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Wasteland Golbal - tittes and beer

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was playing on there about 30 mins ago , i was with a few guys at novy sobor when out of no where they got killed by visious, i manged to get away in a uaz , i got to the other end of stary then that guy kills me , there is no way he could of gotten from one end of novy to the other end of stary that quick.

i want to report him for teleport hacking and then when i question about it over side chat , he says he is the head admin then went and kicked me because i said i was going to report him and now im banned from the server when all i did was question him.

this is unfair and abuseive , if he didnt have anything to hide then why didnt he say go ahead and report me and ill see ya on the forms? but no , he goes and kicks then bans me - guilty much?

please could someone give me any guidence on what i can do , many thanks

ip of the server is -

Edited by Flawzel Williamz

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I was mislead by this title, I expected titties and or beer.

Edited by #Sleepy
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Wrong Forum, wrong approach.

There is a Forum Topic for reporting Bad Servers.

Prepare your proof and see what happens.

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