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Rules of Engagment

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1. Do not shoot unless shot at, if they shoot at me I hunt them down and KOS.

2. If they see me and don't try to kill me,I will attempt communication with them

3. If they like me, then try to trade supplies/group up.

4. If 2/3 fails, shoot them in the face, tbag the corpse and loot the body.

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1: Kill everyone

2: Kill everyone

3: Kill everyone

4: Kill everyone

5: Team up with people to Kill everyone

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ROE are generally for war.

For most that is probably the case.

That is.. Unless they magically find out how the map works, and find out that there are actually something outside of Elektro and Cherno.

Chances of that are slim to none however.


Anyone in the area that we deem as a threat get's taken out. Depending on what we are doing in that spesific area.

We have let more of the ones we have seen go, rather than just shoot them.

Depend's what your general motive is.

We shot a guy who turned out to be friendly, and then guarded his body till he came back, by that time there were 4 bodies surrounding his, so he got more than he bargained for.

He is now part of our squad aswell.

There are endless possibilties in this game, and one do not really need an ROE for every setting possible, simply because you never know what you are up against.

Anyhow, I had a laugh reading the thread.

Carry on lads.


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Here is my list of Rules of Engagment:

1# - Engage on Bandits if they are in a close enough distance.

2# - Engage on players which may cause harm or have seen me.

3# - Engage players which have decent loot or if I am in need of loot.


#1 - Rob players which have decent loot or if I am in need of loot.


#1 - Unarmed

#2 - Friends/People who I know who are friendly.

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Shoot bandits on sight.

Watch survivors closely. If their behavior appears to be hostile to others, put them down.

Blood transfusions to EVERYONE who needs them who isn't a bandit. Not really a ROE but whatever

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-Bandits, unless they are superior in something, in which case i leave them alone.

-Panicked Bambis that fire upon me.

-Anyone in cases of emergency (=Northern areas).

Leave alone/help:

-Unarmed players.

-Anyone in need, unless he's a bandit.


-Those with vehicles, if they've parked them somewhere I'll take them.If I see someone driving, I'll do my best to stop him without firing.If I succeed, I'll ask for a ride.

Edited by thodouras95

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Still a bambi so I haven't shot anyone other than a guy who opened fire on me and my mate in the office building in Elektro.

#1 Fire if fired upon. If I feel you're a threat and retreat isn't an option I will try my hardest to kill you.

#2 Armed bandits are a threat

#3 Survivors I'll either avoid or try to communicate with, if they are armed and act suspicious it's better to be safe than sorry.

#4 Heroes I might call out for help (food/drink/blood/morphine/directions) if necessary.

I did run into some random guy near Balota last time while traveling with a friend, he was armed and we weren't and the guy turned out to be helpful. Even gave me morphine when some zed broke my leg with 1 hit

Edited by Chips-

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I stick to the shadows with my sniper rifle so I apply RoE every day.

Pullin the trigger:


Watchin carefully:

Any groups

Survivors that could be hostile to others.

Anyone with a sniper rifle

Casually observe:



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So if i'm understanding your reasoning in this well thought and insightful post I can guess you are either a zombie or a CoD player?

This is a bandit thread. Grow some nuts and harden up.

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1: Kill everyone

2: Kill everyone

3: Kill everyone

4: Kill everyone

5: Team up with people to Kill everyone

Steps 1 - 4 kill everyone, how will you execute 5 if no one is left?

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This is a bandit thread. Grow some nuts and harden up.

Okay there tough guy. I'll leave clicking on pixels from miles away with your buddies to you and your collective sacks but I'll on the other hand be using my brain and the cognitive reasoning that it comes with to secure my territory and thrive off people like you who like to give away their positions by firing on poor unsuspecting players.

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Okay there tough guy. I'll leave clicking on pixels from miles away with your buddies to you and your collective sacks but I'll on the other hand be using my brain and the cognitive reasoning that it comes with to secure my territory and thrive off people like you who like to give away their positions by firing on poor unsuspecting players.

You are one seriously butt hurt little man. You keep making assumptions about everyone's play style. You think I use sniper rifles? I almost always engage at 350m or less. I for the most part only use M16 and M4 variants. Quit making yourself look like a moron.

PS: "people like you who like to give away their positions by firing on poor unsuspecting players" Who broadcasts that they are about to shoot? EVERYONE should strive to catch their target by surprise (unsuspecting). The key to wining a engagement is the element of surprise, swiftness and violence of action.

Edited by Col. Kurtz
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1. Have a mild panic attack whilst wondering if they've seen me.

2. Begin perspiring heavily, raise arms slightly to prevent chafing.

3. Attempt to identify as friend or foe.

4. Decide that it's probably a foe but it might be a friend so I really should shoot just because.. but what if he/she is a really nice person?

5. Question the principles of my actions, are they truly moral? Do I cease to be a good person if I fire upon an innocent? What defines a good person? Is innocence merely an illusion?

6. Start quoting The Thin Red Line.

7. "This great evil. Where does it come from? How'd it steal into the world? What seed, what root di-"


9. *Ragequit*

10. Wonder if his/her Rules of Engagement are similar to mine.

Edited by QuinnTheEskimo
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1. Everyone armed.

2. Anyone with a towel on their head.

3. Anyone in a vehicle.


1. Everyone armed who I manage to knock out, I then break their leg, bandage them while they're still out cold, and let him be (without any weapons).

Don't Kill/Assist:

1. Hero skins.

2. Someone who's knocked out and getting eaten by zombies.

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Rules of engagement:

Now I generally do not kill newly spawned unarmed players, due to it being irritating for that player and unsatisfying for me. If an unarmed player approaches me, I may give them some food if they hang around me. Then I tell them to leave, I dont like to be followed. If they don't leave me, they are a threat to me from the possibilities of stealing weopans, food or giving away my position and I will kill them. If there are weapons close by and they head towards them, I kill them.

I will attempt to kill other players of equal or higher strength and power to gain needed equipment and supply.

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So if i'm understanding your reasoning in this well thought and insightful post I can guess you are either a zombie or a CoD player?

Between your post and your username, I think I can guess what kind of DayZ player you are.

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I will never go out of my way to kill someone, as I already have all the gear I need and trying to hunt somebody down generally results in my own death more than my original victim's. However, if there is a completely open opportunity to kill an armed player, than I usually go for it, as it's one less thorn in my side I have to deal with later on (I just make sure I move out of the area ASAP, as revenge hungry guys who got lucky and found that AK early on generally head straight to where their bodies were before with intentions to get their gear back and kill anyone in sight).Ignore unarmed players.

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i think having rules defeats the purpose of being a bandit.

im not a bandit though, not usually.

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Kill: Everyone

Make no friends except those you've made in real life or in other games. I don't care how pitiful someone sounds, how much they beg, how new they are, they will be eliminated. Resistance is most definitely futile. No allies except the ones you've had before. No dealing with bull shit, no dealing with backstabs, be the superior authority.

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