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Domesticate / Wild Dogs

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So all those cows, goats, pigs and chickens lived on a farm once? The infection has turned their owners, and they have turned back to a wild life. Simply living off the land.

Instead of simply shooting and gutting them, why not have a mouse scroll action that is "Domesticate"?

This idea would have benefits and consequences.

If the "Domestication" was successful, out of a random selection of outcomes, you now have a animal which would follow you. You could lead it to a barn, camp or take to the woods, arrive safely and stock up on them.

If the domestication was to fail, a random act would occur:

- Nothing, ignores you and continues

- sprints away, no baying...

- freaks out, lots of baying. Shoot to shut it up. Give away location to potential players in area, attract infected like a gunshot? Run away or commit to shoot and gut like normal. You expose yourself to danger in a field while carrying out the action.

- Fight or flight, it rams you. You take X amount of damage. Chickens would just fly away. A cow or bull could mess you up badly. Would be a one time action by the animal, the domesticate fails for X time (cool down) and the animal ignores you. Now shoot and gut is your only option.

I thought of this idea today while running along the coast to Cherno after a new spawn. On the hill to my left was two goats. I didn't have a knife and or matches. Getting to Cherno and finding required loot is time consuming and must be done quickly to avoid danger. Getting back to goats safely and in same area is hard.

If you could domesticate, the animal would follow you, you could leave it at a safe location "stay" command, or a similar bandage action signifying tying animal to post in ground (need rope in game?).

You could the return with knife and matches after surving the looting and kill / gut your animal and then move on.

People could steal you domesticated animals. You have your few cows and pigs and bandits come along, kill you and steal your meats. Lead an animal to your group and share the meaty wealth?

I think something like this would work well with the Horse idea / suggestion already posted in this forum.


Where's the dogs?

A dog or pack of dogs would revert, over time, back to wild tendencies. A single dog mighty turn tame once seeing a survivor. An owner again for company and companionship.

A pack would be feral and aggressive. Almost like infected now, similar detection range though heighten sound pick up.

Domesticate would change to "Tame", the dog accepts you as master. The action could fail:

- Ignores you, carries on and not interested.

- growls, could lead to attack.

- interested though 1) attacks or 2) accepts

- instant attack, barking and attracts infected.

- tamed, now he or she is your companion.

The dog will protect, growling in direction of potential risk such as infected or players. Like peripheral dots system. The dog would have a range of detection.

If player or infected attacks the dog attacks them. A take down action could occur, the attacker is pinned by the dog (prone position?) for X time and you deliver killer blow?

The dog can be healed, give meat, bandage and morphined. You'd have a icon of the dog, similar to human player blood icon. It flashes when dog is bleeding, when low dog is lame. Waste medical resources or keep your new pal alive. Or eat it for meat?

Could the dog carry items or a pack which items you could put in it.


I hope these ideas simulate disscussion and comments.

I'm not a programmer, these might require a heap of coding and design, therefore impractical.

Thanks anyway.

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Only reason dogs haven't been added in a patch yet is there are issues/bugs with them.

Edited by smasht_AU

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