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-[SAGA]- Is now open for Recruitment.

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-[sAGA]- is currently recruiting a couple members for team play. Currently there are five active members.

New players to DayZ are welcome! Just make sure you are familiar with the Arma2 controls first. Go into the Basic training before playing with us if you are accepted.

About us

S.A.G.A. (Stealth Assault Ground Air) is a tactical group who's main focus is team oriented gameplay in variety of games, which includes action games like battlefield 3 and Arma 2 to even co-op survival games/mods like Dead Island, DayZ, and WarZ. Our current focus is DayZ at this time.

There are five current members at this time. We are in the age range of 14 and 34.

Clan FAQ

Are we Bandits or Survivors?: We are neither. Yes we do kill other survivors/bandits, but we rarely ever kill new spawns or unarmed players unless they seem like they are a threat. But we are also no saints, as in the harsh world of DayZ we will do what we have to do to obtain what we need or want to survive and succeed in our goals.

Are we getting the standalone?: Yes. As long as rocket and the devs dont screw it up we will get it and play. We see this mod as a vital tool for training and working on teamwork and eventually reach the ultimate goal of having a friggin base!....but we will see what comes of that lol.

The Future

Down the line when we become a solid team of misfits to help keep us entertained the plan is to become mercenaries. We can hire our services out as Medic bodygaurds, Bandits, etc. And we are always welcomed to new ideas for the group!

Requirements and what I am looking for in a member:

Age: must be 18+ though will make compromises, you must play with the group for a bit first and we will then vote on it.

Timezone: Eastern time prefered, but if you are close to it that fine. This makes it easier to get on on the same time to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Mic: Prefered, as it's easier to communicate with then typing in direct chat.

Voice chat program: teamspeak 3/steam/skype - unless you have something else better to use we are all ears. but we mainly use skype at this time.

Language: must be able to speak english...or be understandable.

Do not whine to give you loot! Even though we do work as a team and help each other, you must also be able to be independent!

The most important requirement is to be willing to play on a private server. Our current server is TheRapeDungeon Taviana, but we are open to suggestions. Not any more or less hackers than most places. But the admins do ban them quick enough, from what I have seen. They do sometimes do a rollback depending on how bad the hack was. Please check your ping on the server so we know if you will have much lag.

I am currently also looking into trying out the other private hives that host Namalsk, Lingor, and Panthera.


Please provide the following information if you are interested in joining. Please send me through PM here on the dayz forums or contact me directly through one of the messengers listed in my profile.

Appliers go to this site from now on: http://sagaclan.corp....php?gid=289391 as we just added it. Then, we will contact you or you can contact us. We will play with you for a while then once again review the application and decide if you would be a good addition to the team.

If you are accepted into the ranks you must change your in-game name -[sAGA]-(enter name here) as well as follow any rules associated with us. The rules are pretty simple. Play as a team and have fun! More info is posted on the groups steam group page if you have a steam account, though i am still in the proces of completing it.


So you know that the group is open minded to people under 18. I am only 14 and they let me in. I was just the one chosen to post this again. :P

Edited by ke5ykw

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Age: 21

Timezone: Est.

Have a mic?: Yes

Teamspeak3/steam/Skype info: Steam ID. EpitaphofCrimson

Other contact info:

Prefered team role? (Assault, Medic,etc): Sniper

How often do you play/When can you play?: 10+ hrs weekends 4-5 hrs weekdays

Side note: I'd like to give you guys a try to see if im a good fit for your group.

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Age: 14

Timezone: Est.

Have a mic?:yes

Teamspeak3/steam/Skype info: skype - DentingHawk

Other contact info:

Prefered team role? (Assault, Medic,etc): medic

How often do you play/When can you play?: i play alot on the weekends, sometimes on weekdays

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We are still looking for more people always, a little Tuesday bump. Any questions feel free to send me a message.

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Played over the weekend with these fellas and it was great, best fun I had since playing this game. They showed a great level of teamwork & co-operation. If you are looking for a group that is lay'd back and can turn serious when in a gunfight then you should check them out.

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Wow, that sounds pretty interesting to me!

Age: 17 (Hope u dont mind, I behave pretty mature)

Timezone: GMT +1 - I'm from Germany, but Englisch is no problemo!

Have a mic?: ofc

Teamspeak3/steam/Skype info: Skype: derviggi (contact me there pls if you're still looking for people)

Other contact info: nope.

Prefered team role? (Assault, Medic,etc): When I was playing with friend (who stopped playing DayZ) I usually was a flanker/assault. But I also love to scout!

How often do you play/When can you play?: I now got holidays so I'll be available the whole day I guess except on some christmas-days ;)

Please contact me, I would be really happy to have some guys to play with in coordinated groups!

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Age: 14

Timezone: EDT

Have a mic?: Yes

Teamspeak3/steam/Skype info: skype: silent(ATX)

Other contact info:email : [email protected]

Prefered team role? (Assault, Medic,etc): Medic

How often do you play/When can you play?: im on holidays so i think i can be on most of the times

Side note: I'd like to give this a try, i have been in 3 groups and i like being the medic

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Age: 19

Timezone: CST.

Have a mic?:yes

Teamspeak3/steam/Skype info: skype - russian1945 / TS3 jin ko82 / steam jin ko82

Other contact info:

Prefered team role? (Assault, Medic,etc): sniper/recon anything where i can deal damage from far away but also enjoy assaulting

How often do you play/When can you play?: because i am on break from college i play any where from 10-3 so roughly 17 hours a day 7 days a week

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Hey ke5, I applied on the website, but I don't know if i did it right. Any way that I could speak to you in private?

My skype is Oakley7227

My steam is Oakley

Thanks in advance,


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