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Alt F4 actually having legitimate use?

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So before people start jumping down my throat about how much of a fail I am, let me first say that I didn't actually Alt F4 but a couple friends of mine did in the following anecdote...

We're all in Chernarus, I'm rummaging around the North West Airfield while my friends/buddies are getting their stuff together to come get me so we can start doing supply runs to some towns/cities and whatnot. I was just trapped in a bunker and vigorously gunning down zombies as they came shambling through the door way. Having survived this small ordeal, I proceeded to actually loot the darn place I was in.


"Get down on the ground or you're dead! Get down on the fucking ground or you're fucking dead!" was all I was getting over direct chat by some person with a mic. Realizing suddenly by looking around for a few seconds I was not in the North West airfield anymore, a bit disoriented I realized that I had been teleported by a scripter/hacker/whatever they're calling themselves these days and for whatever reason these retards didn't feel the need to immediately kill me and all my friends. Instead they wanted to play some sort of power play game or something, run and you die or do what they say and probably die.

Well what else is there to do? I hit prone as they told me to and in doing so I realized I wasn't actually in combat. So I aborted and disconnected from the server before they had a chance to shoot me. Later though over mumble I discovered a couple of my friends had just skipped that process and alt F4'd out of the game and had I been in combat, I probably would have done the same.

So here's a question: In the event that something like this happens, is Alt F4ing considered an acceptable way of dealing with the sort of people who break the game (hackers/scripters/etc etc etc)?

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IMO, yes, very much so. I haven't seen a hacker for a long time now but when I used to play on servers where hacking is common I would alt-f4 as soon as anything dodgy happened. If I was teleported or any wierd messages appeared I would get out of there ASAP. As yet I've never died or lost any gear to a hacker and now day's I just don't see them.

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Lets dont call it alt + f4 , if you "force" the game to close in anyways it has it legitimation under special circumstances.

So you wrote you were teleportet. In this moment the "normal" game is interrupted already. If you escape the situation that shouldn´t exist like this its ok.

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Nothing wrong with what you did op, when we get a skiddie on our server will tell all our members on ts to get out as quick as they can and we bring the server down immediatly, check the logs and ban the asshole that was scripting.

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I thought ALT-F4 was blocked.

I THINK that alt+F4 only works when you are not in combat other wise it works OR it brings up the menu from where you can abort.

I don't think that it's bad to fight fire with fire, IMO it's okay to use an illegitimate means to get rid of an illigitimate problem. When I played DayZ before the 1.7.3 Patch, as my friend and I had fairly similiar gear, when ever my friend or I died due to a hacker or glitch we would 'copy' the gear using a bug where if you stood up, had a sidearm equipped, a zombie chasing you and aborted it would create a dead copy which you could loot. We also had a back up tent on a server incase we both died.

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I THINK that alt+F4 only works when you are not in combat other wise it works OR it brings up the menu from where you can abort.

I don't think that it's bad to fight fire with fire, IMO it's okay to use an illegitimate means to get rid of an illigitimate problem. When I played DayZ before the 1.7.3 Patch, as my friend and I had fairly similiar gear, when ever my friend or I died due to a hacker or glitch we would 'copy' the gear using a bug where if you stood up, had a sidearm equipped, a zombie chasing you and aborted it would create a dead copy which you could loot. We also had a back up tent on a server incase we both died.

I agree. I used a hack menu to kick other hackers out in World at War matches on the PS3, back in the day.

Edited by Rage VG

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I aborted the other day and felt like a stud after doing so. I was running out of a big city and checking my '6' all the while. Low and behold, whilst looking behind me I notice a bitch hovering behind me as though his character is attached to mine by a 4 foot tether. I assumed it was a graphical artifact because both my character and my 'shadow' had a ghillie on and had the same basic posturing; so kept on running. Then I saw the prick go prone and noticed he had an SVD while I had an m4a1. I made a quick Beeline to my right and aborted.

Fuck that guy. I'll abort all day, every day on someone like that.

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