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Turning in doorways

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Ever tried to turn around in a doorway or strafe through it? Ya that needs to get fixxed. Right now if you try to turn or strafe through a doorway you cannot (in most situations). Now I do not know if this is "Working as intended" but it sure is annoying and I would like to see an update where we can turn around or strafe while in a doorway or tight quartered section without having to back up the way I came just so I can turn around.

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its ok u cant with an assault rifle or sniper gun ... but im also thinking, u should be able to do it with a sidearm gun, smg and short assault rifle (ak-74u, L85A2, M4A1, M4A3)

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It's working as intended, your gun is getting in the way and thus making it difficult for you to walk through the door.

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That's bull, when you do that in real life its automatic you take the care to lower and manoeuvre the weapon allowing you to do such moves unhindered lol.. There is a arma 2 mod out that fixes this problem and the game play is amazingly :D Much smoother for it..

Plus other animation changes.

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It happens without a gun in hand, gets even worse if you try to crawl or crouch-walk through.

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The only way I am aware of to fix this issue is a small Arma 2 mod called ST_Collision (which only changes a couple settings in the .cfg) but it does require support server side so you cannot currently use these settings in DayZ.

Here is a very short clip of ST_Collision in action (also shows ST_Evasive).

Look how smooth and fluid CQB movement is when the barrel does not clip structures.

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