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3D models to contribute

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We play for DayZ not for too long but already found out that there's some lack of models in mod, and devs stated it several times too. So we decided to put some effort into mod development and contribute to it with some models. We started with models that are clearly absent in mod by now, so we can be sure they will be useful for the devs. So, here they are.

Lee Enfield magazine. At the moment, SMLE ammo is represented as pile of cartridges and shares the same model with CZ550 ammo. IRL Enfield utilize detachable magazines or clips that assist cartridges insertion into the mag. So we made this model for SMLE magazine.


Makarov pistol (PM) magazine. In DayZ they're currently represented as generic green bags, some sort of placeholder. We tried to fix that and made the model of magazine for it.


Winchester cartridges. In DayZ 1866 utilize 12-gauge slugs, which is not correct. IRL it utilize .44 Henry cartridges since Winchester 1866 is not a shotgun, it's a rifle. So we made a specific "pile of cartridges" for it.


Canned meat. It's called "Zavtrak turista" (tourist's breakfast) in ex-USSR, and is almost legendary in here. So we decided that it may be a good addition to the mod. It may restore 300 of blood instead of 200 since it's made from meat, not beans :)


Condensed milk can. Very popular and beknown conserved food as well. This design became a stereotype for every condensed milk trademark and is very common among tourists and survivors in there. So it went into 3D Max as well.


MRE, "Meal, Ready-to-Eat". Military field ration. I think, this can be found in military structures, on zombie soldiers and such (obvious). It provides about 1200kcal (1/3 of daily consumption) and balanced, hence it may restore 400-500 of blood. Some alternative to a meat, easier, but more risky to obtain.


M18 smoke grenades. Another replacement to a green bags, nothing special to add about them :)


M67 grenades.


All the models use as few polygons as it was possible without losing the details. If interested, I may provide with specific numbers, in general, it's about 300-600 triangles in ammo models and about 200 in cans models.

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Nice work lads. Combined with the other model replacement thread i saw the other day, all generic green bags would be gone if this was added.

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Fantastic models you guys!

The ammo models will be perfect in the game. Hopefully Rocket takes a look at these!

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I think your Makarov mag looks more like a 1911 mag in real life.

The Makarov mags and the 1911 mags look very similar, so I can see where you're getting that from.

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These need to be used. 1.7.1 would have been much better just to add the new double barrel shotgun and these models. Where is the other thread with these other models? I can't seem to find it.

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Combined with the other model replacement thread i saw the other day, all generic green bags would be gone if this was added.

Yes, that's our goal too :) We'll look into what other objects should be remodeled to get rid of those bags.

How may I contact the devs? PM or contact form on the site is preferred?

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those are great! i'd love to see those implemented, but i think a lot of devs are dubious about crowd sourcing. personally though, i love it :D and i'd love to see some more

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Bravo, fantastic work! I've long waited for a new makarov magazine model. I hate checking every pile of satchels hoping that it might be some neat tool, only to find out that it's a makarov mag or a smoke grenade.

(Oh that reminds me, make a smoke grenade model too if you get a chance! :D)

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Thanks for the kind replies, guys :)

Just wrote a message to devs, via the "contact the team" form. Hope that they'll answer :) If not, I'll begin to spam their PMs...

Shortlist of next models looks like this at the moment:

-AKM mag

-AK-74 mag

-Smoke grenade (not sure if it's impossible to use the projectile model which's already in game)

-M67 grenade (same as previous)



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