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Clips, Magazines, CLIPAZINES

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First of all, clipazine2776651.jpg

Now then, I almost had a derp aneurism when I found out you could not combine half empty mags in this game. So I can combine 4 x 2round slugs into an 8 pack, but I cant combine 2 x1 round slugs into a 2 pack? EXCELLENT!

So, first order of business, I would like to see a better magazine system implemented that allows the player to combine somewhat spent magazines and discard empties. This would be (somewhat) easy to implement as it would basically be an extension of the current "combine" feature that allows players to switch between 45 revolver and 45 1911 mags.

Piggybacking off this idea, someone once said "Combat isn't about shooting, it's about reloading". This is quite true, if you find 50 rounds of makarov ammo for your shiny new Mak, but you only have 1 magazine, you still only have 8 shots before you must clench your bum and run for the hills. Face it, having ammo doesn't mean having the effective ability to shoot it in your gun.

So my idea is having magazines be scavengeable and LOADABLE. This means magazines each hold their assigned number of rounds to be loaded from a BULK AMMO BOX. Something like a "50 round box of ammo X" or a "20 round package of y.yy x yy" This dynamic would make scavenging for magazines more of a priority since after all how many effective rounds are you comfortable with? Maybe you want 3 30round mags and a big pile of ammo in your backpack. Thus effectively taking up 4 slots. Maybe you're paranoid as hell and want all 9 of those mags loaded (Do you have 9 mags to load? :P)

This would also serve a dual role since it would allow players to carry bulk ammo in just one or two inventory slots. Especially applies to low capacity weapons such as makaroni, 1911, revolver, etc. There's no freaking way 1 makarov mag takes up a "slot" in my backpack. (take this from a makarov owner, 2 makarov mags take up approx as much space as 1 box of 50 rounds for 9x18mm)

Thoughts comments?

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No way to bring about this change through suggestions, maybe give it a try yourself. These guys are buried to their necks in things to deal with, & what would really help is some actual steps towards development & integration. Modding is the best way to go.

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No way to bring about this change through suggestions, maybe give it a try yourself. These guys are buried to their necks in things to deal with, & what would really help is some actual steps towards development & integration. Modding is the best way to go.

I'll be the first to admit: I do not know how to mod and I have no idea of the effort that goes into the modding process. That is exactly why I am not trying to suggest anything entirely ungrounded such as "give us all pogo sticks" or "implement wiggling your ears for added realism"

I feel that the groundwork for my suggestion is already kind of there. We have some magazine combination options already available, and certain actions such as "fill water" are ground work for "fill magazine. It would be like inventory - empty AK magazine - box of 100 7.62x39. Click AK magazine, "fill magazine". Mag is now full, box count is reduced to 70.

I fully realize this is beyond my capabilities. I only hope some community modders see this and consider it. I can't be the only one who has ever thought of it.

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Works cannot express how much I love this suggestion. By far one of my favorite suggestions to date.

Adds a whole new dimension to getting prepared to go out on an expedition with your friends.

Take my beans, sir, take them. You may have my virginity as well.

Edited by Very Ape

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Thank you for the support fellas. Please post some feedback if you can, and if you're a modder or know a modder, or know a guy who knows a guy who knows a modder, lets get this idea to them.

At least this idea is more grounded than half of the ones on this board.

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What if you could include an option, while looking at a teammate, to look at ammunition from his own ammo pool.

You could then assign him as a sort of "Ammo guy."

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already in the suggestions:

"Magazines would work like containers. Individual bullets are items. Magazines only hold bullets for which they are designed to take. This would allow you much greater freedom in managing ammo and magazines, which is one of the biggest gripes at the moment amongst Day-Z players, and provide much greater realism. It would present new challenges and new dilemmas to the player and add more variation in finding loot. For example you might find a box of hollow-points and a box of armour piercing rounds, but you only have one magazine. Are you going to be coming up against armoured enemies or not? Do you load the hollow points or the AP rounds, or even alternate them throughout the magazine? "


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I have seen this idea around for some time now, and this would be a really nice improvement!

I hate having three 30 round magazines with 10 bullets in each, and being unable to combine the 3 magazines into one.

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This is suggested every day, use search.

it is still a good suggestion, having more of the same does not hurt.

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This is suggested every day, use search.

He was specific, put some effort into the suggestion.

Besides, it can't hurt. We want this implemented, we're gonna have to push for it. What do you think will stick; one suggestion lost in the archives, or a hundred of the same suggestion? :P

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This is suggested every day, use search.

Frankly? shove it. I DID use search. Out of the results that came up, the most recent was 5 days ago, and it wasn't very detailed. I think this suggestion actually BELONGS in the game rather than half of the half baked shit people come up with like mp3 players, diapers and other bullshit. You're gonna sit there and condemn me creating a topic that seems to be pretty well received with some constructive criticism? Yeah okay asshole.

I see now what battle snail posted. Now I know. I'm glad there's already a consideration for it. But like VeryApe said, if you want a good idea to go through, lets keep it near the top of the suggestion board, before it gets pushed to page 15, because a bunch of retards are posting how they'd like to see seatbelts and nitrous implemented into the game.

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Actually, this suggestion was in one of the stickied threads, but you have my beans just for the pic.

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No way to bring about this change through suggestions, maybe give it a try yourself. These guys are buried to their necks in things to deal with, & what would really help is some actual steps towards development & integration. Modding is the best way to go.

Do you know what a suggestions forum is?

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Frankly? shove it. I DID use search. Out of the results that came up, the most recent was 5 days ago, and it wasn't very detailed. I think this suggestion actually BELONGS in the game rather than half of the half baked shit people come up with like mp3 players, diapers and other bullshit. You're gonna sit there and condemn me creating a topic that seems to be pretty well received with some constructive criticism? Yeah okay asshole.














It doesn't matter when it was suggested if the idea is the same. The reason there are so many repeats is because of the mentality of "if it's more than a week old, it's outdated and doesn't represent my perfectly original idea at all."

Edited by Dutch Miller

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Yeah really

OOOH SHIT look at that!

1. Last reply August 13

2. DMR and M24 mags conversion. Last reply Nov 25.

3. Add more guns discussion. Last reply Oct 31.

4. Yes, this is about ammo management. Last reply Nov 9.

5. Last reply Sept 19

6. etc etc etc

I know I'm not the first to think of it. I'm bringing it up because I think it should be in the forefront of the changes, not something we forgot about because "oh it's been mentioned before". I'd rather keep bringing up something that SHOULD BE ADDED IN, rather than let it be forgotten and left out because "oh well Iknow we talked about it, but oops we forgot".

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An oldie but a goodie, you have my beanz simply for this line ...

you find 50 rounds of makarov ammo for your shiny new Mak, but you only have 1 magazine, you still only have 8 shots before you must clench your bum and run for the hills.

Thanks for the bubble moment. :beans:

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He obviously put some thought into this suggestion.

The devil is in the details, on a forum where your suggestion is destroyed if you don't outline every possible scenario/possibility. >.>

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Yeah really

OOOH SHIT look at that!

1. Last reply August 13

2. DMR and M24 mags conversion. Last reply Nov 25.

3. Add more guns discussion. Last reply Oct 31.

4. Yes, this is about ammo management. Last reply Nov 9.

5. Last reply Sept 19

6. etc etc etc

I know I'm not the first to think of it. I'm bringing it up because I think it should be in the forefront of the changes, not something we forgot about because "oh it's been mentioned before". I'd rather keep bringing up something that SHOULD BE ADDED IN, rather than let it be forgotten and left out because "oh well Iknow we talked about it, but oops we forgot".

"It doesn't matter when it was suggested if the idea is the same. The reason there are so many repeats is because of the mentality of "if it's more than a week old, it's outdated and doesn't represent my perfectly original idea at all"

DId you read this part of my post? Refresh the idea. Add some discussion to it. You may not be aware of this, but when you reply to something it gets moved to the top of the forum so people see it and it isn't dead anymore.

And some of those threads aren't exactly what you talked about. But they still relate, and the idea can still be applied to them. (And to be fair, those were the very first results I found, had I gone through the 5 pages I'm sure I could have found more similar for you).

I like that you have added thought and depth to it. It's more than most people do. But you don't need a new topic to add depth and thought to a suggestion.

Edited by Dutch Miller

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I actually have another "idea". It would be introducing ammo boxes ala 300px-Ammunition_box.jpg

BUT, you don't have to put just one type of ammo into it. You'd be able to PILE ammo into it, as a mess, just to hold your ammo in one unified location. Think of this as a backpack within your backpack, specifically for one purpose. Kinda like a toolbox, but only for ammo.

I realize the argument against this is "so you want a container INSIDE your container", but my instant comeback to that is, it would make sense, because it's a method of carefully organizing some of your equipment rather than dumping it directly into your backpack.

I also think the "toolbox" should be an actual container that you put tools such as hunting knife, wire fencing kit, vehicle wrenches, etc into.

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I like the ammo box idea, but i think we should think the size a bit, say 15 cm high, 20cm wide, 10-15cm deep. would still fit snuggly in the backbags, and you can still stash in some food and drink there. and some extra mags.

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Well let me see how big my ammo can is real quick...

10" x 3-1/2" x 7

for metric, that would be

25cm x 8.9 x 17.78

so there you go

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