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JimJam (DayZ)

Why can't I pick up backpacks?

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I have now tried this at least a dozen times.

I come across a backpack. When my cursor goes over it, its says: "Open Backpack" (or "Alice Pack" or whatever it is)

I open it either with the middle mouse click or with Gear, doesn't matter, the pack is shown at the top of the left side under total items. I can put stuff into it, which then disappear and can't be taken out, but I can't take the pack. When I press the take button, nothing happens except the items I have placed in the pack come back to me.

According to this thread:


I am supposed to drop my own pack, then I'll be able to pick up the new pack.

AND I have been able to drop my Coyote pack, (on a nice level piece of ground so it doesn't disappear) but when I turn back to the other pack, I am unable to pick it up. Neither am I able to pick up my old Coyote pack once I have dropped it, though it shows there, and yes, I can put stuff in it.

The end result everytime I try to get a new pack is I end up with no Coyote pack, and no new pack.

So what am I doing wrong?

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Hmm you should be able to drop your pack next to it scroll over take backpack then equip it. Once you have done that fill it with your items from the old back pack. If there is debris or gear in the way pick it up and move it aside to another location in the room. I dont know the reason why your not equipping? Make sure to actually click take back pack not just scroll over it, also try not placing any items into it prior just put down yours equip the new one then take the items from the coyote pack. Hope this works as I do not see the reason why it shouldnt. Worst case scenario also try moving a few items in your inventory around i.e. drop and pick up that works for me some times when I cant get a hold of an item.


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Hmm you should be able to drop your pack next to it scroll over take backpack then equip it. Once you have done that fill it with your items from the old back pack. If there is debris or gear in the way pick it up and move it aside to another location in the room. I dont know the reason why your not equipping? Make sure to actually click take back pack not just scroll over it, also try not placing any items into it prior just put down yours equip the new one then take the items from the coyote pack. Hope this works as I do not see the reason why it shouldnt. Worst case scenario also try moving a few items in your inventory around i.e. drop and pick up that works for me some times when I cant get a hold of an item.


So you are saying I should drop my old backpack on top of the new backpack? The thread I referenced said not to do that, but to drop it on a patch of clear ground.

Is there ever a situation when you can only 'open' a backpack, and not take it?

Whenever I see an axe or a weapon of any type, it usually says: "Take axe, drop so and so". I usually press the 'Gear' key instead of taking it, and pick it up that way, so I can move around my inventory to where I want it. But all these backpacks I encounter, just say: "Open Backpack", not "Take Backpack". Is that normal? Whether I click on the "Open Backpack" or activate 'Gear', it doesn't matter, never am able to pick it up.

This is a major pain in the butt because usually by the time I actually encounter a backpack, I have a pretty good inventory of everything I need. And to lose my Coyote pack trying to do one of these exchanges, with its carrying ability means the amount of spare food and drink which I can carry is severely reduced.

Edited by JimJam

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So you are saying I should drop my old backpack on top of the new backpack?

Negative place it next to the other backpack not on top of it sorry if that read confusing. Try to practice on your own back pack that you currently have when you log in and get used to scrolling over it to find the sweet spot then click the take backpack icon. There is no situation where you can only open backpack. Walk up to it move your direction to the side click gear press on your backpack and hit drop. Then move to the new one scroll over it until you find take and click.. Then remove your old packs gear into the new one on your back off the grounded coyote next to you... Make sense let me know how it goes

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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Could it be lag? It sounds like the action is not completing properly if the items just re appear in your original pack. I usually mousewheel over new pack - open - transfer items into it from old pack - move away - move back -mousewheel over new pack and select take pack = old pack now on ground/new one on my back. Sounds similar to what you did though...

It's more nerve wracking then approaching NWAF on a high pop server usually.

Edited by Jamz

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AND I have been able to drop my Coyote pack, (on a nice level piece of ground so it doesn't disappear) but when I turn back to the other pack, I am unable to pick it up.

Also, I get this if I drop my pack to change skins... If I wait for a few minutes while mousing over the pack on the ground periodically, I can eventually pick it up. There is a five minute or so delay before the pack I dropped becomes tangible so it seems.

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There is back pack, and player gear. Being lazy to read, if you are trying to get it from a player, open their gear, an take it that way

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Lots of text above me that I do not want to read through. I skimmed and I didn't see anything related to what i'm about to suggest, but if some one has already said it, I apologize in advance for my laziness:

I'm pretty sure this problem is much easier to fix than you realize. Many times I have been unable to pick up backpacks simply because my current pack still has items in it. Simply taking all the items out then allows me to use the "Pick Up Backpack" option. Try it, I'm 90% sure it's your problem.

Again, if this was mentioned already or you've already tried it, forgive me. I'm really lazy tonight.

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I'm pretty sure this problem is much easier to fix than you realize. Many times I have been unable to pick up backpacks simply because my current pack still has items in it. Simply taking all the items out then allows me to use the "Pick Up Backpack" option. Try it, I'm 90% sure it's your problem.

Unfortunately already tried this. Moved all my contents of coyote pack to a loot pile before I dropped it.

Edited by JimJam

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I just had the same problem. Found an assualt pack. dropped my Coyote pack and could pick up neither. Even emptied my inventory and still couldn't pick up either back pack, and in the process, most of what I dropped disappeared.

Tried when I next logged in. When you see Open ____ Pack, need to scroll the mouse button till you get Take pack

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