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About trouselbarf

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  1. Application Name:Kirk Age:20 Time Zone:US centeral Country:US Are you willing to commit to the TAT:Yes. Preferred Job:sniper support, scout, support Why do you think you deserve to be in the TAT:i am a well cordinated player and feel like i could bring something to the clan.
  2. Hello, im Trouselbarf and i am looking for a group/clan to play with. im experienced and have been playing dayz for at least 4 months and have been in other clans. i can fill any role/position you need me to and im on almost every day and i have a working mic! want to know more? message me here on the fourms or on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197988701682/
  3. trouselbarf

    CoH (Company of Heroes) Recruiting and Recording! 14+

    Age:19 From:USA Type of Gamer:FPS/RTS In-Game Name:Trouselbarf Favourite Games:Dwarf fortress/sonic adventure 2 Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: absolutely. You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: Trouselbarf Do you have a working Microphone?:yes What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot):any spot you need me to fill. Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here: Thankyou for you time
  4. trouselbarf

    Overture P.M.C

    this clan will transfer over to dayz standalone once it comes out. still recruiting, no age requirement just maturity.
  5. trouselbarf

    Overture P.M.C

    yes, i will respond to PM's.
  6. trouselbarf

    Overture P.M.C

    Alignment : Friendly/Bandits. Trader Alignment : Friends OVERTURE PMC Before the outbreak, OVERTURE PMC was founded in the United States. Before coming into Chernarus, OVERTURE mainly operated only inside the US, but seeing the financial opportunity in countries outside of the US, the company decided to move out and branch out into the world. The first outpost and HQ outside of the US, was a base located in Chernarus. Business was slow to begin with, but recent mysterious disappearances in the area had the locals on edge. Soon business was booming, getting hired by many for protection services around the area by decent sized companies had moral in great shape. Then it happened. The Apocalypse. OVERTURE quickly fell in Chernarus and was inevitably split up. Few members are with each other, and that is why we are asking for recruitment possibilities. WHAT OVERTURE DOES OVERTURE is a group of Private Military Contractors, or Mercenaries. What we do is provide military services (Raids, protection, recon etc.) to you for a price. The price usually consists around either Ammo, or weapons, vehicles etc. More rarer the item, the more the value. If you wish to hire a team of our contractors, please PM me and we will talk over a contract that will suit both of our liking's. Remember, no offers are ridiculous! RECRUITMENT If you are interested in joining OVERTURE, please send me( http://steamcommunit...61197988701682/), a Message Via PDA [Private Message] and we can work something out. We will see if you have the skills it takes to be with us, and we will find a role to your liking.Also, if you wish to discuss or register here, you may do that as well.
  7. trouselbarf

    [W.O] Woodlands Order is recruiting.

    Age:19 Name:Trouselbarf Skype: Country:USA Timezone:USA centeral [Steam Name:Mr.Trouselbarf Experience: (1-10, see chart)10 Game Style: (Sniper, scout, infantry, ect)i can do anything and everything.
  8. trouselbarf

    U.S.S. Looking for Members

    First Name:Kirk Country:US Steam Name:Mr.Trouselbarf Dayz Name:Trouselbarf Xbox Live Name (optional): Estimated Hours on Dayz:500+ Estimated times youve died:15-20 Perferred Role (Sharpshooter, medic etc.):support, infantry, pointman(i know its not listed, but i currently have a silenced M4.) Perferred Gun or Type of Gun:LMG, Assult rifle. Have you ever been killend by a bandit:yes Do you plan to stick with the game for a few months:if i can find the right group of people too play with yes. Do you have any other clan expirence on Dayz:yup, shooters, MMoRPG'S Do you have the ability to troll:only when its necessary Other than that tell us about yourself, Why Should we let you join?i think i would beable too offer alot to the group, from skill level too game experience. ive repaired a car, led a raid of 9+ people on a city and moved through the country side without being spotted.
  9. trouselbarf

    Looking for group members

  10. trouselbarf

    Starting a 'Serious Group'

    hello, im interested in joining your group. steam name: Mr.Trouselbarf, i am usualy on every day...add me/message me on steam.(wont let me add you)