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Leto (DayZ)

How can other players know that I'm around them?

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This has happened to me a few times when a player will somehow know that I'm in the same area and call my name in side chat. How can they know who I am? When I put my pointer or crosshair over another player, all I see are generic terms like "sniper", "bandit" or "survivor".

What made me really suspicious is that once someone called me by name while I was driving a car. He needed help and somehow knew I was close to him, but he had no idea I was in car. How is that possible? He could not have spotted me before calling for help.

Is it a hack to shows all the players on the map?

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I've seen this too, I was useing binoculars once, And I saw someone(They where like 800 meters away) Then they suddenly turned around and shot me with their sniper rifle.

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Could be a hacker, dunno. But for the record there are servers (both pub and private) that allow 'mouse-over' nameplates, showing you their name. Some servers show other players on the map as well (when in proximity).

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I remember playing on a public hive server (name plates off, first person only and no crosshairs) a few months ago when I was sniping into Stary like a top bloke when all these markers just started appearing everywhere.

They were green diamonds with chevrons in them, which if anyone here has played ArmA is the tag placed over friendly units on low difficulties to prevent friendly fire. And these even showed on the map and I could see markers moving around...

I didn't stay long because I saw three markers moving at high speed into Stary and wasn't sticking around to see if they also had the same bug/glitch/hack.

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