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____ (DayZ)

NZ 04 Regular Server Orcon

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Hi Hacker/script kiddy on

NZ 04 Orcon Server

Time Zone New Zealand (UTC+12:00) Real world time zone

Time it happend between 9:35pm and 9:50pm (EDIT: REAL TIME)

Date 12/12/12 (EDIT: REAL DATE)

what happend.

People Spawning Cars (a cop car and some kind of SUV), Dump Boxes,

teleporting people to differnt parts of the maps.

please look into this

NOTE; they killed me a couple of times. I found one of their boxes and replaced some of the stuff i lost due to them tely porting me and then killing me, I dont like doin that kinda stuff but was only trying replace what I had lost. Im sure jebus will forgive.

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Skddies looooove those Orcon servers due to the fact that the moderators don't even care enough to moderate it unless it's anything else other than scripting (understandable to a degree, but still...), best times I've found to play are during the day up until at least 7pm weekdays and early in the day on weekends as most of the time it's tools from overseas that visit and cause shit just because the moderation is non-existent, no where near as shitty as it used to be but it still happens, but seeing as school holidays are pretty much upon us it's only going to get worse, so take your chances and don't get attached to your stuff as it's pretty much inevitable you'll be next.

It's only pro-active people such as yourself who can get the ball rolling, keep your fingers crossed and if you can remember, post their names if you happen to catch it, makes things move just that bit faster.

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Skddies looooove those Orcon servers due to the fact that the moderators don't even care enough to moderate it unless it's anything else other than scripting (understandable to a degree, but still...), best times I've found to play are during the day up until at least 7pm weekdays and early in the day on weekends as most of the time it's tools from overseas that visit and cause shit just because the moderation is non-existent, no where near as shitty as it used to be but it still happens, but seeing as school holidays are pretty much upon us it's only going to get worse, so take your chances and don't get attached to your stuff as it's pretty much inevitable you'll be next.

It's only pro-active people such as yourself who can get the ball rolling, keep your fingers crossed and if you can remember, post their names if you happen to catch it, makes things move just that bit faster.

I Kinda Figured, only reason i play on them is Orcon is my ISP. Doesnt count toward my cap. Also the ping is realy low for me. Normaly Between 12 and 20. im going unlimited on my cap on the next payment roll over so may consider changing servers.

saying that a little lag doesnt hurt on dayz as long as its not PVP


EDIT: as for their names didnt catch them this time around. I did on my last post. Somtimes its hard to make out who is scripting as most of the time they have a little buddy tagging along that is just gonig for the ride.

Edited by ____

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Hi Hacker/script kiddy on

NZ 04 Orcon Server

Time Zone New Zealand (UTC+12:00) Real world time zone

Time it happened between 8:15pm and 8:20pm REAL TIME (Closer to the 8:20pm mark)

Date 13/12/12 (EDIT: REAL DATE)

what happened.

I heard a chopper instantly thought moder. But I'm a sucker for punishment and i had only just spawned a few minutes earlier so thought i would stay so i can post here

Any way

Heard chopper. A minute or so later, a little dot emitting colored smoke started chasing me - never seen this b4. I turned to look and it, name plate said surviver. I walked closer and it said open pack. so i tried to open the pack and i walked into the smoke. then i dropped dead. a second later everybody on the server popped up saying dead.

I try to get the name but was not successful.

Please look into this

Thank you

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its public hive and its a new Zealand server, i always encounter huge amounts of hackers on NZ servers.

find a private hive less hackers on those

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NZ 04 is my favourite server and I have been playing itt for a while. I was about to go on tonight, but I got kicked for game hack before i had even entered the lobby. I had previously been using cheat engine on just cause 2 and i forgot to close cheat engine. I closed cheat engine and tried to join NZ 04 again but it said admin ban BEC: gamehack #34 or something like that. What do I do???

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