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Zombie Movements for dayz standalone , IMPORTANT!!

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hello guys, ive got an idea which might be really good for dayz. when you look at dayz and zombies,especially their movements look sick and bugged, it looks like something is wrong with the engine. ive found a video, where guy named robbaz (not me) is playing arma but with some new mode, i dont think its dayz.

look at the video and tell me if you like those movements more. In my opinion i think Zombies schould be slow and not running after you whole map. they schould also have something which make them more creepy.

This schould be definately implemented in standalone game.

video (youtube) :

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I agree, that looks way better. If you took that zombie formula and mixed it with a large amount of zombies then it would be far more risky to enter a building in a town with zombies possibly trapping you inside with just their numbers.

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hello guys, ive got an idea which might be really good for dayz. when you look at dayz and zombies,especially their movements look sick and bugged, it looks like something is wrong with the engine. ive found a video, where guy named robbaz (not me) is playing arma but with some new mode, i dont think its dayz.

look at the video and tell me if you like those movements more. In my opinion i think Zombies schould be slow and not running after you whole map. they schould also have something which make them more creepy.

This schould be definately implemented in standalone game.

video (youtube) :

No just no, i have played the undead mod and i promise you it's not better, the zombies are too easy and there is a reason we have fast zombies in dayz <.< this would also require large hordes which draws alot on your pc but if you want to check it out go and download the undead mod beta 0.84 at armaholic.com ^^

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Yeah I would prefere ridiculous numbers to extreme super speed zombies, atleast then it would stress the point of ammunition when theres only a few super fast zombies that go after you, while if you have loads and loads of these slow zombies going for you its much more of a challenge surprisingly.


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zombies in dayz are infected living humans, this is the model devs used.

that's why they run,

we all make confusion because we go so many times inside buildings to shoot them where they can't run, and because since the 1.62 beta patch, they nerfed pistols.

i remember that when thry died with a 1911 bullet in the chest, was evident that they weren't dead bodies.

now you have so often the image of a zombie, walking slowly, headshot needed, that you forget this peculiarity of the mod.

my respects to the romero zombies fan, but i think this is different. and i think that in SA they will run inside buildings, so prepare yourself!!!

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Yeah I would prefere ridiculous numbers to extreme super speed zombies, atleast then it would stress the point of ammunition when theres only a few super fast zombies that go after you, while if you have loads and loads of these slow zombies going for you its much more of a challenge surprisingly.


Dayz zombies are easy...Yet hard at the same time. It's pretty hard to pull off a headshot while they're running. But if you've ever seen the infected version of zombies, which comes with the mod he's using, DayZ zombies should be like that. I like the idea of less numbers, but far more dangerous (You can't simply jog causally if you cant a challenge...) It would also encourage teamplay, as it's hard to hold off a hoard on your own (Especially if you're just starting) However, the zombies shouldn't be as hard as the infected of this mod, they should be a toned down version (And with glitches removed...)

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Left 4 Dead is the best zombie game to date. You can argue this, or you can accept it as the truth. The fast zombies in the game make for a fast, dynamic, DANGEROUS experience. The movements of the DayZ zombies are one of the first things that will be fixed in the SA, Rocket has already confirmed this. But the zombies under no circumstance will be slow. There is no danger or "creepiness" in it. The game is already easy if you know to shoot for the legs and incapacitate them turning them into crawlers. Slow zombies are just going to make the game easymode scavenging.

Guys, lets not reinvent the wheel here. We already have the damn wheel, its called every other zombie game out there. Lets take what is good, improve on the bad and have an excellent game. L4D did zombies very well, lets learn from that shit. Lets learn from other games that did weapons well, inventories well, nature well. Again, there are contemporary games we can look at, stop discussing slow vs fast zombies. That discussion ended a LONG fucking time ago.

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I have to admit I really like the way they sway and stumble around, those animations are a lot more aesthetically pleasing :)

I guess the main issue with slowing down the zeds is it has to be balanced, if you slow them down, then obviously the guns have to be A LOT less effective, so instead of your handful of bullets making mr zombie into a leaky piece of meat, it now takes the combined fire from 5 people, each discharging 200 rounds each to alpha one zombie :)

How it is is fine in relation to zombie speed. What would be nice is the ability to lay obstructions that slow the zombies down (e.g. barricaded doors, put down entrenchments in strongholds that create bottlenecks and chokepoints.

Now of course you would then see people camping by setting up zombie magnet camps and luring hordes of zeds into their destruction, etc but this could be adverted by giving structures "strength" and "durability" (durability which iirc is being implemented in the game). A concrete k-rail is easily capable of slowing down ONE zombie. But what about 10 zombies? in the crush a few at the front die and their bodies act as a ramp making it easier for the zeds at the rear to come charging over with little impedance.

This could even be for when your being chased (e.g. how the protagonist runs down a corridor and knocks over some shit to slow his/her pursuers)

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Anyone person who says "lol der infected" needs a large punch in the face! Dayz is not the first game to do this. Left 4 dead, 28 days/weeks later, zombieland and a lot more. In these movies/games the survivors can slightly outrun the infected and the infected are generally very weak and only a threat in large numbers. The zombie in dayz are more like super human very hungry maneaters. One zombie can knock you out/break your legs. They run faster then you often, see and hear you from miles and even freaking cheat *running up a hill i need to walk up and hitting me without touching me/doing a animation*. However this is not suggestion worthy because rocket is smart and is probably aware of this. Its a alpha these zombies are obviously not the finished product.

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How bout hordes of fast zombies?

I would like to see hordes of slow "Zombies" like in the video mixed with a few fast ones (more or less 5%)

going to make the game easymode scavenging.

L4D did zombies very well, lets learn from that shit.

About the easymode: As I picture it when you have more "Zombies" in town, I mean so many, that shooting them is not a cost-effective way of getting rid of them (because Ammo is very rare). Therefore you have to sneak into the city, because otherwise you will be trapped in a Building my more "Zombies" than you can shoot.

Regarding L4D implementing some features like the Zombies grabbing you would be nice, but you have to consider that a survivor in L4D has 300 bullets for his rifle and ∞ for his pistol. So my fear is, when you keep running Warp "Zombies" in the SA it would be like L4D2 on realism with 5 bullets in your pistol an a Axe (you die right away).

zombies in dayz are infected living humans, this is the model devs used.

I really don't like the "infected humans" model, because it limits the possibilitys you have (the believable ones).

When the "Zombies" really are infected humans and die from of normal injuries (not only a destroyed brain) and maybe because of fewer injuries hence they are sick and therefore weaker. Why are there "Zombies" at a heli crash site? I don't think a lot of people would survive a Crash and neither would the Infected. (In my oppinion)

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we cannot go too much in deep in this discussion because they are a fantasy element..

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Anyone person who says "lol der infected" needs a large punch in the face! Dayz is not the first game to do this. Left 4 dead, 28 days/weeks later, zombieland and a lot more. In these movies/games the survivors can slightly outrun the infected and the infected are generally very weak and only a threat in large numbers. The zombie in dayz are more like super human very hungry maneaters. One zombie can knock you out/break your legs. They run faster then you often, see and hear you from miles and even freaking cheat *running up a hill i need to walk up and hitting me without touching me/doing a animation*. However this is not suggestion worthy because rocket is smart and is probably aware of this. Its a alpha these zombies are obviously not the finished product.

I meant the infected from the mod that he is using. DayZ zombies are far from super-human, two pistol shots will kill them, one primary shot will do the same, it's too easy to lose them indoors and through the woods and even in a bush, and you can simply shoot them in the legs to get away.
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I meant the infected from the mod that he is using. DayZ zombies are far from super-human, two pistol shots will kill them, one primary shot will do the same, it's too easy to lose them indoors and through the woods and even in a bush, and you can simply shoot them in the legs to get away.

two people shots killing them?????? What pistol are you using!? It always takes 3 or more. As for losing them indoors. You do understand there is not a house with two entrances available 100% of the time. Not everyone in dayz camps in electro and cherno. Plus you are forgetting something. Killing them may be easy but argo and noise will let every player nearby know where you are. Trust me they are not zombies. They don't even have a cone of vision they have a freaking circle of vision! I was standing still behind one once from 15 meters away and he turns around to attack me even though he wasn't look at me. When you are a man with a dmr and only one clip for it and have no buildings to run though and have 4-6 zombies on you running so fast you can't even pull your sidearm out then you understand. And as mentioned they cheat. I have walked up the hills that force you to slow down and they run STRAIGHT up them.

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Slow zombies? No. It's been discussed multiple times.

First off, you don't like the animations. Those will be fixed in standalone.

Second, while slow zombies might be kinda cool, couldn't we just, I don't know.... run?

Third, that many zombies isn't exactly plausible for DayZ's engine, standalone or otherwise.

Finally, DayZ is going to have a zombie lifecycle, meaning new zombies start out fast, and older zombies get slower.

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i dont really need slow zombies, but in my opinion that is preferable... and not slow slow but like, brisk walking you know? not by any just walking but definitely not running. slow and numerous beats fast and few... however rocket is going with fast so no need to pretend like slow zombies is an option at this point.

but right now slow zombies would be stupid... we can run forever, guns and ammo arent very scarce if you know where to look, and being slow you would one shot them all in the head.

so IF zombies were slow and plentiful, then there must also be stamina and running impediments. (limping from injury being a main one, or encumberment?) that would allow you to escape, but not far. also ammo wouldnt be very abundant so you could shoot 30 zombies with your ak clip, but there would still be 20 more, meaning you'd still need to escape these zombies somehow. and the fleeing is a good source of terror, instead of now which is the uncertainty of how the zombies will glitch up behind you. which is scary mind you but in the wrong way.

i actually just picture raids gone bad, holed up in a building with no way out and running out of ammo. that seems exhilarating to me, whereas with the way the game stands now this should never happen since a clip of an automatic weapon is enough to get you out of almost any zombie encounter.

im actually just talking about them, i KNOW they wont be implemented as slow zombies and im fine with that. just having a discussion!

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two people shots killing them?????? What pistol are you using!? It always takes 3 or more. As for losing them indoors. You do understand there is not a house with two entrances available 100% of the time. Not everyone in dayz camps in electro and cherno. Plus you are forgetting something. Killing them may be easy but argo and noise will let every player nearby know where you are. Trust me they are not zombies. They don't even have a cone of vision they have a freaking circle of vision! I was standing still behind one once from 15 meters away and he turns around to attack me even though he wasn't look at me. When you are a man with a dmr and only one clip for it and have no buildings to run though and have 4-6 zombies on you running so fast you can't even pull your sidearm out then you understand. And as mentioned they cheat. I have walked up the hills that force you to slow down and they run STRAIGHT up them.

This is not true! Dude you can crouch up to zombies.

Haven't you ever tried? if u got agro, go into a bush so he starts walking away and then crouch after him and he wont see you! u can even hit him in the back easily with an axe!

And for the "overpoweredness" of zombies.... this is not true, u can always outrun zombies (although they do run faster than you, they stop every 2 sec so that ur actually faster then them) ad WTF!! who needs a house to lose zombies?? Dafuq!?

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