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PLS Help :((

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I tried about 8 hours and buyed the 2 games just to play dayz but...

its all fine but when i join a dayz cannel there my name is writen in red... so i have just to click ok right? then it loads something... and after that im out of the room... why? :(

i have the newest winrar zip files it should not be caus that... there is also no error i just get out the room.

im rly sad... just wanna play

thx for help

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like 1.7 do you have the beta for arma also maybe you can give me a little more info on what you need help with

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Right click ARMA 2 : OA in steam and press reinstall battleye.

If that doesn't work can you rewrite your post with more info, not to be rude but it's rather hard to understand.

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Right click ARMA 2 : OA in steam and press reinstall battleye.

If that doesn't work can you rewrite your post with more info' date=' not to be rude but it's rather hard to understand.


thats what im saying

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im sry im from german so i cant explain well...

i dont know why but now i come into a game O_o

now is the problem i can do anything in it...

"u are not running the acctualy Dayz_Code" but i have the 1.7.1 version

i dont knows what the problem is i dont know how to explain.. it just sucks

other question... how many things i need in the ordner @dayz -> addons?

i have 6 winrar zip and dthe changelog

is that the problem?

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you shouldn't have any winrars inside of your @dayz\addons folder.

You have installed the mod incorrectly. Your @dayz\addons folder should contain seven .pbo files and seven accompanying .pbo.dayz.bisign files. A total of 14 files.

If the language barrier is a problem, use: http://translate.google.com

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Hey OP, delete the DayZ folder you have and use this: http://worrom.com/

Also if you have it on steam, go to your library, right click on the game, click properties . launch options, and put "-mod=@dayz" sans quotations

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