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Dynamic system of bandit recognition [#2 - rewritten and refined]

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Its a very good idea but probably would be very much avoided by developers in favor of customed clothing I suppose ?...

but none the less you still put some good thought into this FUCK the haters.

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There are 1,000,000 DayZ Player. How could you recognize someone through their name / specific clothing?
There are an estimated 7 BILLION people on the planet. How do you recognise any of them?

I'm one of those who would rather see reputation and recognition handled by the player.

When it comes to complex game mechanics, in a sandbox environment, less is more.

1considering the whole idea of death = you start a clean slate.

2And the recognition system is pretty easy already(you litelarry see names from hundreds of meters sometimes)

1With the current system, if you're a hero/bandit, when you die and reincarnate, you're still a hero/bandit.

That's not a clean slate. Quite the contrary, in fact.

And IMO,2playing with Tags enabled means you're not playing the game right anyway.

Forgive me if I don't trust your judgement in this area.

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There are an estimated 7 BILLION people on the planet. How do you recognise any of them?

I'm one of those who would rather see reputation and recognition handled by the player.

When it comes to complex game mechanics, in a sandbox environment, less is more.

Sorry, I don't get it. Yea, there is this guy with the green hat, but chances are good you will never play

on the same server again.

Player custimization will have no effect in this matter.

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Chances are good? What are you basing this on?

If the future of DayZ is to include bases, more community interactions and generally more end-game content, players will be encouraged to take a particular server as their home.

Fair do's if you don't get it. Many other people likely will.

During play there are already instances where players have said "Watch out for that guy _insert name here_. He's pretending to be friendly but he's not."

or "_insert name here_ has the bandit skin, but he's an OK guy. You can trust him."

Community driven, player handled reputation system.

To be fair, skin customisation can only add options. It's up to the players to make use of them.

Of course players will change their clothing to avoid recognition, but then your buddies wouldn't be able to recognise you on sight either.

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Problem is - you don't always see names. I would even like names to be hidden untill you actually reveal your name to someone. Also, remembering names like Xxxponyslayer232xxX kinda breaks immersion, so recognizing killers by the deeds you or others witnessed look pretty great to me. It can give you false information with that heartbeat system, so you have that "human factor".

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I'm one of those who would rather see reputation and recognition handled by the player.

When it comes to complex game mechanics, in a sandbox environment, less is more.

I agree that simplicity is much more preferable for everyone involved (the coders through to the players) but I don't see how players can be recognised as individuals in dayz (especially the mod) without resorting to some sort of artifical mechanic that helps the player emulate this.

I had once thought it would be interesting if each player was given a randomly generated code that would "describe" their face (eg: A2409t) then at certain distances you could recognise these "features" (yes, with floating tags :( ). Each players code would be unique to them, but there would also be slightly variations on this code each time you spawn (eg: A2408t) - like the variation of features within a particular family.

I realise this isn't much different to nametags but because it is something that would be universally forced on the players it is something that can be trusted - the slight variation on the code means a player is not instantly reconised as soenso the bandit A-hole and helps maintain the illusion of death rather than reincarnation.

Edited by Hoik

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