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For the love of GOD! Think about the children!!

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It is possible to play' date=' but you have to adapt player avoidance strategy to zombies. You have to Splinter Cell around zeds from now on.


Dude i have played all splinter cell games, all metal gear games, all stealth games you can think of, and these are humans attacking you, not brainless zombies in this game that can see you from ages away, zombies should be put to the previous patch, everything else is fine imo, even starting with no weapon.

No shit. I thought these were terrorists on drugs.

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he speaka da troof.. fucking zombies run jillion miles an hour and make you bleed and break ur fucking leg in 1 hit and glitch thru walls 90% of the time.. how about you stop being a fucking moron with dumb ass replies to legit posts ROCKET and try and fix the game..

We are people playing a free proof of concept alpha mod that isn't even a game yet. We want it to be a AAA shiny, polished game, and it's not, which is sometime really, really, really frustrating.

What i don't get, is why a subset of us, namely people like you, think there are going to make things any better by insulting the guy who originally developped this mod for free, and for a target audience of 150 players, total.

Maybe you should consider you actually are the moron(s) by being so utterly, despicably and openly agressive. As I want to behave like a civilized, mature guy, like you should, I won't even tell my deepest feelings about you and your behavior, but I think you'll guess on your own.

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I had a winchester and a makarov, a patrol pack full of slugs and 1 7 makarov mags, I was at the factory in between polana and Orlovets, After an hour straight of killing zombies a friend comes and gets killed right as I run out of winchester slugs so I take his Lee and 3 clips kill 30 more zombies and they still just kept on coming until I stepped one step to far backwards and fell off the roof to my death. in the end I had 628 zombie kills 452 headshots. Zombie spawns are insane.

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This is how this community is going, just like the rest of the internet:

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This is how this community is going' date=' just like the rest of the internet:


I laughed at this. It is incredibly true

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he speaka da troof.. fucking zombies run jillion miles an hour and make you bleed and break ur fucking leg in 1 hit and glitch thru walls 90% of the time.. how about you stop being a fucking moron with dumb ass replies to legit posts ROCKET and try and fix the game..

We are people playing a free proof of concept alpha mod that isn't even a game yet. We want it to be a AAA shiny' date=' polished game, and it's not, which is sometime really, really, really frustrating.

What i don't get, is why a subset of us, namely people like you, think there are going to make things any better by insulting the guy who originally developped this mod for free, and for a target audience of 150 players, total.

Maybe you should consider you actually are the moron(s) by being so utterly, despicably and openly agressive. As I want to behave like a civilized, mature guy, like you should, I won't even tell my deepest feelings about you and your behavior, but I think you'll guess on your own.


I would propose that maybe people like him are openly aggressive, because everywhere you go on this forum you see people being openly aggressive towards people doing what they are supposed to do in an alpha and post criticisms/feedback about whats been done.

the biggest problem here is the subset of us who think that, as this is an alpha, all criticisms of the game should be tossed out the window and those who put them forth need to be lambasted.

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he speaka da troof.. fucking zombies run jillion miles an hour and make you bleed and break ur fucking leg in 1 hit and glitch thru walls 90% of the time.. how about you stop being a fucking moron with dumb ass replies to legit posts ROCKET and try and fix the game..

We are people playing a free proof of concept alpha mod that isn't even a game yet. We want it to be a AAA shiny' date=' polished game, and it's not, which is sometime really, really, really frustrating.

What i don't get, is why a subset of us, namely people like you, think there are going to make things any better by insulting the guy who originally developped this mod for free, and for a target audience of 150 players, total.

Maybe you should consider you actually are the moron(s) by being so utterly, despicably and openly agressive. As I want to behave like a civilized, mature guy, like you should, I won't even tell my deepest feelings about you and your behavior, but I think you'll guess on your own.


I would propose that maybe people like him are openly aggressive, because everywhere you go on this forum you see people being openly aggressive towards people doing what they are supposed to do in an alpha and post criticisms/feedback about whats been done.

the biggest problem here is the subset of us who think that, as this is an alpha, all criticisms of the game should be tossed out the window and those who put them forth need to be lambasted.

Totally agree with you.

That's why, hadn't he said something roughly like "ROCKET stop being a fucking moron and fix the game asshole for fuck sake", I would consider his opinion as totally acceptable. I don't consider "Zombie APOC PhD's" who insult players giving polite negative feedback to be any better, trust me.

And don't ever think that I believe DayZ is perfect or the dev team members are deities : they have organisational issues, they lack QA best practices when issuing releases, etc. There is a LOT of room for improvement. However, as a open source software developper with decent knowledge of release lifecycles, QA best practices, community driven dev, etc, I can attest that all of these improvement are easier said than done. This takes time they don't necessarily have right now. Again, as software developper, I have not a frigging clue how they could efficiently be implemented in the very context of the DayZ mod : I don't have the necessary knowledge.

All I can say is that mature criticism will point the dev team in the right direction, over time. Offensive behavior can however disgust them of their own user base, to the point of abandonning the project totally, as I would most likely have, had I received, on a pet project of mine, as many offensive complaints and insults.

So I truly hope they are stronger than that, and that the good-looking commercial perspectives around this project and the small proportion of respectful users - who either enjoy the mod because they find it fun "as is", or don't because they consider the many bugs/hacks/glitching as blocking - are enough to keep them working with dedication.

However, I think that even though they will go on no matter what, that offensive behavior can still be crippling to that dedication in their work. The way I see it, they can :

1. Turn a blind eye on the insults, and thus partially miss the target, as they will forget the legitimate concerns and feedback of what seems to be a large part of their userbase.

2. Keep reading all the noisy and agressive feedback and deal with it anyway, which may lower their motivation and the hinder the team spirit of the devs in spite of their will to make things right (yeah, it's can be that hard to be "loved" by assholes)

Of course I'm quite sure this "dichotomic" vision is pretty incorrect. What I can say however, without the fear of being dead wrong, is that Dean Hall initially wanted to generate genuine emotions within players minds, and judging from this bestialilty and violence within some of the posts I see here, he certainly didn't missed this target. At least he and his team can hold on to that.

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Oh, and one last thing : people exagerating on both sides

1. "fuck you this game is crap rocket is an asshole"

2. "fuck you this game is perfect rocket is a god"

Will only lead people like OP getting more replies from rocket like the one he got. "Stop exaggerating", while he actually wasn't.

OP had a legit and still polite way of describing the problem with the patch. He wasn't offensive. He was even funny IMHO. Rocket is supposed to know how to take things with a grain of salt. At least I hope so, because he actually wants the community to take the instability of the mod with a grain of salt.

But of course, with so many people trolling, insulting or flamewaring from every single side, I totally understand he can make the mistake of thinking OP is just another one of these guys. Seriously, the noise to signal ratio of these forums is overwhelming. I have a harder time than ever finding anything useful or insightful here. And I even can't help but adding my own fucking meta-noise by complaining about them being so noisy. I try hard not to post replies like this on every single thread I read, sometime I just HAVE to do it for my own mental health.

Sum up as : not hard to understand Rocket might unwillingly engage friendlies when caught in such a crossfire.

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lol at the thread title

thanks for the laugh

I was thinking he was going to pull a clever on us by talking about how there should be zombies who are children.

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unfortunatley rocket i dont think these are exaggerations' date=' pretty much the exact same thing is happening with me (except with an M14).


I couldn't agree more, game has turned unplayable for me.

I think you should focus on fixing the existing problems instead of adding more broken features. :sleepy:

The most stupid bug i've experienced is the hatchet or crowbar replacing my primary weapon.

Also zeds spawnings but 10 all stuck inside a building.

Unstable framerate. I used to get 60 to 80 on open areas, now i only get 30 and 10 to 15 in cities.


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If you can edit your post without everything being an exaggeration' date=' I will read it.


Although it was about 1-2 weeks ago i exited a small shed in cherno and i immediately had a zombie become aware of me from no less than 30 meters away from BEHIND a shipping container.

It proceeded to attack and bring friends.

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Today was my first day, and I played for about 6 hours (9-10 tries) but found it very tough. My best moment was definitely my first life. I was running though cherno with 10 zombies after me, ran into a shed picked up an ax and climbed the nearest ladder; I almost bled to death trying to figure out how to use a bandage. Very difficult, with very little reward, but I certainly will not give up... yet.

P.S. the ax is very effective at killing ladder-climbing zombies.

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