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thoughts on 1.7.1

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1.7.1 changes are ok but they do need to fix the Sight and Noise range for zombies back to what it was.. The life span was 32 min people are having enough problems surviving with people and zombies before now its just fucking impossible..

I sneak everywhere and am good at dodging and even i think its nearly impossible.. Even if you do manage to get a gun (after dying 3-4 times wile trying to sneak past the zombies to get into buildings to get the guns) Its so loud you get aggro from gun shots millions of miles away..

Thumbs down to new noise Changes Thumbs up to 1.7.1

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I've spent the last 2 hours trying to get it to work.

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It's amazing.

I do completely agree the zombie detection is a bit broken at the moment (I've crouch run right behind zombies and not pissed them off, but have been prone about 50 meters away from one in the grass and had him get pissed at me just because he was looking my way) but overall the patch is excellent.

I love how we spawn with shit all on the beach now, it makes for a much better experience.. I also love the removal of side chat, really ups the immersion.

The increased difficulty is really making people team up from what I have seen and it's awesome.. make it harder!

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I started playing at 1.7.0 and immediately fell in love. The best, most immersive, most social game I've ever played. And it's only a mod, still in alpha. Incredibly challenging, but so rewarding.

Skip forward a week or two to the launch of 1.7.1 and the game I loved is gone. The zombies are now so sensitive to aggro that the game is literally impossible to play in any meaningful way. The changes to the spawning inventory are fine, just the sort of manageable increase in difficulty that was needed and neatly making killing fresh spawners a pointless exercise. Big thumbs up on that. But the zombies really need to go back to how they were with regards to detection.

As for the removal of side chat, it may dampen the immersion breaking nature of text chat, but it almost entirely removes the social nature of the game. I think the latter outweighs the former considerably, and side chat or something else to replace it, should probably find it's way back in.

I know it's still early days and everything is still very much in flux so I'm not going to spit my dummy out and walk away, but I hope some serious consideration is given to reverting the zombies to their former state, because as it is, I just don't want to play the game today. For the first time since I installed it.

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i just played for like 4 hours...and didnt notice much change to Zombie aggro? Only time they aggro'd me was when some guy trained a pile on me.

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My thoughts:

Zombie detection is a bit too high, but that alone wouldn't make a big problem. The biggest problem is the spawning of those creatures.

It's nearly impossible to get trough zombie infected parts of towns unseen, but what makes this even worse is that they seem to instantly respawn and attack you.


I'd love it the way it is right now with slightly less "spider sense" zombies and not such an aggressive spawn system as it is right now.

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It's a Zombie Apocalypse people! What do you expect - camping, singing Kumbaya and eating beans? There is a reason there arent many survivors in Chernarus - they have been eaten or turned into Zeds! Its time to act like a Survivor. Remember Rocket's words - you need BALLS to play this "game".

Once the instantaneous respawning, the hitting and seeing through walls is sorted this patch will be effing awesome!!

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It's a Zombie Apocalypse people! What do you expect - camping' date=' singing Kumbaya and eating beans? There is a reason there arent many survivors in Chernarus - they have been eaten or turned into Zeds! Its time to act like a Survivor. Remember Rocket's words - you need BALLS to play this "game".

Once the instantaneous respawning, the hitting and seeing through walls is sorted this patch will be effing awesome!!


...which is like exactly what I said - insta-spawning is just bad, also, spider sense zombies is a bit bad (those are zombies, I don't think their cognitive abilities are as good as yours or mine since they can't even walk straight).

It somewhat pisses me off when people say "learn how to play this game" when they have obviously never tried to get trough a village in 1.7.1, or did anything near some zombie spawns.

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Fair enough DemonGroover, it's not a holiday camp, I get that. But for me 1.7.0 wasn't a holiday camp either, we can't all be uber-leet. Anyway, back to 1.7.1, I was just lying behind a bush, in a field on the edge of a very small village. Not moving a muscle, when a Z glances at me from at least 50 feet away and charges straight at me. It's broken! Being able to break line of sight is a sweet idea, but the line of sight is far too sensitive at the moment.

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insta spawning is a bug that will be hotfixed.

wrt zombie sight enhancement i personally love it. I hated being able to crouch run in front of infected staring straight at me from 10m away and not being noticed. You can still avoid the infected, just have to make sure they are not looking your way. Being able to get any loot you wanted without firing a single bullet made the game ridonk easy.

These are infected, they are essentially extremely angry humans, not decaying senseless zombies. If you can see an infected, then if it looks in your direction it should be able to see you too.

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Sure there are issues and a hotfix will be out shortly i'm sure. But this is an Alpha, Rocket is trying things out. LOS issues, seeing and hitting through walls - they will be fixed. But the fact that Zeds are now more of a threat rather than a navigable hindrance is awesome. The fact you could crawl through a sea of zombies in pre 1.7.1 was BS pure and simple.

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1.7.0 zombie detection . with 1.7.1 can get away from/ hide with spawning with nothing but a water bottle.

that would be nice

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