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My Sniper for my ability to walk again.

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It is quite sad that I must do this, I have a great sniper in excellent condition with 2 mags of 5 bullets each and one bullet in the current mag. It is the cz550 bolt action deer hunting rifle. I would like trade her for 2 Morphine auto injectors, 1 for my current status, and another for next time so I don't have to go through this again. I've tried crawling everywhere I can, but it is just too tedious, it's either this or suicide by zombies, but I've got too much on me to risk that. I'm close to a place called factory, if you look at it from the shore and go diagnoaly to your right up the hill you should see a barn, with houses to your left, a semi open field, surrounded by trees, and a very long row of telephone poles with no wires I believe. That is where I'm at, somebody please help, you're my only hope, no not obi wan.... But seriously, even if you have 1 morphine auto injector I will give you an enfield instead with 4-5 full mags, and if you have 2, I will give you the cz550 with the mags I mentioned earlier.

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