everyone went prone except the odd few who ran off. I was about to quit until he said everyone who does not want there Christmas present leave the game now. I noticed people with snipers and high powered weapons next to me so wile they where not looking. I took a peep in there backpacks DMR and plenty of ammo. So I pretty much just kept rolling around peeking in peoples backpacks and taking there guns.

I logged out and joined another server geared up to the teeth. At first I felt bad but thinking on these people all stayed in the server to get hacked weapons so they deserved to be robbed imo.

I hate hackers and script kiddies on DayZ but am sort of happy this happened.

Before I get flamed to be clear. I did not get any hacked weapons. In fact wile I was there the kid just kept going on and on and spawned noting. All I did was took advantage of people who didn't remember other players can access there backpacks if there to close.

Why you didnt kill those players? They could have grenades in backpacks.

Edited by RomaTheBest

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