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heat stroke!

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we all know that you can get sick in DayZ if you go swimming for a while, or up a high snow covered mountain and you need a heatpack and or antibiotics to fix you up, but what about maps like fallujah and takistan and whatever map that are set in a hot climate, pretty much all you do there is run in the desert and stuff, so why not have a feature that can cause heatstroke which makes you dizzy and tired and you cant sprint unless you get some water or other drink..

dont know if this has been braught up before but it would be a nice feature to add into the game

Edited by Axxassin

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Antibiotics to fix a heatstroke or cold *shakes head* Typical american thinking. If you absolutely want a drug to fix your cold, it has to be rest, and if medicine, anti virals.

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from what you described that would be either a heat cramp or heat exhaustion. a heat stroke is literally a threat to ones life which would literally sound like in this game what happens when you out of resources or your surrounded by zombies. the difference between a heat cramp and heat stroke is that your muscles will hurt (not being able to sprint) where as the stroke will over heat your body, make you pass out and with enough time to go by, death.

from what i recall from my first aid/cpr class the symptoms of a heat stroke and how you would get one are the same as a heat cramp or heat exhaustion. it would sound better if the idea is implemented in stages similar to how you get a sickness in this game. first you get cold and then you get sick.

With the heat stroke/cramp it would make sense if it goes through stages like so: 1. your body starts losing more water than usual. 2. at a certain point where the water is not blinking but it is red, your characters body should start breathing more heavily and start slowing down. 3. eventually your character because of how thirsty and fatigued you are will pass out. 4. if you dont find medical attention after a few moments of getting up your character will fall over again and eventually die.

In my honest opinon i dont like the idea because out of the many ways i travel the main way is by walking/running. unless it is possible for the desert maps or chernarus to gain more ponds or places to refill water, you will find a lot more people dying but then again this is a simulator of real life. in real life there are more than just the few ways to die in this game especially if in real life a door opening will not break your legs and eventually make you bleed to death :)

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The setup promoted by the OP is not my cuppa tea, but in some subtle format would be an interesting idea.

However, I think there is a definite role of environmental temperature, activity level, hydration etc that should be taken to account, as core temperature is one of the more tightly regulated physiological variables. The body is much more sensitive to increased core temperature than decreased core temperature - an increase of about 5 degrees celsius is life-threatening compared to about a 10 degree decrease. Core temperature during exercise in the heat is controlled largely by sweat evaporation, the efficacy of which is determined by clothing, wind, and ambient humidity. I think running all the time in open terrain in full sun with a full Alice pack, carrying an assault rifle and wearing a Ghillie suit should be quite dangerous and should fatigue you out quickly. At the very least you'd need to hydrate a lot more. If you don't believe me, maybe we should field test it...

Edited by Roshi
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Interesting idea.

I imagine having to rest at the shadow of a tree, in order to regulate body temperature, consuming more water, or maybe retrieve to the woods when the sun is at it's pick on the hot days.

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Antibiotics to fix a heatstroke or cold *shakes head* Typical american thinking. If you absolutely want a drug to fix your cold, it has to be rest, and if medicine, anti virals.

1.Did you read the post? He did not suggest antibiotics to fix a heat stroke unless he edited it out by now if so my bad.

2. Have you played dayz? Antibiotics are in game to fix your cold thats the purpose of them, yes IRL they might not serve the same exact purpose unless your sickness is bacteria related.

OP Not a bad idea map oriented clearly but the stages would need to be set out like Pox posted as your body deteriorates

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Typical american thinking.

Oh god.... Why is the internet filled with people like this? You have no way of knowing what country he lives or where is origin is from. Please don't assume dumb things. Even if it say U.S.A on his profile he could have moved here from anywhere. If you see a idiot on the internet who happens to be American do not blame the whole country.

Okay on to the suggestion itself. Meh. If you get a cold/infection from being cold then a side effect to being hot or having a lack of water would be nice.

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Although there isn't any strong connection between being cold and getting a cold. Despite what your mother tells you. I'd be more worried about hypothermia...

Edited by Roshi

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