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Radios in Dayz

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What about using the radios in dayz I think it would be really nice to unlock that item. TeamSpeak3 now has a plugin that works with the radios in Arma 2 and OA

Hears a link to the plugin for TeamSpeak take a look and see.


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Everyone just uses sidechat to communicate in-game. I feel as though many of the uses of radio would be neglected.

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Everyone just uses sidechat to communicate in-game. I feel as though many of the uses of radio would be neglected.

but what if u wanna tell ur friends where to find you? u type it in side chat, all the bandits on the server will be on thier way to jack ur gear

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Everyone just uses sidechat to communicate in-game. I feel as though many of the uses of radio would be neglected.

Side chat is a feature that probably won't exist in SA.

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Side chat is a feature that probably won't exist in SA.

Side chat is a feature that should not exist.

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but what if u wanna tell ur friends where to find you? u type it in side chat, all the bandits on the server will be on thier way to jack ur gear

If I play with my friends, I use Skype or Teamspeak... I kill the people who use sidechat to tell locations.

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If I play with my friends, I use Skype or Teamspeak... I kill the people who use sidechat to tell locations.

so ur into PvP?

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sidechat is annoying, sometimes there will be 5 squeaks talking over each other at once and I have to mute them all.. I use skype it's good. SC will (hopefully) not be in the SA

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I would even go as far as to having text chat removed in general. Forcing people to speak over direct chat, and then if they had some type of long-range communication (The Radio, as mentioned) then they would be able to have a means of global communication.

Radio frequencies being key in avoiding unwanted chatter. They should also be battery powered and only last a few hours. Would really limit how much someone wants to chat over them less they have a good supply of batteries.

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I would even go as far as to having text chat removed in general. Forcing people to speak over direct chat, and then if they had some type of long-range communication (The Radio, as mentioned) then they would be able to have a means of global communication.

Radio frequencies being key in avoiding unwanted chatter. They should also be battery powered and only last a few hours. Would really limit how much someone wants to chat over them less they have a good supply of batteries.

For the radios we could have < > to switch channel as usual but there would maybe be Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3 etc for different frequencies. I think that would be cool. I think it would be better if everyone used mics but not everyone has one so they must type.

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I would even go as far as to having text chat removed in general. Forcing people to speak over direct chat, [...]

[...] They should also be battery powered and only last a few hours. Would really limit how much someone wants to chat over them less they have a good supply of batteries.

YES, pease remoce the text chat!

You should be able to find a HMMWV or another military type vehicle, with a radio already on board (maybe in need of repairs) so you don't have to fool around with batterys.

One should also be able to wire a carbattery to a larger radio device (if you don't have a car at your disposal), so that you can radio around longer (time wise).

The big pro radio devices (like the one in the HMMWV) should be able to pic up any frequency in a certain spectrum, you should be able to select channels but also be able to select a frequency manualy.

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A dynamic a few games I have played before is having to build or upgrade to radios.

The Last Stand: Deadzone (which I helped beta test) recently added a feature where you must upgrade to a battery array and build radio parts to access the global chat. Building or finding civilian band radios in day Z to access the global chat would be an interesting prospect. Portable ratios could be used to extend communication between you and other players who have the same frequency, both text and voip. You could even have a radio net of people in the area, which commonly happens when disasters happen.

Of course, this is all highly idealistic thinking. Players generally just sideline any limitations the game creates. Skype, teamspeak, IRC chats. So... it has to be reasonably easy to apply and work with, or players will jsut avoid it.

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so much yes. side chat should be disabled and you should have to find radios to communicate with people. over range. say your sitting at your camp swtching through the channels and you hear someone in need of help. also this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVxXHyE1CJM. creepy stuff like this needs to be in the game. makes it much more exciting.

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This is a nice idea in theory but people would just use Teamspeak or similar programs rendering them redundant, lol.

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This is a nice idea in theory but people would just use Teamspeak or similar programs rendering them redundant, lol.

Yeah, like I said. If you look at Battlelog and BF3, for example - the built in chat is obstrusive and nobody uses it.

But text chat would require alt-tabbing at least, right? And it's not feasible to TS with a crowded server. So, I think its worth a try at least on the text-based radio angle.

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