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i need help with getting to the mainland of chernarus, im always stuck on the coast with like 4 zombies chasing after me, if someone could message me and IP for a server they could possibly train me on would be appreciated

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Just keep running away from zombies, they are very glitchy, if you go inside they will slow down to a walk, that can buy you time to quickly scramble for a weapon to take them out. Also if you are out in the open, run into a bush or pine tree and stand in the middle of it and the zombies will lose their agro and you can wait for them to leave. (some people may consider this an exploit though)

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Just keep running away from zombies, they are very glitchy, if you go inside they will slow down to a walk, that can buy you time to quickly scramble for a weapon to take them out. Also if you are out in the open, run into a bush or pine tree and stand in the middle of it and the zombies will lose their agro and you can wait for them to leave. (some people may consider this an exploit though)

thanks for the tips

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