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21st Ranger Battalion Recruiting Aus/Asia Players Now

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21st Ranger Battalion Recruiting Aus/Asia Players Now

The 21st Ranger Battalion is a US based clan that is currently filled with members from around the US, UK and South America. In order to facilitate greater operational capacity and to aid counter bandit and zed operations the 21st Battalion is asking for players from the area around the Australasia area. Our goal in 21B is to be able to have a 24/7 patrol arc through the servers in order to halt bandit activity and aid the civilians of Chernarus. So If you are from these areas please submit an application to the link below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Some Background to 21B..................................

21st Ranger Battalion

We Fear no Evil, for We are Fear Incarnate

21’st Ranger Battalion is an experienced clan and we are looking to expand and recruit experienced and non-experienced players no matter the age. All applicants are accepted. This clan is based on surviving and hunting bandit clans. We have our own teamspeak server, it will be used for training and undergoing Operations. 21st Ranger Battalion is not in any way a bandit clan. Our objective is to protect Chernarus and its inhabitants. We have strict rules but everyone finds a way to get used to them. This Clan operates as tactically as possible. Duties include, but are not limited to, fighting against crimes that endanger the peace and security of mankind, terrorism, corruption, and organized criminal activities in the sphere of management and economy, as well as other unlawful acts immediately threatening Chernarus' vital interests.


1.) Aide and abet any survivors in Chernarus

2.) Annihilate any gangs and bandits

3.) Provide security, protection, and supplies to survivors

21st Ranger Regiment SOP/ROE Handbook







A. Rules of Engagement (R.O.E.)

The Rules of Engagement is a set of Rules that determine what you lawfully can, and cannot do while conducting a mission. The ROE can be changed to fit different operations but these are the ROE the 21st Ranger Battalion will follow unless explicitly told otherwise.

A. 1 Target Categories

A target is whatever you are currently aiming at. Regardless if it’s an area, building, vehicle, zombie, or player it is a target. Targets are categorized as Hostile, Allied, and Non-combatant.

1. A. Hostile Targets

A hostile target is a target that is stopping you from completing your mission, or is attempting to make your mission more difficult to accomplish. If a target is determined as hostile you are to use everything in your power to engage, and destroy the target unless stated otherwise. Once the target has been destroyed you may ceasefire at your own judgment.

1. B. Allied Targets

An allied Target is any target that is supporting 21st Ranger Battalion in its operations. These targets should never be engaged and permission to engage can only be given by the highest authority on the battlefield at the time. In the event that an allied target does engage you, you are to immediately seek cover and say “Cease Fire! Friendlies!” By no means, should you attempt to harm, subdue, or kill the friendlies that are engaging you. In the event that radio contact is not working, a road flare or chemical light will be used as a secondary means of communication.

1. C. Non-combatant targets

A non-combatant target is a target that is in the battlefield, but shows no hostile intention and is not with any allied forces. A Non-combatant target will not be engaged unless it performs a hostile action, or hostile intent.


A. 2. Hostile Action/Hostile Intent

2. A. Hostile Action

A hostile action is any action that prevents/compromises/threatens the completion of any operation, or objective. You may engage a target that preforms a hostile action with whatever force you believe is necessary to destroy the target.

Examples of a Hostile Action would be another person shooting at you. A person detonating an explosive, or a person spotlighting your location with a chemical light, flashlight, or road flare.

2. B. Hostile Intent

Hostile Intent a non-combatant or hostile not committing a hostile action, but could be in the position to perform a hostile action in the near future. Engaging someone performing a hostile intent is left to the Squad leader. Once the Squad Leader declares that the target is preforming hostile intent the target becomes a Hostile Target preforming a Hostile Action and can be destroyed.

Examples of Hostile Intent would be a target spotting for a sniper. A target planting explosives on the ground, or a target following you after being told several times to leave.


B. Standard Operation Procedures (S.O.P.)

A Standard Operation Procedure is a set of standard procedures used during operations. These are simply guidelines for what you may encounter during an operation. These are by no means a foolproof way of guaranteeing your survival but these will help guide you through a handful of the most common events that happen during a military operation.

B. 1 Pre-combat Inspections, Pre-combat Checks (PCI - PCC)

(PCI/PCC is for when the clan is in operational status only)

Troops will be assembled 15 minutes prior to an operation and will conduct Pre Combat Inspections on themselves, they will ensure that food, water, blood levels are green. Those troops using a rifle have a minimum of 210 rounds on them; troops using a light machine gun will have a minimum of 400 rounds. They will have NOD’s, either a Range Finder or a pair of binoculars on them. In their backpack each soldier will have the standard of 3 bandages, 2 blood bags, 2 Morphine auto injectors, 1 Epi-pen. Soldiers may also bring food and water at the Team Leader’s discretion.

10 minutes prior to the operation the Team leader will conduct, Pre-combat checks, and ensure that their soldiers are prepared for the operation. They will then report to the Squad leader where he will inspect the team leaders and make sure they are prepared for the operation as well and meet the standards of the 21st Ranger Battalion.


B. 2. Warning for Operation Orders (WARNO)

Squad Leaders will be given a WARNO at minimum 12 hours prior to the operation. The Squad Leaders will inform their troops that a WARNO has been issued and to prepare for an operation. The Operation Commander must issue an Operation Order (OPO) at least 4 hours prior to the operation. The Operation Order will state the following.


-Enemy Forces

-Allied Forces

-Attachments and Detachments



-Infiltration (INFIL) procedures

-Recon and surveillance information if any

-Route of Movement


-Exit strategy


-Potential Threats

-Environment Considerations




-Medical Evacuation Procedures


-Command Structure

Once the OPO has been issued the Operations Commander will assemble his troops and brief them on the Operation.

B. 3. Radio Standards

All Radio Communication will be minimized. There will be no filling the chat that is not mission related. In the event that radio communication is commencing and you have important mission related information or requests you will announce “Break, Break”. Once this is said the Radio will be quiet until the announcer is finished.

Example:Scarecrow this is Ranger X-Ray what is your position? over

Ranger X-Ray, this is Scarecrow I am at Grid 698439 over

Scarecrow, Ranger X-Ray Roger. Kris what is your position? over

Break, Break, Ranger X-Ray this is Scarecrow we have a causalty at Grid 670440 requesting med-evac over.

Scarecrow, Ranger X-Ray Roger, one med-evac truck inbound move causalty to the road 50 meters North of your position Med-evac in 4 minutes. over

Ranger X-Ray, Scarecrow, Roger out.

Kris, Ranger X-Ray what’s your position over?


B. 4. Ranger Standard

21st Ranger Battalion standard is a standard in which every Ranger will conduct themselves to survivors. A survivor is a non-combatant who is neutral. A Ranger will never conduct himself to a survivor in a manner that will harm the reputation of the 21st Ranger Battalion. We operate to destroy bandits, and protect those who are trying to survive. A Ranger will never deny a survivor aid so long it does not threaten the Ranger, the team, the squad, or the mission. A Ranger will always attempt to save an injured survivor so long it does not put the Ranger in a position that will threaten the Ranger, the Team, the Squad, or the Operation. Rangers will be held to a professional manner and during all operations will conduct themselves as the most professional warriors known. They will be humble, they will not slander other clans, and they will prove their abilities through actions not words. The Rangers will not tolerate anyone who insults a fellow Ranger, be it survivor, enemy, ally, or fellow Ranger. If a Ranger feels insulted they may contact the Battalion Commander or Battalion Executive Officer. The BC or XO will inform the offender who has 2 more chances after that. Once those two chances are gone the offender will no longer be permitted to be a Ranger. They will be denounced, and stripped of all titles.

21st Ranger Battalion

We fear no evil, for we are fear incarnate

Feel free to send in an application, the link is below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

21st Ranger Battalion AUS/POC


Application: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDc2Z2c2M2lxamMtaG02b01yb1dSX1E6MQ#gid=0

We are now on a new server hosted by Whendrix502

Server name is : US 220

IP is:

Hope to see all of you there!

Edited by Cos239

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Cool, I guess. I gather that if you are posting on here you are looking for new members. Looks like alot of the dayz players don't come on here. So yeah. I'm having the same problem.

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We are still looking for more Aussies, at the moment we are doing alot of prepping for standalone and assignment of roles.

If we get some more applications then we can get another Aussie squad up and promotions will come quickly so send in a application and ill get back to you ASAP

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Ah ok mate did you send it in this thread mate or the main 21b thread. Drop one in this thread mate and I can help process it

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I received it mate and added you on Skype so when you get a chance jump on if not just pm me and I'll sort it through pm's

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Yeah mate I got it I added you on Skype but if you prefer a different method let me know please

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sounds absolutely awesome... and i'm sick of bandits killing me every time i get a good weapon and supplies :(

Looking forward to jumping on a server with everyone

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Yeah mate I got the app and added you on Skype so when you're on next ill catch up with you

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ah awesome, I will be on Skype at around 5:30pm Melbourne time. and you can give me a briefing, I have not got much equipment as my net budgeted up and last time I played I got killed by a bandit :( looking forward to catching up man

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Ok sweet man I should be on briefly around that time and ill give you a brief and hopefully get you started on the server

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