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Can't Change Controls ("2x" Flashing)

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So, I am trying to change my controls in DayZ after a reinstall for various reasons. I was able to change my controls before, but now when I go to the control config screen and click on an action, "2x" is flashing so anything I push is logged as "2x Shift or whatever." Not only that, but it will not allow me to then save the control because it keeps flashing and logs the next keypress and adds it to the control list. It does this for every single action.

Is there a key stuck down on my keyboard that I'm not aware of? Can I manually change the controls in a config file somewhere? Please let me know what I'm overlooking here before I reinstall Arma 2!

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Config files can be found in My Doc's, ArmA2 and CO.

Did you create a new "player" or are you trying to overwrite an already exsisting profile that may be set to read only ?

Might help, might not.

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I have tried both overwriting an existing profile and creating a new one. The config's are not set to read-only, but I'm still have the same issue even after reinstalling ARMA 2. I'm starting to think it's hardware related and I have pressed some combination of keys to make this happen.

I basically can't input a control without it being "2x control."

No idea what the deal is here.

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Any help here? Having the same issue even after reinstalling ARMA 2/DayZ.

Is there a key on my keyboard that may be triggering this? There's no way to play this game enjoyably without changing my controls scheme slightly.


I have tried a different keyboard, reinstalling ARMA 2/DayZ, uninstalling/reinstalling keyboard driver, and I'm STILL having the same issue in ARMA 2 AND DayZ. Good thing I got Farcry 3 yesterday, because this is enough to make me stop playing. It has to be a simple issue because I've been playing for months and I've never had this issue until about a week ago.

Edited by RoaRk

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