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Some Constructive Feedback on the new patch 1.71

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1) Spawning with no weapons would have been a great idea...... against the old Zombies. The current Zombies are already hard enough to deal with decked out in military gear along with a band of friends with medical supplies to ensure you don't die, let alone some new kid on the block that's barely played the game and will get flat out murdered over and over again. Sure you can say run, utilize the ability to lose Zombies now, etc. but anyone who's actually played will straight up tell you that's literally impossible every single time. At some point you will get discovered, and you will get cornered. You should have SOME way to defend yourself, whether it's melee or anything. It's unrealistic to believe that you would really be walking around in the Zombie Apocalypse with no way to defend yourself. Until the implentation of some sort of a melee system, the Makarov is going to have to suffice right now, especially if everyone wants to keep the current Zombies.

a) Just a side point, but bandits now have complete free reign of towns, beaches, etc. to the point it's stupid. At least you had to be somewhat wary and somewhat stealthy as a bandit before. Now you can literally roam the beaches of the Southern Coast, unload freely on people that are completely defenseless. Bandits that are particularly geared from head to toe with plenty of ammunition will have not trouble camping the Southern Cities and just simply massacring everyone that tries to get through.

2) Spawn rates are way too high. I know this is a bug and it will be hotfixed, but it's pretty ridiculous right now, particularly around high population areas like deer stands.

3) Current Zombies have pretty ridiculous sight range. By ridiculous sight range, I mean.... like.... literally ridiculous sight range. Almost borderline unrealistic. By that, I mean a normal human being wouldn't be able to tell if that's a real fucking human being from that distance, and yet the Zombie can tell exactly what you are from ridiculous distances, and simply zones in on you and sprints at Usanin Bolt speeds. I like the LOS, but if you're going to utilize Usanin Bolt speeds on zombies, you're going to have to tone down their LOS range. Yes, towns should be hard to loot in, but it's slightly too ridiculous when a group of zombies can see you a miles a way off, while you also being completely defenseless if you are new/just died recently.

TBH, even with Makarov's from the start, I'm pretty sure people would be dying left and right with the new Zombies. It's abit overkill to implement both the new "improved" Zombies along with taking away a player's only early game defense.

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I've not played enough of the new patch thus far to either agree or disagree, unfortunately.

But, as for the zombie problem, Rocket has always stated these are not undead, but infected.

Infected could denote any virus or parasite. It could enhance sight and auditory sense exponentially...allowing infected to become finely tuned hunters, purely evolved for stalking prey, but lacking other core functions.

I theorise that at least.

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I've not played enough of the new patch thus far to either agree or disagree' date=' unfortunately.

But, as for the zombie problem, Rocket has always stated these are not undead, but infected.

Infected could denote any virus or parasite. It could enhance sight and auditory sense exponentially...allowing infected to become finely tuned hunters, purely evolved for stalking prey, but lacking other core functions.

I theorise that at least.


That's fine; I understand that they could be Infected, that they could have enhanced sight and auditory sense. However, ultimately even though this is a "simulation" it's still for "fun." Yes, you should try and be as realistic as possible, but there comes a point and time where realism begins to backfire and starts to really hurt the game. Also, not to mention that there's no way anyone would ever walk around in a post apocalyptic world with crazy psychopathic and violent infected people without some sort of defense mechanism. For new players, this is going to be incredibly frustrating to the point many will simply quit.

I understand that veteran players will say "good riddance" etc. but having no defense mechanism of any sort in a game is pretty bad. Especially against an enemy that is supposedly stronger then you in every way shape or form from a physical standpoint.

BTW, if said Infected have better vision, then there's no reason that I should be able to waltz around at night literally undetected even though I'm literally standing 3 feet from them, while during the day time they can literally see me coming from 3 miles away. I should just get smashed at night even harder.

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Valid points. I'm sure they will be considered and addressed by the developers should they see your thread.

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I've not played enough of the new patch thus far to either agree or disagree' date=' unfortunately.

But, as for the zombie problem, Rocket has always stated these are not undead, but infected.

Infected could denote any virus or parasite. It could enhance sight and auditory sense exponentially...allowing infected to become finely tuned hunters, purely evolved for stalking prey, but lacking other core functions.

I theorise that at least.


What is with everyone jumping to conclusions defending things like this? It's bugged (spawns/LOS/still through walls), damn it! Don't call a spade a fucking jumping castle. The new detection range sounds stupid even if they had survivor-seeking-vision, but combined with the LOS features and wall attacks still happening it's just silly and should be hotfixed.

Detection while crouch-walking needed to be increased but prone was pretty good seeing how long it takes to get up if spotted (IRL if I had zeds on my ass, I wouldn't get up that slow!)

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He said the respawns are bugged already in another topic. I dont know how they intend to balance the sight range if they do at all.

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I kinda made an account just to debunk what everyone says about bandits attacking defenseless newcomers. I ask you, why would they? All you spawn with is a flashlight, 1 bandage, and 1 set of painkillers. Why would someone willingly waste a bullet for anyone of those things? what gain is there?

From my perspective, aside from griefing, you only lose if you decide to camp the beach. I've only played for a week bro and let me tell you, no weapon spawning is beautiful cause for the first time today I actually saw people grouping up when they spawned, and they would work together. One pulled the infected while the other looted. Might not work perfectly but it's better than shoot on sight.

And don't say zombies are impossible to get past either, I roughly(edge of my seat shitting myself) raided a village solo by doing what? prone and avoiding zeds eyes like what the patch notes. Also serpentine through the forest followed by prone rolling, beautiful tactic, but again it is not perfect.

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Some tips for you. TIPS: 1. Always crawl while in a town. 2. If you agro a zombie run and try to hide.

3. Search every building so you can find a gun. 4. If you hear agro zombies go the other way. 5. Any ammo you find take it. 6. Never run standing up in a town(I saw like 3 people die that way today). 7. When it turns night go on a Russian server :D. 8. If you have a gun and agro a zombie get him away from a town. 9. Teamwork something that will come in handy with the new patch. 10. And make sure to donate to the dayz team so they have money to live on while fixing stuff.

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While I agree with points 2 and 3 about the bugginess of this patch, I disagree with the first point. As it is mentioned later on, the insane difficulty presented by the new zombies will most likely be toned down once LOS and zombie sight range gets fixed, which would lessen the need for a starting weapon.

As for the bandit problem, we must take in account all of the changes in this patch. It is a matter of risk vs reward. Newly spawned in players will have a flashlight, painkillers and a bandage. None of these items are worth a prospective bandit's time and ammunition. While there are some bandits who kill for enjoyment these bandits will have a far more difficult time dealing with tougher and stronger zombies, should they choose to fire their high-powered rifles so close to coastal cities. The patch will also alleviate some of the alleged "deathmatch" problems as new players will have nothing to kill others with.

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The point of the game is to be brutally hard. I just started a new life in 1.7.1, within 30 minutes I had a Winchester and plenty of other equipment.

Harden up or take yourself to a car wash to wash the sand out of your vagina.

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I kinda made an account just to debunk what everyone says about bandits attacking defenseless newcomers. I ask you' date=' why would they? All you spawn with is a flashlight, 1 bandage, and 1 set of painkillers. Why would someone willingly waste a bullet for anyone of those things? what gain is there?

From my perspective, aside from griefing, you only lose if you decide to camp the beach. I've only played for a week bro and let me tell you, no weapon spawning is beautiful cause for the first time today I actually saw people grouping up when they spawned, and they would work together. One pulled the infected while the other looted. Might not work perfectly but it's better than shoot on sight.

And don't say zombies are impossible to get past either, I roughly(edge of my seat shitting myself) raided a village solo by doing what? prone and avoiding zeds eyes like what the patch notes. Also serpentine through the forest followed by prone rolling, beautiful tactic, but again it is not perfect.


1. If you aren't approaching from a treeline/heavy brush area it's literally impossible to not get spotted as you're approaching from the town. Unless you've actually tried approaching some of the towns in the northern areas of the map don't talk, because it's pretty idiotic that they can see you that far. Hell, even when you're approaching from a heavy brush area/forested areas, you STILL get spotted often.

2. The Zombies are fucking useless at night with the new LOS. They can't see farther than MAYBE 2-3 feet. Maybe. Put on NV goggles, go to town looting everything for free because they are absolutely lethal during day time, but absolutely harmless during the night. This only widens the already extremely wide gap between newer players and people that are veterans who either have a ton of gear, or have access to gear instantly through friends/hidden stashes. It only demonstrates that the LOS is NOT working as intended.

3. I just watched a group of Bandits camp the beach for over an hour just because they could and the people they were killing were helpless. Removing defense mechanisms in fact only encourages more idiotic "noob" camping. Sure it's great realism; the strongest survive, while the weak die out. Not great for your community though, especially when you want as much exposure and as many people to play your game as possible.

The point of the game is to be brutally hard. I just started a new life in 1.7.1' date=' within 30 minutes I had a Winchester and plenty of other equipment.

Harden up or take yourself to a car wash to wash the sand out of your vagina.


The game is suppose to be realistic. Running around with a bunch of potential threats from both human and non-human with literally no way to defend yourself is not only unrealistic, it's plain out idiotic. No sane human being would ever do such a thing. Ever.

Not just that, I seriously doubt that Rocket intended for Zombies to be able to see you from a mile away during the day while struggling to see their damn shoe laces at night.

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I've spawned about six times in the new patch now, and had a pretty grim experience with Z aggro mechanics

> Crawling at about 2-3x safe range in the old patch and a Z goes Usain Bolt. Crawling before was pretty much OK unless you tried to cuddle a zombie's legs- the trade off is how slow it is

> Lots of zombies spawning inside buildings, on top of the loot that I need to check for a starting weapon

> I spawn in the Sol Quarry from an old life, take two steps and insta-aggro 3 Zs

Not all that fun at all!

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I kinda made an account just to debunk what everyone says about bandits attacking defenseless newcomers. I ask you' date=' why would they? All you spawn with is a flashlight, 1 bandage, and 1 set of painkillers. Why would someone willingly waste a bullet for anyone of those things? what gain is there?

From my perspective, aside from griefing, you only lose if you decide to camp the beach. I've only played for a week bro and let me tell you, no weapon spawning is beautiful cause for the first time today I actually saw people grouping up when they spawned, and they would work together. One pulled the infected while the other looted. Might not work perfectly but it's better than shoot on sight.

And don't say zombies are impossible to get past either, I roughly(edge of my seat shitting myself) raided a village solo by doing what? prone and avoiding zeds eyes like what the patch notes. Also serpentine through the forest followed by prone rolling, beautiful tactic, but again it is not perfect


oh boy, you really do not know how bandits or even how the internet works. there are people out there who will kill you in this game simply because they can, and not because they want to.gain anything from it other then griefing you.

and yeah, maybe this will cause players to work together, but i am sure that as soon as one of these players finds a gun, they wont be so kind anymore.

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1. why would you NOT approach from the treeline? Like how does this not even cross a normal persons mind? you don't even have to be a hardcore gamer to know that a safe approach is from where you are least visible.....I mean come on man. And i know there are towns with no tree lines, well then go prone, be patient. Don't run in guns blazing or through the front door cause from what you said, that sounds like what you do.

2. Did not know that, but you say that as NVG are easy to get.

3. Those guys really sound more like griefers than bandits to me..... They are there to break the experience cause they can, a bandit is just a douche who will kill you for what you have when he can. They weren't, they just wanted to kill.

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1. why would you NOT approach from the treeline? Like how does this not even cross a normal persons mind? you don't even have to be a hardcore gamer to know that a safe approach is from where you are least visible.....I mean come on man. And i know there are towns with no tree lines' date=' well then go prone, be patient. Don't run in guns blazing or through the front door cause from what you said, that sounds like what you do.

2. Did not know that, but you say that as NVG are easy to get.

3. Those guys really sound more like griefers than bandits to me..... They are there to break the experience cause they can, a bandit is just a douche who will you for what you have when he can. They weren't, they just wanted to kill.


1. Read my edit, even from the treeline/heavy brush thicket, you'll still get spotted well over 50% of the time. Luckily for me, I'm geared to the teeth so it's not exactly an issue for me. For the oh so unlucky player that is spawning on the coast with no defensive mechanism that has to run through towns/heavy population areas to grab a gun, along with almost literally no cover at all since he's on the coast? Yeah. Exactly.

2. The LOS is not working as intended. I did a run through at night time just to see how bad the Zombie LOS would be at night, and it's atrocious. They basically cannot see at all at night, and the only way they could tell you were there is if you were idioticly noisy, or literally standing right in their face. I don't think Rocket intended for Zombies to be deadly mutants of death during the day while being cuddely wuddly fuzzy rabbits at night.

3. Boredom brings out the worst in people. People will kill often just for mere entertainment, you obviously haven't read enough history to understand this. There were many times when the Romans, Greeks, and other ancient civilizations started wars with other peoples just for shits and giggles, won, proceeded to destroy their towns and enslave their populations.

This is suppose to be a SIMULATION. And in a REAL life situation where shit hits the fan, nobody is going to be dumb enough to walk around without a weapon of some sort, whether it be a knife, axe, baseball bat, a fucking clothes hanger or something. They are gonna have SOMETHING. Also, I seriously doubt that if a Zombie/Infected is so useless at night if it can see literally over a mile during the day time while also having Superman level hearing.

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1. why would you NOT approach from the treeline? Like how does this not even cross a normal persons mind? you don't even have to be a hardcore gamer to know that a safe approach is from where you are least visible.....I mean come on man. And i know there are towns with no tree lines' date=' well then go prone, be patient. Don't run in guns blazing or through the front door cause from what you said, that sounds like what you do.

2. Did not know that, but you say that as NVG are easy to get.

3. Those guys really sound more like griefers than bandits to me..... They are there to break the experience cause they can, a bandit is just a douche who will kill you for what you have when he can. They weren't, they just wanted to kill.


Hi, you must be knew to the internet.

The VAST majority of bandits will camp the beach and shoot at new spawners, and not even touch their gear. It happens.

Are there those that do it for your loot? Yes. But the rise of the Coast-bound big game hunter is here.

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1. why would you NOT approach from the treeline? Like how does this not even cross a normal persons mind? you don't even have to be a hardcore gamer to know that a safe approach is from where you are least visible.....I mean come on man. And i know there are towns with no tree lines' date=' well then go prone, be patient. Don't run in guns blazing or through the front door cause from what you said, that sounds like what you do.

2. Did not know that, but you say that as NVG are easy to get.

3. Those guys really sound more like griefers than bandits to me..... They are there to break the experience cause they can, a bandit is just a douche who will kill you for what you have when he can. They weren't, they just wanted to kill.


Hi, you must be knew to the internet.

The VAST majority of bandits will camp the beach and shoot at new spawners, and not even touch their gear. It happens.

Are there those that do it for your loot? Yes. But the rise of the Coast-bound big game hunter is here.

Exactly, at least BEFORE you had to be SOMEWHAT stealthy, because if a band of newcomers came running at your ass and got lucky with some Makrov rounds, you were down for the count.

Now, you can pretty much walk around and lulz for the winz while gunning everyone down for shits and giggles without any kind of danger.

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TBH' date=' even with Makarov's from the start, I'm pretty sure people would be dying left and right with the new Zombies.


Working as intended.

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I kinda made an account just to debunk what everyone says about bandits attacking defenseless newcomers. I ask you' date=' why would they? All you spawn with is a flashlight, 1 bandage, and 1 set of painkillers. Why would someone willingly waste a bullet for anyone of those things? what gain is there?

From my perspective, aside from griefing, you only lose if you decide to camp the beach. I've only played for a week bro and let me tell you, no weapon spawning is beautiful cause for the first time today I actually saw people grouping up when they spawned, and they would work together. One pulled the infected while the other looted. Might not work perfectly but it's better than shoot on sight.

And don't say zombies are impossible to get past either, I roughly(edge of my seat shitting myself) raided a village solo by doing what? prone and avoiding zeds eyes like what the patch notes. Also serpentine through the forest followed by prone rolling, beautiful tactic, but again it is not perfect


oh boy, you really do not know how bandits or even how the internet works. there are people out there who will kill you in this game simply because they can, and not because they want to.gain anything from it other then griefing you.

and yeah, maybe this will cause players to work together, but i am sure that as soon as one of these players finds a gun, they wont be so kind anymore.

You do understand that there will always be griefers, right?

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1. why would you NOT approach from the treeline? Like how does this not even cross a normal persons mind? you don't even have to be a hardcore gamer to know that a safe approach is from where you are least visible.....I mean come on man. And i know there are towns with no tree lines' date=' well then go prone, be patient. Don't run in guns blazing or through the front door cause from what you said, that sounds like what you do.

2. Did not know that, but you say that as NVG are easy to get.

3. Those guys really sound more like griefers than bandits to me..... They are there to break the experience cause they can, a bandit is just a douche who will kill you for what you have when he can. They weren't, they just wanted to kill.


Hi, you must be knew to the internet.

The VAST majority of bandits will camp the beach and shoot at new spawners, and not even touch their gear. It happens.

Are there those that do it for your loot? Yes. But the rise of the Coast-bound big game hunter is here.

Exactly, at least BEFORE you had to be SOMEWHAT stealthy, because if a band of newcomers came running at your ass and got lucky with some Makrov rounds, you were down for the count.

Now, you can pretty much walk around and lulz for the winz while gunning everyone down for shits and giggles without any kind of danger.

The ONE balancing feature to that is the instant sight zombies...but when you have NVG and people who spawn with just a flashlight do not...

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I kinda made an account just to debunk what everyone says about bandits attacking defenseless newcomers. I ask you' date=' why would they? All you spawn with is a flashlight, 1 bandage, and 1 set of painkillers. Why would someone willingly waste a bullet for anyone of those things? what gain is there?

From my perspective, aside from griefing, you only lose if you decide to camp the beach. I've only played for a week bro and let me tell you, no weapon spawning is beautiful cause for the first time today I actually saw people grouping up when they spawned, and they would work together. One pulled the infected while the other looted. Might not work perfectly but it's better than shoot on sight.

And don't say zombies are impossible to get past either, I roughly(edge of my seat shitting myself) raided a village solo by doing what? prone and avoiding zeds eyes like what the patch notes. Also serpentine through the forest followed by prone rolling, beautiful tactic, but again it is not perfect


oh boy, you really do not know how bandits or even how the internet works. there are people out there who will kill you in this game simply because they can, and not because they want to.gain anything from it other then griefing you.

and yeah, maybe this will cause players to work together, but i am sure that as soon as one of these players finds a gun, they wont be so kind anymore.

You do understand that there will always be griefers right?

That's not the point; the point is that having new players spawning without any kind of defensive mechanism only encourages even MORE griefing. It was already bad enough as it was having a flimsy Makarov against a guy with say a silenced M4 or a DMR blasting your ass from a tower or random area in the wood.

And not just that, because everyone is now going to be basically forced into playing on night time servers due to instantsight zombies with insane range of vision, the griefers will have an even bigger field day since they are the ones who have NVGs, silenced weapons, and long range rifles, while your ass is sitting around fumbling through the dark with a damn flashlight.

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The point of the game is to be brutally hard. I just started a new life in 1.7.1' date=' within 30 minutes I had a Winchester and plenty of other equipment.

Harden up or take yourself to a car wash to wash the sand out of your vagina.


Nice constructive feedback:dodgy:

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The point is, when you roll out the red carpet for griefing, people are going to grief.

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