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Character dead when I logged back in

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When I logged into my character just now I was prompeted with the new create character screen and I spawned fresh on the south coast. I do not understand this since when I logged out I was safely in a tree near the north of Grishino.

I'm not sure if this is to do with the fact that just before I logged off my character's leg broke when I lay down next to the tree. I managed to bandage but I am not sure wheather this would kill me.

If someone could just respond so that I don't make the mistake again otherwise I am not sure why it happened.


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This may be a dumb question but did you log onto the same server?

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this used to happen from time to time on the public servers but i think they fixed the problem now i haven't seen it for a while it could be that someone killed you when you logged in your char sands there for a while before you can move or more then likely you have just jumped onto a private hive or on to a public hive from a private

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this used to happen from time to time on the public servers but i think they fixed the problem now i haven't seen it for a while it could be that someone killed you when you logged in your char sands there for a while before you can move or more then likely you have just jumped onto a private hive or on to a public hive from a private

Yah thats why I asked, it took me a while to figure that one out and even longer to try and find which private hive I originally played on lol.

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yeah cos i use the arma broswer to find servers i had the same problem after a bad player profile and couldnt play on publics pita

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No I was on the same server because I was playing on the home server my group uses(which is hive).

An update of the situation,

I logged back in today after gathering some stuff yesterday with nothing and back on the coast again, although this time I got a map as well which doesn't make sense since it is a hive server.

I didn't mind so much that I lost my stuff but now my chracters are deleted everytime I log out overnight I guess I will stop playing until standalone.

If anyone has any help or if any of the devs have any suggestions please reply.


I spawned in again later and I had been moved to cherno and had an MK Mod 0 with 4 mags and a bunch of stuff I didn't have before.

Again if anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated.

Edited by maxamillion12345

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