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CoH (Company of Heroes) Recruiting and Recording! 14+

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Hello fellow gamers! My name is Ryan, I'm on this forum atm making this post because i am looking to make a clan (i am also interested in making videos on youtube if that makes you a little bit more interested, i would hope to make videos with the clan also)

I have started my new channel and it's growing rapidly, i have 77 subscribers already and the views are counting up!!

Here are just some videos to show


I also make funny videos of my mates and i mucking around and i also have a couple of series planned out.

If you are interested in joining in on my epic adventure of the clan and youtubez comment below with this info=



Type of Gamer:

In-Game Name:

Favourite Games:

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?:

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you:

Do you have a working Microphone?:

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot):

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here:

Thankyou for you time

Edited by TheBarbaricWalrus

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Age:14 But im mature for my age i can speak english flutely.

From: Sweden

Type of Gamer: All-Around ;) (NO QQ)

In-Game Name:[TM]Alex Maybe gonna change name soon

Favourite Games: DayZ (Arma 2) also like some other games but i play them very few times.

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: Yes ;)

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: Yes i do, minecraftingdude

Do you have a working Microphone?: Yes ;)

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot): Sniper, Driver and Pilot. ofc i can take other positions if needed

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here: Nope i haven't but ill be glad to help someone ;)

Hope you like this ;)

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From:United Kingdom

Type of Gamer:erm not sure would say PRO but dont want to sound big headed lmao :P

In-Game Name:tame09gaming

Favourite Games:arma2 i have played arma 2 for ages i play loads of mods on the arma 2 engine i have also be an admin on many mods

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?:yes i have been in clan and also be admin of clans etc

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: franbcfc2010

Do you have a working Microphone?:yes

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot): any of the above have vaste experiance in driving and flying and combat

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here: yes but i never really upload alot but am looking for a group to start a good youtube seires with . www.youtube.com/Tame09gaming

Thankyou for you time

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I'll do mine so it's fair :D

(BTW add me on skype if you're still interested!)

Age: 14

From: Australia

Type of Gamer: Funny (dont take things serious unless it's a serious matter haha)

In-Game Name: BarbaricWalrus

Favourite Games: BF3, DayZ, Arma 2

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: Mmmmhhmmm

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: BarbaricWalrus

Do you have a working Microphone?: yup :D

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot): Any that is needed from me

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/BarbaricWalrus?feature=mhee

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My name is anthony


From:East coast, United States of America

Type of Gamer: laid back, chill kinda guy, follow orders well :)

In-Game Name: Doctor Anthony, i got this name because when i was playing with friends i was mainly the medic.

Favourite Games: dayZ, minecraft, skyrim and alot of other RPg games

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: of course.

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: monk2007monk

Do you have a working Microphone?: yes turtle beach x12's

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot): medic and i am outstanding heli pilot! also very good at close quaters combat!

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here:

Edited by Dr_anthony

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Age: 16

From: Germany

Type of Gamer: the one who must helps... the one who says "get in position and wait for my go"

In-Game Name: BadSwat

Favourite Games: DotA 2, Borderlands, DayZ and many more

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: sure

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: platina71

Do you have a working Microphone?: 100%

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot): I am the best pilot in DayZ, in Battlefield 3, i am just the best in every game :D (I can play every position as well)

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here: Not in youtube ;)

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Age: 14

From: U.S.A

In-Game Name:OhNo

Favourite Games:dayZ

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: Yes

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: corpe4

Do you have a working Microphone?: yes

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot):sniper, pilot, assault, driver.

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here:yes, but i do not anymore i closed my channel

Thankyou for you time

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Type of Gamer:???

In-Game Name:Pepa Pig

Favourite Games:DayZ-Orcs must die 2-Terraria

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: yes

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you:snaggle18

Do you have a working Microphone?:yes i have a good mic

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot):im a great pilot and im good with most guns, my fav ones are m14 aim and m249 saw

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here:i have but it was a long time ago and i dont have the channel anymore

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Age?: 16

From?: Australia

Type of Gamer?: Having played many tactical games and been in many tactical squads i would say i like to play a more serious game, but a laugh here and there is always great.

In-game Name: Varies, it goes between Pte.Goves [3PARA] or Auzzii

Favorite Games: Arma 2, Company of Heroes (The main reason i came to the post :P..), Starcraft 2 and the Battlefield series.

Will you be capable of being in a clan environment?: I've been in many clans, help run 3-4 communities so i think i'll do fine, but if i don't think the clans right for me or not my style i'll just leave and go in-active.

You must have skype and i will msg you: I do have skype but giving it out on a public forum isn't very smart.. I prefer steam but if you insist, PM me if you think i'm right for this community and i'll PM you it back.

Do you have a working microphone: Yep

What position do you think you'll be able to fit: Any of the above, i'm a very good pilot and good on the ground as well so what ever role that is needed.

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before?: I have, but my channel is horrid, i do stream though and i am doing alright with that. http://www.twitch.tv/auzzii

Just a side note, i've been playing a hell a lot of Wasteland which i'm finding great fun, i may go between the two and will play a lot with my crew still.

Cheers mate,


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Type of Gamer:FPS/RTS

In-Game Name:Trouselbarf

Favourite Games:Dwarf fortress/sonic adventure 2

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: absolutely.

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: Trouselbarf

Do you have a working Microphone?:yes

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot):any spot you need me to fill.

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here:

Thankyou for you time

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Age: 17

From: USA

Type of Gamer: Relaxed / Serious Rpg/Fps Gamer

In-Game Name: wowbandy

Favorite Games Day Z, Gta , and many more

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment: Yes ive ran many great clans i was Co leader in a massive clan

You must have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: wowbandy111

D you have a working microphone: Yes and a back up :D

Waht position do you think you you'll be able to fit? Assault im no pilot and not the best sniper yet but i will do what you need e to do ?

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? Yes minecraft no link i closed the channel down i was a noob at recording back then

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Age: 15

From: Australia

Type of Gamer:

In-Game Name: piper

Favourite Games: Open world sandbox's & roguelikes.

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: Yes, I have before.

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: Will PM this upon acceptance, not too keen on giving out my skype. I also prefer teamspeak 3.

Do you have a working Microphone?: Yes

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot): I can partially fly a chopper, I can snipe and go close quarters. I play a lot of regular arma so I'm decent at most things.

Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here: Yes I have, when I was twelve. I cannot find the channel I used back then though.

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Age : 18

From : United Kingdom

Type of Gamer : Calm/FPS/RTS/Mill Sim

In game name : Frogman22

Favourite Games : Arma 2,3 Day z, OPF, and Rust

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment : Yes I have done in the past

Skype Name : dank0431

Working microphone: Yes

What position do you thing you will be able to fit ? : I work well as a rifleman, sniper, driver, and scout

I have recorded before


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  1. Age: 14

  2. From: United States

Type of Gamer: I play alot of shooters, I also sometimes play sandboxish games.

In-Game Name: WolfCrisis

Favourite Games:Garry's Mod, Just Cause 2 Multiplayer, DayZ

Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: Yes. I've played in a clan before.

You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you:wirycross

Do you have a working Microphone?:Yes.

What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot): I'm not sure. I'm somewhat experienced to DayZ, But I'm not excellent on any of these in any way.

Have you ever recorded before: Yes, http://www.youtube.com/user/Wirycross11

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