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You were kicked off the game.

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Hey guys.

So, Ive been tryin for the past 8 hours to fix this, Only to see nothin worked and, me going and punching the wall (It has a hole now).

So what happens is, I join the server, Play fine, After 5-10 minutes. I get kicked for the Reason you were kicked off the game, No other reason stated. I tried Verifying game cache, Reinstalling Dayz, Trying different launchers, etc.. None worked. I was playing yesterday fine, Until I updated arma today and DayZ, Then this problem started occuring.. So annoyin >_>.

I have no idea what to do, Someone please help!!

Average ping: 230-250 (I always play and it works fine)

Computer Specs:

I5 3.4 GHz

GTX 560 TI

16 GB ram

Asus Motherboard


Any help would be appreciated.

Ive searched every corer of this forum for a solution. None worked T__T

Also, All my stuff is updated

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Hey guys.

So, Ive been tryin for the past 8 hours to fix this, Only to see nothin worked and, me going and punching the wall (It has a hole now).

So what happens is, I join the server, Play fine, After 5-10 minutes. I get kicked for the Reason you were kicked off the game, No other reason stated. I tried Verifying game cache, Reinstalling Dayz, Trying different launchers, etc.. None worked. I was playing yesterday fine, Until I updated arma today and DayZ, Then this problem started occuring.. So annoyin >_>.

I have no idea what to do, Someone please help!!

Average ping: 230-250 (I always play and it works fine)

Computer Specs:

I5 3.4 GHz

GTX 560 TI

16 GB ram

Asus Motherboard


Any help would be appreciated.

Ive searched every corer of this forum for a solution. None worked T__T

Also, All my stuff is updated

I had the same problem I ended up going back to the older version for arma but stayed on the dayz update seems to work for me anyway

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This happens on every single server. Bro, I played like this for over 6 months and nothing happened, Suddenly this starts happening.

Also can it be cause I changed graphic settings FROM in game?

Edited by OrlandoKiller

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I was able to play 7 hours ago went to sleep woke up jumped in game and every server I join "You were kicked off", no log file to view no error message this is weakening my hold on my anger and soon this will turn to rage then I will delete this MOD and ARMA II.

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Nah anyways, that ping, it might be something wrong with your modem/Internet Cable or anything else with the internet, try going on a empty Teamspeak server and see if u lose connection there, when yes then it has something to do with your internet, if not, I would still call your provider to fix that ping.

I had that a while long but it fixed itself, my friends said that it said in-game "IIFellerII was kicked off the game: Couldn't read signature" Something to do with my Signature, try googling DayZ Kick because of Signature, that should help I think.

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hi if you join my server and tell me you in game name i can check the logs to see why you were kicked

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