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Treat Running More Realistically

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I believe that in keeping with the spirit of DayZ and its simulated realistic situations, the game would benefit from adopting a realistic running system. A great percentage of the game is built around traversing long distances and tweaks to the existing running simulator would only further the already deep immersion. Through my many years as a running athlete I feel that realistic running in DayZ may add a greater feeling of realism by adjusting a few things.

The more you run the more endurance your character would build in order to run faster for longer distances. In order to run your best the key is to never stop moving.

As a runner my 5k coaches showed me my goal was to run our practices from beginning to end and never stop moving (similar to Army training). Pausing to breathe doesn't allow your body to become accustomed to the stress of running longer distances.

- This idea can be implemented into DayZ by adding a system that recognizes the distance ran by the characters and whether or not the survivor sprinted, jogged or walked in his life span.

- A survivor who has sprinted 3 miles numerous times would be granted the ability to do so with greater ease (less speed deceleration) than a survivor who hasn't.

-Perhaps as an evolution to this system: sprinting a mile a day after being at your physical running best will allow you to decrease running skill slower than a player who has stopped running all together. Unitl the survivor is forced to reclaim is maximum running performance.

- Lastly a survivor who has traveled far distances more often and recent, would be able to sustain his physical speed and endurance longer than a player why has not run uninterrupted distances more recently ( ability decrease with less use.)

"Your body is the antagonist" Dean Hall. (and your Hero)

please reply what you think about this concept, thanks for taking the time to read and consider this.

Edited by Jezreel
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What I like about this is that you didn't suggest to make it so that one can only run for a period of time when they must walk to regain their running ability.

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yes, i like this, but we cant run forever. some type of stamina system should be implemented first before this is, because we aren't super humans who can run forever IRL, right?

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You didn't mention any factors reducing ones speed. What is stopping anyone from running endlessly, and gaining all that endurance experience?

Characters would have to get fatigued, and most likely in the Day Z environment would not be properly nourished like an athlete. I would, as another person suggested, like to see some stamina implements preventing a character from running 1km a minute.

Though, I think there needs to be a good amount of player progression in the game in all aspects. It would add to the immersion and would make you care for not only your gear but your character as well.

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Yes, I definitely agree that there should first be a restriction on the total distance a survivor is allowed to travel before being force to walk. Once capped this running mechanic would eventually result in forcing players to walk, but would only do so after a greater distance than normal is traveled ((maybe 3-4 miles) due to lack of proper nutrition as mentioned above.)

Good points!

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I would like to see a cardio system if you run alot you have a higher cardio than someone who drives around and loots then drives. Also the food you eat could be a factor, I dont know what kind of food will be in the game but eating a candy bar instead of a steak could harm you in the long run, because obviously the steak would give you more energy to burn.

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I would like to see a cardio system if you run alot you have a higher cardio than someone who drives around and loots then drives. Also the food you eat could be a factor, I dont know what kind of food will be in the game but eating a candy bar instead of a steak could harm you in the long run, because obviously the steak would give you more energy to burn.

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yeah good system. but cant exist without a stamina system as well i dont think. people need to get tired and have to stop running... but (since we are getting the animation) pushing yourself too far and running too long could lead to your character puking? i dont know but there just needs to be a jog speed and the jog speed should cover a fair amount of distance (slower than running but ultimately further), so it doesnt get too tedious. and make walking faster so its a viable option maybe?

OH and char. speed/stamina should factor in whats in your pack. traveling light should have some benefit shouldnt it?

now to stop digressing. lol i like your idea OP so long as it is a gradual thing that becomes noticeable after days of lifetime and not just a few hours. (otherwise it will just become a routine of quickly grinding up to peak shape when you lose fitness)

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Considering the life expectancy of a character at this point in time (I suspect it will either get much higher with the game being harder to play and forcing bandits to be less of bored dickwads or get much lower as people die from starvation/disease much more frequently) I actually think adapting to running should be something that -could- be done in a reasonably short amount of time. Obviously getting used to it by running for ten minutes to half an hour would be really silly I think maybe once the character has ran for say a cumulative of two hours they have that "peak" where they can sustain a run for much longer with less stamina consumption. Perhaps every two hours cumulative ran would increase in tiers how fast they can run. Of course, the same number of hours spent in game not running would be working against you. Drive around for two hours, you get bumped down a tier in your running ability. Eating poorly could also speed up the timer as well (since your body consumes protein before it consumes fat when it is starving, our bodies are weird like that) so eating properly and going for a run every now and then instead of driving would be considered useful though again, not made to tedious and too much like Sims 3 that we constantly have to maintain it for some silly reason.

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Considering the life expectancy of a character at this point in time (I suspect it will either get much higher with the game being harder to play and forcing bandits to be less of bored dickwads or get much lower as people die from starvation/disease much more frequently) I actually think adapting to running should be something that -could- be done in a reasonably short amount of time. Obviously getting used to it by running for ten minutes to half an hour would be really silly I think maybe once the character has ran for say a cumulative of two hours they have that "peak" where they can sustain a run for much longer with less stamina consumption. Perhaps every two hours cumulative ran would increase in tiers how fast they can run. Of course, the same number of hours spent in game not running would be working against you. Drive around for two hours, you get bumped down a tier in your running ability. Eating poorly could also speed up the timer as well (since your body consumes protein before it consumes fat when it is starving, our bodies are weird like that) so eating properly and going for a run every now and then instead of driving would be considered useful though again, not made to tedious and too much like Sims 3 that we constantly have to maintain it for some silly reason.

I like the idea, of tiers, and that potentially never running could cause you to become completely out of shape and run slower than the default.

I do however picture players focusing in on an ability, because many games often allow you ease to access to maxing out a plethora of abilities which often result in unrealistically OP players (players who no longer require skill to come out on top during a situation.) Due to this reason I would lean more towards making this skill something you have to spend time on, defining the character you're playing.This skill (the runner) would be one of the skills he would have define him, rather than being a hunter, scavenger, hero, bandit etc. I think that making it an active ability that has to be worked on daily will force players who want to tap into this ability another option rather than things like player killing and banditry, because of it's consistent vigilance.

Edited by Jezreel

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