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Make soda cans extremely rare.

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Water and soda is WAY too easy to find. I think soda cans should be extremely rare. Perhaps we could change it so that soda cans are very commonly found in crates in restaurants but almost never found anywhere else; just like blood bags at hospitals. Players should rely on their water bottles and have to find sources of water to replenish their water supply.

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Yeah I like it, soda is way to easy to find at the moment. But then there are quite a few spawn rates that need tweaking IMO.

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I second this soda is very easy to find only time i use my water bottle is whenever it is full fromm start i drink then drop it to make more room for soda cans.

I have never filled my water bottle ever because there is no need to while you can find soda's in every building you enter.

Please make it more rare or remove it from the game!

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tbh I don't really use soda, I have two canteens and I know most of the places you can refill water, from ponds and lakes to water pumps etc around towns. This is mostly because these sources of water are guarenteed, soda spawn is likely but not guarenteed, and I spend a lot of time in the wilderness where there is no soda.

That just goes to show that soda isn't actually needed, and its quite possible to manage with just canteens.

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Could do with some tweaking I guess. I only have cans for backup an as I'm in the wilderness use canteens. Perhaps if they didn't restore all your hydration? If 171 increases the zombie difficulty then perhaps they will be harder to reach

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Umm, I agree with parts of this. Soda isn't really a rare commodity, but it also isn't great for you.

So, the fast solution is to reduce the spawn rate, and the long term solution is to not restore all the hydration like Deadnaut says. I would also throw in a small health bonus to it as well, because you don't want to make the choice between soda and water that easy.

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