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Big idea about maps for the standalone.

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Okay so hear me out.....

At the minute we just press M and if we have a map in our inventory we get a full screen map where you have to zoom in ect.

But what if the map was more realistic?

So instead of just switching to a new screen to see our whole entire map, but what if the map was actually big? So it had to be placed to see it all?


Would be abit awkward trying to move fast and look at the entire map but thats the same in real life.

To be more practical in real life you would fold it up into squares and focus on the square that you are in,

like you do when you scroll in, in game.

So another idea to make it more realistic is the option to fold up the map and hold it in front of you

such as a minecraft themed look e.g

  Reveal hidden contents



Then when you have to swap squares couldn't the arrows or the arrows on the num-pad be used to go from 00 to 01 then 02, 03 ect.

Inside each folded square it would have littler square with their corresponding numbers like real life.


Just a little sweet idea for the standalone, hope a Dev see's it.

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I like it. The devs are big Minecraft fans so it must have crossed their mind at some point (I hope).

The maps as they are, are military stylee tactical maps and are used in Arma for commanding whole army's, it's be cool to see something a bit more in keeping with the situation in DayZ.

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Is this actually an original idea...?

I don't even know what to do, I've never seen such a thing before!

Nice idea, too.

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  On 12/8/2012 at 5:49 PM, Vindicator said:

I like this idea. I think there should be civilian maps and then military maps like we have now.

Pretty much that.

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