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Melee attack

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Aggro 1 zombie and you have to shoot it thus aggroing more zombies and alerting every asshole within a mile radius to your where abouts. Why can't I smash it's skull in with the butt of my rifle and be quieter about the whole "i fucked up and made a zombie mad" situation?

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it would be nice to do that, but i guess that the melee attack should be cumbersome so it does not work when attacked by more than one zombie,

i found it strange that in a survival game you do have an ax and knife but are not able to use them on zombies, improvisation is key to surviving.

i also think you should be able to use the JD bottle to hit a zombie or survivor.

i understand that rocket does not want to make it a hack and slash zombie game like l4d and all that, but surely he must understand that having items in inventory which are multi use irl should be in a survival game multi use.

even if limited for game sake.

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New patch enables you to hide from aggro'd zombies. So as soon as fps are back up you should be able to sneak into a house & wait it out hopefully

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If they moved slower it wouldnt be an issue (you could at least outrun them into the woods). The issue is that in a game where you have to use a firearm (no melee) you dont start with a gun. It doesnt make a lot of real sense. And i agree that there should be melee, but if this were real, you'd not want to get close enough to have to melee...

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I don't think melee is entirely necessary (not to mention would probably be a pain in the ass to implement in a balanced way).

If anything they should make the zombies a bit slower than the survivors. I mean zombies are inherently "dead" or "rotting" so why the hell do they run just as fast (faster?) then a person with two perfectly functioning legs?

That may be a little "game-breaky" though with the new patch in that you can probably just keep outrunning a zombie until you are out of their vision.

I don't know, I like the idea of a melee and in real life that would obviously be a necessity, but this mod can do without it, I feel.

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I do believe there should be a melee option if you have a knife or axe, this game is centered around realism. Now let's look at the pros and cons that would come along with this.


-You already don't want to be near zombies due to the obvious reasons...health loss, bleeding, broken bones, alerting more zombies, etc.

-Health is rare enough as it is. Why would you want to put yourself in harms way if you don't have to?


-Using a melee weapon brings that true survival realism effect to the game.

-Allows you take out a zombie without alerting more, again stressing the survival realism feel of the game.

-Gives you some sort of 'out' if you don't have, are very low or trying to conserve ammo. Especially if patches are trying to implement starting with no guns.

-The possibility of using stealth kills if you sneak up behind unsuspecting players, make it personal :D

Ways to make it work

-Have the axe and knife degrade over time, so you aren't encouraged to just run around with an axe or knife slashing away.

-You can only carry one knife and axe at a time. This would prevent people from throwing every axe/knife they find in their bag and 'hoarding' weapons to counter the degrading durability.

I feel this would be a huge benefit to the game and really stress that realistic survival feel. I'm not looking for swords, wrenches, etc. to be added to the game, I feel the axe and knife are more than enough. If they're implemented with degrading durability, again it deturs you from hacking and slashing and will prevent the game from turning into L4D. Again, being near zombies now is a bad idea, pretty sure you wouldn't want to go melee only and take on all the disadvantages listed above with being in swing range of a zombie.

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Oh, well I definitely take back what I said about it being a pain in the ass to implement, if it is already in the game engine somehow.

The only problem is how do it in a balanced way that wouldn't turn Day Z into a stealth game focused on melee kills. I just foresee people going through the towns, creeping up on zombies to stealth kill them, rather then just trying to creep around the zombies and scavenge.

Obviously guns wouldn't be useless because you would still have to defend yourself from other players, but it would diminish their role in the game a little too much I feel.

And of course by the time I post someone has already posted a perfectly acceptable execution of how they could go about it.

The "only carry one knife and axe" at a time is necessary for an idea like that to work though.

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Arma 2 is "the game" and dayz is a mod.

Arma 2 is a military sim where you usually find your self going into battle with an assault rifle or such. Using a hatchet for a melee attack wouldn't be part of the deal so I wouldn't be surprised if this sort of function wouldn't work well based on the game design.

But if it could work, I would be all for it.

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