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Paranoia after murders?

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A suggestion: after killing someone, you may start to hear noises (or in extreme cases have visions/nightmares?), these may be triggered at times of tension (near a survivor, in combat?). Noises could be footsteps, zombie noises, gunfire, or mess with the direction of existing sounds

The paranoia would fade over time, but if you kill again while in paranoid state, it could increase or last longer.

The idea is to introduce more consequence into killing - messing with a players audio makes play more difficult without being game-breaking.


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This is probably the only good thing I've read on the forums all day. Keep up the good work.

I second this suggestion.

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I was actually going to suggest something like this. I think this is a very good idea.

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I had an idea like this, it involved having a level of psychosis that was proportional to your humanity meter. When it was high you would hear noises etc like you mentioned, but it also involved having increasingly shaky hands. This would be a way of alerting other players to your bandit status.

I like your idea better than mine to be honest, instant punishment for killing seems as though it would work better than longer-term nerfs

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Good idea, only that i already am paranoid and i hear shit that's not there!

so no software solution needed :) i'm fucking wired most of the time in high risk situations

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i like the idea of the audio hallucinations, but nightmares and visual hallucinations would be too much, in my opinion

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Really good suggestion, really good. I would stick to only audio though. Other stuff may be counted as bugs or be to cheesy. An example of that is, I just killed a guy and I know that I will see something appear in the next X mins. Audio is more nebulous and therefore harder to identify if it is fake or not.

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sorry mate, I'm surprise that you got so much support lol

This debate has been made thousands of times on the suggestions forums and it's always came with a lot of people who stood against it due to the how it effects PvP and what not.

It's generally a good idea, I posted almost the same thread.

but now I'm one of those guys against it, The game shouldn't force emotions on you, only provide content in the game to provoke real life emotions.

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It's cool but no, I don't want. -1

Emotions get from game to person because people feel them.

Emotions musn't be forced.

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i guess the main intention isn't to produce emotions, but to somehow get a negative effect to being a bandit.

sounds good to me.

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then whats the reward for killing a bandit? if being a bandit is going to have a negative effect whats the other side of the coin?

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No. Stop trying to give negative effects for one type of playstyle.

How about if you dont kill people you start getting paranoid?


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The game shouldn't force emotions on you' date=' only provide content in the game to provoke real life emotions.[/quote']

I really like the original idea, and I like this gentleman's critique of it. It's a very valid concern. (Quick disclaimer: I'm all for unrestricted PvP in the game. I don't want "evil skins" or any nonsense, carebear bullshit like that. My points are only made out of "flavor" suggestions not "playstyle.")

So, the zombies provoke fear for our characters... we can hear them freaking out and being scared by them. That, I would say, is the game forcing an emotion on us. Paranoia, dread, terror... all because a bunch of semi-dead humans are nearby wanting to rip us apart with their hands.

And someone who kills a lot of people in real life is going to start having mental problems over it. (And if they don't, that is its own mental problem.)

I think this idea could work. What if you occasionally saw inky black shadows of the "ghosts" of those you killed? What if you heard their last words echoing softly across the hills of Chernarus? Not all the time, because we don't want to discourage it, but I think it'd add a nice element of horror and consequence to the game.

I'll say it again, if you kill lots of people in real life, things aren't going to be okay inside your head. It's a well documented fact. Kids play a lot of video games and think it'd be no problem to murder 20-30 people and sleep on a clean conscience, but we're not wired to destroy members of our own species. And if we do, it leaves its mark on us.

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sorry mate' date=' I'm surprise that you got so much support lol

This debate has been made thousands of times on the suggestions forums and it's always came with a lot of people who stood against it due to the how it effects PvP and what not.

It's generally a good idea, I posted almost the same thread.

but now I'm one of those guys against it, The game shouldn't force emotions on you, only provide content in the game to provoke real life emotions.


The game is a game, and will remain a game, thus you can force any emotion or feature in order to balance / better the game.

No matter how much realism you will add to this game, it will remain nothing but, a game. Thus, this is a game.

People will treat this as a game, will committ murders for the sake of it being a game.

Bandits need to have some sort of punishmet along with kharma / paranoia in order to balance the game amongst survivors and bandits while remaining a subtle feature.

By the way,

It is a game and nother more than a game.

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I sometimes hear gunshots.

i was going to suggest this!

would be great, if someone with some player kills under their belt would start hearing "fake" gunshots.

THEN the emotional response is COMPLETELY the players, and is not a functional mechanic.

"did i really hear that?" "where did that come from?" "who is near me?"

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The game does not need to simulate paranoia. Just the act of firing a gun and then crouching over someones body to loot them creates tons of paranoia. This unfortunately falls into the category of punishing players for playing in a sandbox the way they want to. For me, the ambient noises in the game already make me hear phantom gunshots, and footsteps.

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Update to the Humanity System mechanics, DEVs Please take a look, thanks

This will be building on the Humanity System which is in the game now.

I believe that DayZ should be very brutal game to all game styles.

From "Psychology of killing" (Reference for system)


"Obsessional and Complusive States are like Conversion Hysteria except the soldier is more aware of what is going on. The soldier understands that fear is causing everything but he cannot do anything about it. This can be manifested by uncontrollable tremors, palpitations, stammers, tics and so on. After a while the trooper may find some kind of hysteria that allows him to escape psychic responsibility for the physical symptoms."

"Character Disorders are when a soldier becomes fixated on certain actions or things. Paranoia may include irascibility, depression and anxiety about his personal safety. Schizoids become hypersensitive and prefer to be alone. Epileptoid's become more prone to violent and sometimes unpredictable rages. Some become obsessed with religion and some become psychotic. In essence a person's very character has changed."

I designed the system to be like the Temp system…where you first lose/ decline in humanity which leads to the in system Heartbeat but if it drops to 0 (very low) and it’s been an amount of time in this state then you would get effects just like in the Temp system you get a cough/sick-lose blood.

Humanity needs to return to original starting level after each death. This will help balance variables and also not force players to play a certain style when they wish to change from a more protective shoot on site survivor to a wants to help out other survivors.

Let’s say for making numbers simple, we will use a 0-10 humanity number scale.

10= Start/full humanity

0= No Humanity

When a player kills another player-

Player is injured and returns fire and kills other player = -1 to Humanity scale

Player shoot other player and is not injured/hit during conflict = -2 to Humanity scale

Player shots player from great distance (snipers) and kills player = -3 to Humanity scale (The reason for snipering players gives a net larger lost in humanity is because they have the largest choice to not shoot and let a player go since they have the least amount of risk to them.)

As the player lowers their humanity, they start to hear the heart beat as it is in game now. But when your humanity =0 and it stays at 0 for let’s say 1 to 2 hours (these are place holder numbers) then like in the Temp system where you get a cold or shakes, while The Humanity system moves to a second level as well.

From my Reference material-

This second level of low humanity that is Humanity =0 for 1-2 hours would be:

The player would then hear gun shots, Zombie/infected voices, a gun reloading, sounds that would make a player un able to tell if it’s real or not without looking around. This would happen every so often. Script could do a get sound effect XYZ and play then do a random number = seconds/mins before another set of sounds are played again. The idea is to have it random and happen after a certain amount of time so the player will not be able to know this is from the low humanity. If the player’s water/food levels are low then this also could trigger a more constant cycle of sounds in a shorter cycle of time. This would continue until you up your Humanity to 1.

(I’m right now against adding tremors or tics to this system since it more heavily puts a burden on the player, rather it be subtle like the temp system.)

Now with this system you need a way to bring back humanity in a way that can’t be exploited but team of players.

To gain back humanity just like in the Temp System, we could make a new item that would be the antibiotics for Low Humanity.

This item could be some pills or a shot of something. (It should not be the in game pain killers because you will have players with low humanity hunting newly spawn players since they have no gun and pain killers) This should be a new item.

This item/pills/drug would only bump you from 0 humanity to 1. This means the condition could return if you kill again. To solve this from being always on the edge there needs to be a way to raise Humanity in general.

If you can script for giving blood transfusions or bandages to increase humanity but do a check so that it only raises it if it’s a different player you bandaging or to only allow players to raise from bandage ever so many minutes. And even then it should be adding only 1 to the humanity scale.

I can see humanity being raised with mechanics built around building a society and settlements. This system I’m laying out might be something that can be placed in when those side missions and building a settlement/society is ready to be implemented into DayZ.

In the end with this system I laid out you could lose your humanity get the 2nd level side effects and remove them plus work your way back to original humanity level.

This a rough but it's meant to show the scars of killing. This no more punishing then standing out in the rain at night, which will get you sick/cold. Both mechanics have ways to remove the conditions plus they are subtle and aimed to bring the mental state of person in this environment.

Tried to place it in a more script/feature mechanics so Devs can take a look at it.

Food for thought,

Let me know what you think.

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I think it is a good idea. Someone weeks ago discussed with his college collegues of Psycology about conseguences of being a bandit. Allucinations were part of it.

I loved Eternal Dakness, a game for gamecube that "misures" the mental sanity of the character, giving you allucination as "no volume" or "pad disconnected"...

I think it is a good idea to add paranoia and things like that in game.

Of course, it will least for an half an hour, maybe could be shutted down by psycotrophe drugs (that will cause addiction if abused), I like the idea to see fake survivors, and in the end (if you kill too much, like 20 person in 10 minutes, an exagerating overkill) the possibility to see a "ghost" of yoursef reppresenting the suicide impulse.

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A suggestion: after killing someone' date=' you may start to hear noises (or in extreme cases have visions/nightmares?), these may be triggered at times of tension (near a survivor, in combat?). Noises could be footsteps, zombie noises, gunfire, or mess with the direction of existing sounds

The paranoia would fade over time, but if you kill again while in paranoid state, it could increase or last longer.

The idea is to introduce more consequence into killing - messing with a players audio makes play more difficult without being game-breaking.



man that's what I was thinking these days, very nice idea.

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