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LU511 1.7.7/103718 Regular [UTC-6] 40 slots | Shaddaa Server | Public Hive | Double Vehicles Spawn ! | French Server

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We will move to the new FR 808 Server !

You can move your stuff, the server is already ready and running !

New topic: http://dayzmod.com/f...nti-hack-tools/


Hello there,

The Admin team from DE 2959 (Survival Servers) would like to introduce you the new LU511 server (Vilayer).This is a Public Hive server with fresh vehicles.


As far as possible, there is always an admin on remote to reduce the hacking activities.


  • DayZ 1.7.7 / Arma 2 Beta 103718 / 40 slots
  • Required Beta Build: 103419
  • Gotcha Antihack 1.2.3
  • DartBans
  • Difficulty: Regular
  • Time: UTC -6
  • Maxping: 250ms
  • Custom tools/ filters for a safer server
  • Restarted every 8 hours

Admin Team:

  • DJ Teschmi
  • Stam
  • Evenflow
  • Ameo

All players are welcomed to join us ! Don't hesitate to contact us in English or French.

Enjoy the double vehicles spawn bug on the LU511 ! (Two MI17, two UH1, ... )



Bonjour à tous !

Les anciens admins du défunt DE 2959 vous présente leur nouveau serveur LU511 (Hosté par Vilayer).

Le serveur est un serveur Public Hive avec la particularité d'avoir ses spawns de vehicules en double ! Vous trouverez donc, par exemple: 2 Mi17, 2 UH1, 2 V3S, etc ...

L'équipe est très active. Nous faisons en sorte qu'il y ait tjs un admin de connecté, pour pouvoir réagir vite en cas de problèmes.


  • DayZ 1.7.7 / Arma 2 Beta 103718 / 40 slots
  • Version minimum requise: 103419
  • Gotcha Antihack 1.2.3
  • DartBans
  • Difficulté: Regular
  • Time: UTC -6
  • Ping Max: 250ms
  • Outils faits maison pr un serveur plus sûr
  • Redémarré toutes les 8 heures

L'équipe d'admin:

  • DJ Teschmi
  • Stam
  • Evenflow
  • Ameo

Tous les joueurs sont les bienvenus. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter en francais ou en anglais.

Edited by Ameo

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Hi everybody,

Don't hesitate to join us ! We are always ready to help people and have some fun :)

The time is now set to UTC-6, there are still some vehicle available. Please speak in server's direct chat or directly by PM in this forum if you want to request something to the admins.

See you soon survivors !!


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Maybe you could adjust the Server difficulty? I can detect vehicles and players with the map because theyre shown there and with the white dots at the edge of the screen. Pretty crappy for building a camp.

Except of that, its a great server till now.

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Hello ,

My in game name is Jordy.

I'm just a normal player and i was playing on the LU511 server.

I got teleported by a cheater/hacker and was killed in the procces.

Afterwards i got banned for teleporting?

Can u unban me from the server seeing i did noting wrong?

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For 2 dayz we had crashs on the server, a problem with the ban list that getting bigger and bigger.

The problem is now solved. Sorry for the inconvenience and good game !

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Hello. Today I received kick/ban on this server while not doing anything prohibited. It is somehow joined with trying to reload huey's m240 without having M240 ammo in inventory. The reason was Script Restriction #116, also it was on stream. player name is "entropy", time/data = 19.02.2013, 21:00 UTC+0.

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Hi Entropy, thanks for your message.

Something wrong with the battleyes filters, this is now fixed. You are unban, welcome back !

DJ Teschmi

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Hello guys.

I've been banned for "Setpos" (Col. Pukan)

I didn't cheat. U can check loggs or smth else. I dont understand reason. May be i killed admin, while i defend heli? So guys, it is not funny. My friends are playing on ur server, but i cant play with them.

Hope it is mistake.

Edited by Pukan

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I hope too, let me check the logs, and no if you kill admins, you are not banned ;)

If I remember well, this is a setpos of the AH6X.

I ll check and come back to you.

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I saw two guys near cherno, who were with little burd sitting doun. They got out and whent into Kamenka. Then i think, that i can steal it and i did it. Then there was small fight with Mi 17 in the North of the map, i've crashed. But i was alive. After "out of combat" i pressed "Log off". As i remember i found this guys with heli near Kamenka. So Check my truestory and anban me plz. Once again, i didnt cheat. Only gameplay.

Edited by Pukan

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Hello, my in game name is Smiley and I can't join the server with my friends because it says something along the line of 'Smiley has been kicked by battle eye for creating vehicle restriction #1' And this happens before I even get in the game because I got my friend to read out what it says. It has been happening to many people e on the server and to fix it the admins have to do something with the createvehicle.txt file i'm not sure what but I hope you will fix it soon as many people can't play. Thank you :)

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Hello, my in game name is Smiley and I can't join the server with my friends because it says something along the line of 'Smiley has been kicked by battle eye for creating vehicle restriction #1' And this happens before I even get in the game because I got my friend to read out what it says. It has been happening to many people e on the server and to fix it the admins have to do something with the createvehicle.txt file i'm not sure what but I hope you will fix it soon as many people can't play. Thank you :)

Hi Smiley,

Thanks for your post, we can't fix this problem because sometimes this kind of CreateVehicle restriction happen during player login and this is not a hack attempt but sometimes this CreateVehicle restriction is used by hackers to execute some scripts.

DJ Teschmi

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