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My Huge Suggestion Box +2000 Words

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Before everyone gets all up in arms about these suggestions, remember that they are, in fact, suggestions. These are personal improvements I think that could be made in assisting the game in the aim of becoming more immersive. They are not so much actual suggestions, but more inspiration for the developers and the general community to help form further features/suggestions. Ahead lays a 2000 word dot-point essay so heads up (took me two hours to write :L)

I have made a literal fuck ton of suggestions, so to tackle them in no particular order:

- Additional clothes added and all have subtle advantages and disadvantages for the wearer, to create an RPG like system for clothes, for example:

  • * The Ghillie Suit is rarer and only found at military related structures/areas, but wearing it will give you a -1 visibility paired with a +1 audibility to infected.
    * The Camo Clothing could come with an ability such as +1 damage protection to the chest area, but more zombie damage vulnerability.
    * Another armour could be added, decreases zombie damage by a tiny amount and reduces the rate of which you lose body temperature, but slows overall movement and increases the rate of which your character needs to drink.
    * A final example would be very casual/loose clothes that decrease the rate of thirst/hunger and increase movement speed, but increases the rate of temperature loss and allows zombies to do a tiny bit more damage in terms of blood loss

- More equipment on a new spawned character; stuff like a Watch and a Morphine syringe (I mean come on, what kind of person owns a Kevlar vest but not a watch or compass?

- Electronic equipment such as a Flashlight, GPS, Rangefinder and NVGs require batteries that drop as general loot (increases the amount of stuff and means that you can't use them infinitely, spearing the use of NVGs and flashlights

- When players eat canned food such as Beans, it drops an Empty Tin Can at the players feet, this would be the same with Soda and Empty Soda Cans. This would help people identify where a player has eaten food and therefore track them possibly

- Introduction of Whiskey in a full bottle state, which when consumed makes vision blurry but decreases chance of bleeding from a hit and increases sprinting time. However if too much is consumed in a short time, attempting to sprint will make your character topple over (the blurry vision would accumulate to a degree). It could also function as a means of slowing temperature loss

- Seating within certain vehicles that allow for players to still aim and shoot their weapon (such seats exist in the AH-6J if I am not mistaken). These seats would be present in the UH-1Y, trucks such as the V3S or even motorbikes and utes

- Flares can be used to light campfires and are a bit less common

- The backpack screen where it shows position and availability of items/space in your bag appears whenever you click 'Open Bag', including when interchanging items between your main inventory and bag

- Ghillie Suits display backpacks - I'm sure this is a bug however

- Patrol Coyote backpacks are increased to a 10 space backpack and Czech Pouches are increased to 8. Czech Pouches would be therefore swapped as the default spawn pack (makes sense for the player to start with the most simplistic gear)

- Large scale decorative replacements, for example:

* Replacing the presence of destroyed Humvees' on the road with CDF vehicles, it makes sense that the Chernarussian Defense Force would have been more present and have taken more losses then a foreign military power.

* Removing all dead soldier bodies (with the exception of those found near destroyed vehicles and such) and replacing them with similarly dressed zombies

* Reducing random ruble present that has no perceivable source (such as the ruble on the main airfield)

- Barricade related improvements:

  • * Barricades can be placed in buildings (I have no idea how the ARMA engine works, but perhaps a script detects the height of the player relative to the ground and spawns the entity there?)
    * Zombies cannot pass through barricades while indoors - Another bug I assume
    * A 'ghost' image of the barricade appears during the placing period so you know whether or not it will work and have the desired effect.
    * Additional barricades such as wood piles (acquirable with an Axe) or junk barricade ((pile of random ruble) acquirable with a bunch of scrap metal or something)
    * If player has appropriate equipment, allow for proper dismantlement of barricade back into inventory
    * Barbed Wire placed down by players can be upgraded to a CAT 2 barb wire fence if they have two additional spools in their inventory.

- Introduction of Toolboxes back into the mod for their respective uses.

- Able to use items straight from the backpack menu, for example, able to use/consume items from your backpack directly

- Animals more likely spawn around farm structures like barns and crop fields

- A military base (similar to the base East of Balota) can spawn at a variety of locations across the map, meaning players aren't guaranteed an easy loot spot.

- Introduction of Radios' into the game that allow for players to communicate with everyone else who has a radio through a special channel. Could add further features like different channels that can only be heard/chatted through if on that particular channel. Also could include messages from crashed helicopters, providing a voiced description of the area the helicopter crashed in or a grid reference (so it would be something like "THIS IS ALPHA 6-1 GOING DOWN SOUTH OF ZELENOGORSK IN A FIELD" for an area description or "THIS IS ALPHA 6-1 GOING DOWN IN GRID 052041"

- Antibiotics are a bit more common in hospitals (are way to rare to find at the moment)

- Temperature loss is more prevalent during the night to the point it is a possible threat and not a distant worry

- Allowing for Raw Meat to be thrown to distract zombies who will then gnaw on it for a bit (as raw meat serves no other purpose until cooked).

- More food and drink options aside from canned items that fulfill different hunger values (such as packaged Muesli Bars that fulfill little hunger or make Soda not as effective as Water in fulfilling hydration)

- Another model for Empty Water bottles so that they are able to be identified in loot piles (something like the normal model but with the lid unscrewed and off)

- Additional tents that offer different bonuses:

  • * The smaller kind of semi-sphere-triangular kind of tent offers a small storage bonus, but only takes up two slots in your inventory.
    * The standard DayZ tent allows for more storage over the previous one, and (if possible) allows for players to be protected from the rain if they roughly crawl inside it. Keeps temperature stable (no decrease/increase unless near a fire). Takes up four slots.
    * A bigger military type one (the one used at the Stary Sobor military camp) that has large storage, protects players within it from rain. Allows for multiple players and increases temperature (this effect would not be consecutive with a fire however). Would have to take up a significant amount of space, probably six (I mean if you can carry a main rotor assembly in your pocket, surely a medium sized tent is no trouble).
    * And for a few giggles, a large as hell military tent (like the ones at the Berezino football field) that take up 10-12 slots in the inventory, have a shitload of space for storage, offer complete protection from the elements and are rarer to find then Mountain Dew on the airfield.

- Found UH-1Y's require materials to be fixed, but the two M240's on the side are fully loaded with ammo. Making it so that those guns were empty from the start would mean players would need to scavenge for M240 belt boxes in order to use the helicopter as intended (one belt box would be applied like a regular repairable part to ONE of the guns)

- Editing of the default survivor skins so it shows a Squad URL image - so groups that play together can more easily identify each other (and general fun)

- Flashlights appear as equipment or a standard item that can be held on its own (how it functions now) or held along side a pistol (like dem cool cop shows mang)

- The ability to right-click items in your inventory for additional options, so for a Can of Beans, the two right-click options would be 'Drop' and 'Eat'. Similarly, weapons could have right-click options like 'Equip' (negating the use for the scroll wheel for another weapon) or 'Reload with 30 RND. STANAG' or 'Reload with 30 RND. STANAG SD'. This could be expanded for use with objects such as flares, with options like 'Equip' or 'Light Flare and Drop at Feet' and 'Light Flare in Hand'.

- Vehicles make sound not based on movement; so a UH-1Y hovering idle above Cherno is as loud as fuck, where as it is now, it is as loud as me running across a road.

- Being able to milk cows and fill a Water bottle with the milk so it would act as water

- Able to pick up those little cardboard boxes (you see at hospitals) and put them into your inventory and able to deploy them in a similar manner to a tent on the ground. Once filled with loot, you can pick it back up and put it in your inventory (would take up a fair amount of space) and then place it down somewhere else while the loot stays inside

- The ability to put a bag in a bag, the bag you are placing inside would have to be empty of loot and takes up half as many slots as it contains (So placing a Coyote bag in your own Coyote would take up 12 slots). This would allow people to pickup bags for friends and put them in vehicles or tents

- Blood pools appear underneath bodies of dead people instead of linear blood streams

- Longer knockout times for players concussed by physical injury, fairly distant explosions and small caliber rounds at range

- Your visibility to zombies depends on how much light is actually showing on you, so sitting next to a flare will make you slightly more visible then sitting in a shadow. This could also be applied for flashlights; the light you are emitting affects how visible you are to zombies in-front of you

- Zombies wont immediately be alerted if a player makes one or two sprint steps on a road; only consecutive steps will alert them. This will fit with how zombies aren't aggressively alerted to a thrown tin can.

- Introduction of Fishing Rods into the accessories slot that allow players to catch Raw Fish in certain areas (around piers or docks or at specific lakes), adding another food source. Fishing would take some time to reward a fish however, leaving you vulnerable sitting at the edge of some water

- Matches run out eventually after 20 or so uses, meaning it is fesiable to pick up multiple

- Using the bandit bone model for weapons; the way the Survivor holds pistol and other weapons can at times be obtrusive, where as the Bandit model from 1.5 held the pistol in a way where the sites aligned properly and were not as obtrusive

- Players don't die when killed - a strange suggestion I can understand. From 10 seconds where a player would regularly die (e.g. they take a buckshot to the chest), they are able to be revived from another player through a Blood Transfusion and an Epi-pen (as the Epi-pens' are fairly useless right now). After the 10 seconds is up, the player would be considered dead and would have to respawn

- Destroyed military car convoys can contain loot around them, such as dead soldiers from the crash could have a rifle on them, the car itself may have some loot and spare parts like scrap metal/fuel tank parts. This would make them more viable for investigating.

- The new humanity identification system could be further developed, currently, a player with low humanity causes a heavier heartbeat when looked at. This could be improved by players with low humanity having specks of blood on their character model and nervous breathing from your character when looking at them (rather up close or through a scope)

- Pain that needs to be subsided with Painkillers goes away eventually and also shakes the 3rd person view

- Your character becomes suppressed when shot at and starts shitting himself, adds some shake to the aiming

- The study body mechanic is expanded upon, each cause of death has its own explanation:

  • * Pistols/PDWs = appears he died from small gunshot wounds to the (wherever the terminal shot hit)
    * Rifles/Carbines = appears he died from medium gunshot wounds to the (wherever the terminal shot hit)
    * Snipers'/Machine Guns/Slugs = appears he died from large gunshot wounds to the (wherever the terminal shot hit)
    * Buckshot = appears he died from multiple small pellet wounds to the (wherever the terminal shot hit)
    * Explosive = appears he died from multiple shrapnel wounds and an explosive force.
    * Large fall = appears he died from impact with the ground judging from the broken legs.
    * Zombies = appears he was eaten alive by the infected judging from the multiple scratches bite marks.
    * Bleed out (death caused by blood loss over a 4 second period with no additional incoming damage, otherwise technically everything is due to blood loss) = appears he died from massive blood loss, likely caused by (whatever initiated the bleeding)
    * Run over by a vehicle = appears he died from massive blunt force trauma from a vehicle.
    * Player clicks respawn = appears he died from self inflicted wounds.
    * Unknown death = appears he died from an indeterminable injury.

- I don't know what kind of zombies Rocket wants these to be, but players mauled to death by zombies have their character become a zombie (as an NPC) slightly stronger then others that you have to kill for the loot.

- Introduce female zombies into the zombie mix to vary the population up a bit, but with little need to redo sounds. Female zombies could have slightly less health but run slightly faster.

- Helicopter radar cannot find vehicles that are not currently being driven, vehicles that are idle cannot be detected by the radar

- Completely remove restrictions for placing tents (aside from inside buildings). Setting a camp up in a forest is what a majority of people want to do.

- Include another throwable; a brick. Doesn't make much sound, but does damage to zombies and players if it hits them (knocks players out). Could be useful for destroying hospital windows or silently taking out one zombie in the wrong position.

- Special zombies in the model of Survivors or Soldiers, carry bags (something like an Assault pack or Czech backpack) that can be taken off them and that contain loot (for instance, a survivor backpack may contain something like a map and food while a military backpack may contain military ammo

I'll add anything else I think up under this line.

I have absolutely no idea to the limitations of the ARMA engine, but as I said, these are suggestions to help get the imagination rolling. I would never of thought a fantastic zombie survival game would be made during my gaming life, but here we are :D Feel free to discuss the suggestions, but if you've read the whole thing then you deserve a goddamn medal...

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Brilliant list and a few ideas in there that I myself had thought of - same as yourself in that I dont know what the limitations of the arma engine can deal with and as alpha = adding then I'm sure a few of these ideas would be used by rocket and his cronies . . . . .

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i think you lost alot of people about 4 sentences into it when you suggested RPG style clothes/armor.

i felt bad so a read a part of it,

some suggestions are really good. But putting so many in one post really makes it hard to discuss the merits of each addition. Might want to check out forum search, you have listed several known bugs.

+1 fishing

+1 radios

+1 tent buildings (split into multiple components,carried by multiple people.)

+1 throwing meat(+blood bags) to distract (not that id waste it ever)

+1 study body

-1 using item from your pack. only from inventory imo.

-1 player revive from dead (prefer reduction in damage from guns)

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