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Screen goes Black after 5 Minutes

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In DayZ, and only in DayZ, after about 5 minutes of play, I get a momentary freez and then the screen goes black. Once black, I can move my mouse and hear the stero sounds change, I can hit movement keys and hear the corresponding sounds, even change as the terrian changes.

If I play Stock Arma 2 CO online, I can go for hours without any problems. But for DayZ, 90% of the time it happen at about the 5 minute mark, though a few have gone to 10 minutes. I have to alt-tab to desktop and shut the game down there, but then I I can join the server again and get another 5 minutes to play before all goes black.

Any ideas?

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OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium

Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

System Type x64-based PC

Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz, 2800 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 6.00 GB

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250

Video card RAM: 512 MB

As to settings, most graphic is now "Normal" with antiailising and such disabled.

Every time I have tried DayZ it has been a daylight server, and for about 5 minutes, the sun is shining and them there is a momentary freeze and the screen goes black. This only happens with DayZ.


I can play Arma 2 Vanilla for hours with no problems. But DayZ and screen goes black in about 5 minutes.

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I ran into this once. I bet your NVTRAY is mem leaking and has an incredibly high memory usage. Next time use CTL + Shift + ESC and see if you cant close the game and/or see how much memory that is using.

Another option would be to run dual monitors and keep the processes tab open.

This has happened to me once before and that was the cause.

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I ran into this once. I bet your NVTRAY is mem leaking and has an incredibly high memory usage.

Well did what you said and once it went to black opened up Task manager and NVtray was not in the processes. Turns out Gamebooster was configured to shut it down. Changed it and then ran DayZ and never recieved the dreaded black during testing.

So hopefully problem is solved. Thanks.

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