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underwater loot

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Their can be underwater loot where you can swim underwater and loot from sunken ships or something

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Eh, I dont love the idea. I mean MAYBE if they require you to find a lot of gear in order to do it that like takes your backpack slot and everything. I doubt they will add this though

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Sounds like a pretty awesome idea to me. Certainly not one that would be implemented anytime soon, but the idea of having players living entirely on their boats without ever touching shore sounds interesting and I think warrants consideration.

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considering how awkward the water is to interacted with in ths game, please no, ill rather have a random zombie spawn right behind me every 10 minutes than try and loot something underwater in this game.

Edited by DiazWaffleCrabstro

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Oh lewk, a water pool in Siberia! Hmm... I wonder if someone would hide his loot in that disgusting cold pile of shit? I KNOW!

I'm gonna dive in with all my clothes on, maybe that will work, of course.

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In a zombie apocalypse, who in their right mind would dive underwater?
In a do or die situation, who in their right mind would choose to assume there's nothing there instead of getting their ass in the water to look?

I think there should be things like this. Overturned cargo ships and the like.

Nobody in the harbour to prevent all the boats there from drifting off. No crew to stop them crashing, beached or capsized.

Not everybody will be up for the exploration/investigation, but in my mind, the less options we're given, the less this feels like an authentic world.

And I thought that was the whole point.

EDIT: Game engine and time constraints aside, this would be a good way to bring the world to un-life. So to speak.

Edited by Chabowski

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Not sure about just diving in the water and exploring, but if there were a reason, eg: a shipwreck poking above the water off shore, or a truck wreck in a lake then yeah i can imagine swimming underwater to look for goodies.

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