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Dayz Namalsk Bloodsuckers fix.

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After the new Namalsk update, we have to put up with bloodsucker, a new form of zombie. Me and my friend were heading back up north after a very successful plundering of the southern army bases and Object A-2, when suddenly a helicopter began approaching. Me with my M107 had the only chance of taking it down, or at least scare it away. I went into a pine tree to avoid zombies attacking me while I shoot at it when to my horror these Bloodsuckers can hit and damage you while in the safety of the tree branches. Since Dayz's creation, sitting under pine trees or in bushes was one of the most useful ways of avoiding zombies and now with these bloodsuckers that is all but impossible. Please patch this out in the next Namalsk update so i can remain in the safe haven in bushes and pine trees when i need to engage players.

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I haven't played namalsk in a while, I want to see these "blood sucker" zeds

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Fear not DayZinian i found the fix, however it does not involve cowering amongst trees. I found that a good "jesus what the the fuck is that" followed by a half a mag of uncontrolled Mk48 Mod rounds in the general direction of the beast will calm most situations.

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your hilarious.

Also it isn't a bloodsucker zombie. Bloodsuckers are the icon of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R game series. They are a mutant from that game. EVR events also replica Blowouts from Stalker. There is even Stalker music on Namalsk now.

I would have thought that people would realize that Namalsk is Stalker for arma by now...

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i want this fixed too!!! everyone knows that leaves and branches are the kryptonite of zombies. infact i can't really understand why they didn't already add the ability to craft a super anti zombie armor from branches if you have a knife or an axe. it's so obvious and would totally improve not only the gameplay but the realism of the game. and while you'Re at it please nerf the normal zombies some more. you can't shoot anything without being bothered by a zombie. and having to run into the next bush everytime to lose them is way too hard. atleast add more vegetation to the map or make players invisible when they are in a 10m radius of any kind of plant...including grass.

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i want this fixed too!!! everyone knows that leaves and branches are the kryptonite of zombies. ............

Holy crap ! I didn't know this. I'm ashamed to ask this, but are you saying that going under a tree makes you invisible to zombies ? Do you have to prone, or crouch, or doesn't it matter ?

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Not invisible really, they just can't reach you and lose interest at some point. They then walk away slowly.

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