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graphical settings

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hey guys i thought i saw a post that made suggestions on tweaks to make the game run smoother. my search turned up nothing if anyone can point me in the correct direction please assist me :)

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I have no idea why you are posting in this Forum section (Survivor HQ).

Your searching techniques suxx as well.

Go and lôôk in the New Player Stickies, you may find some useful Guides,,, maybe.

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I have no idea why you are posting in this Forum section (Survivor HQ).

Your searching techniques suxx as well.

Go and lôôk in the New Player Stickies, you may find some useful Guides,,, maybe.

hardly the demeanor i would expect from someone who is supposed to be part of the "forum team"...try and act more professional maybe. half of what you said is neither constructive or necissary, and you could have left it at "try looking in the new player stickies. you could find some useful information in their regarding your question..." no need to be an ass hat.

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didn't see any but had a friendly pm from someone directing me to a site that listed changed i could make to the config files to improve fps, as well as what was needed for changes on my vid card. thanks.

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hardly the demeanor i would expect from someone who is supposed to be part of the "forum team"...try and act more professional maybe. half of what you said is neither constructive or necissary, and you could have left it at "try looking in the new player stickies. you could find some useful information in their regarding your question..." no need to be an ass hat.

I agree, did you find what you needed in the New Player Stickies ?

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I agree, did you find what you needed in the New Player Stickies ?

yes i found what i was looking for i guess this thread can be deleted/experimented on/what ever happens to threads that have no purpose anymore.

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Did you know that if you start the game without DayZ Mod you can run a few stress tests ?

SP/ Missions, look :::=

This will allow you to evaluate the changes that have been made to the in-game graphics settings !

Case closed.

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