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ALT+F4ing after death

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Well hey we got Combat Logging fixed. I'm really grateful about that. But now a new problem has come up, ALT+F4ing after death so players can't loot gear.

Now I don't know much about coding, but I would assume there would be some way to fix that. And I would like to see a punish system when that happens, I'm not sure how we could do this? Maybe make a system where if you wanted to leave the server after dying you had to respawn first so you couldn't ALT F4 and punish the player that killed you and wouldn't be able to loot that said body.

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This made me quite angry the other day. I was playing DayZ and saw a guy trying to steal my tractor. So, I shot him but before i could loot the beautiful M24 off him he just sunk into the ground.

I then quite playing until the next day.

This needs to be fixed in DayZMOD or DayZ Standalone.

Thanks, TheNoobmove5000

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yeah i had this same shit happen. Its like the new thing since the latest patch. I honestly dont know how they do it. I think the close the game out in the alt tab after they die since you cant press alt f4 anymore. And he cant abort after he sies. I just dont understand how they make there body disappear after they die.

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There are multiple macros for closing out the game. Thinking that you can fix it by disabling one is sad.

It also disappoints me that every time they take something out(respawn) it takes me about thirty seconds to figure out how to respawn again.

You can still respawn, and you can still combat log if you're quick enough.

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Yes it's not flawless by a long shot. I suppose you could shout at the Devs to fix it or maybe look at each other and think, "Well whats the point in doing that if you are already dead?"

Thing is Combat Stumps are the most childish of all gamers, don't wine about them, just realize you are a better player than them and a more sporting individual...

This will most likely be sorted in the Standalone but for now it's a really annoying thorn in the backside we are just going to have to deal with...

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The server I play on is using the very latest v175 patches. Our community is quite small and almost everyone uses our TS.

So when we've seen bodies sink into the ground, we've been able to change TS channel and find out who it was and what happened.

It appears that it is not happening as maliciously as you may think. People are simply seeing the death screen, and if they abort in the normal manner too quickly then sometimes their body disappears. We've also had instances where people have come into a TS channel asking why their body was hidden, and it transpires that no-one did hide the body. So we have to assume the same thing happened - aborting too quickly made their body disappear, and they can't recover their own gear.

Edited by Anti

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